
Fan Lin was invited to be a guest on China Central Radio and Television to tell you the story of a generation of famous generals Fan Tianen (1)

author:Still reading History 1

On June 29, 2024, Fan Lin was invited to be a guest on the weekly super love reading column of China Central Radio and Television's Voice of the Elderly's "Happy Time", and together with the host He Chao, she will interpret "Born Fearless" published by the Writers Publishing House for you, and tell you the story of a generation of famous Fan Tianen.

Fan Lin was invited to be a guest on China Central Radio and Television to tell you the story of a generation of famous generals Fan Tianen (1)

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Fan Tianen (1922.7.1-2001.12.2) was a native of Tai'an, Shandong, and joined the Eighth Route Army at the age of 15. 38 Army old-timers. Rong Ma has a lifetime and has experienced a hundred battles; Wise and courageous, resourceful and decisive; There is no confusion in the adversity, and it is not upright; Strict management of the army, bright and upright, for the country and the people, open-minded.

Fan Lin, the son of Fan Tianen. A comrade-in-arms of the 38th Army, one of the authors of "Born Fearless" published by the Writers Publishing House.

He Chao, the host of the weekly super reading column of the voice of the elderly "Happy Time" of China Central Radio and Television.

"Comrade Fan Tianen, you are the author of this book." This sentence is a sentence written by the famous writer Wei Wei on the title page of Who is the cutest person. The book was later collected in the National Military Museum.

Wei Wei's Fan Tianen is the commander of the 335th Regiment of the 335th Regiment of the Third Company in the Second Battle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and is also the protagonist of the book "Born Fearless" that we introduce to you today.

In this episode, listen to the host He Chao interpret "Born Fearless" published by the Writers Publishing House. In this episode, let's talk about the story of a generation of famous generals Fan Tianen.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was an important chapter in China's modern history.

In this war, a large number of heroic collectives and individuals emerged in the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, and they used their flesh and blood to build a great wall of steel to defend the motherland. Van Tien En is one of those outstanding representatives. In the famous battle of Songgu Peak, he led the 335th Regiment to fight bloodily, winning more with less, showing the prestige of Chinese soldiers and the heroism of Chinese men in New China. As the commander of the 335th Regiment, Fan Tianen and his unit held on for five days and five nights. It not only achieves its name as a tiger general, but also proves to the world that the Chinese people cannot be provoked!

Pham Tien En's heroic deeds are not only on the battlefield, but his loyalty, bravery, wisdom and responsibility have become a model for future generations. And his story is not only a history of war, but also an epic of the national spirit. All his life, he lived the oath of a soldier: to defend his family and country at all costs.

Fan Tianen, a name and a symbol, represents the pride and glory of Chinese soldiers. The book "Born Fearless" that we are reading together today is not only a book, but also a microcosm of history, a biography of a hero.

Fan Tianen's life is described by the author as magnificent, full of heroism and tenacity. From a heroic teenager who participated in the revolution at the age of 16 to a predator on the battlefields of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Fan Tianen's life has been fighting for the liberation of the nation and the independence of the country. His heroic deeds not only let us see the fearlessness and tenacity of the Chinese soldiers, but also let us feel the rise of a nation and the strength of a country.

The book "Born Fearless" not only records Fan Tianen's life, but also conveys a spirit. This spirit is loyalty to the country, love for the nation, and responsibility to the people. This spirit is something we still need to inherit and carry forward in the new era.

In 1922, Fan Tianen was born in Tai'an, Shandong. As a bitter child, he grew up in a charity orphanage in a church. This is where the name Fan Tianen comes from. The name his father gave him before was Fan Jikuan, and this name also conveyed the meaning of making the Fan family broad and smooth in the future. It's just that in the troubled times at that time, where can we achieve Jikuan? When he entered the orphanage, his father changed his name to Fan Tianen. As the name suggests, it is to pray for God's mercy to save his children.

This special life in the charity orphanage gave Fan Tianen the opportunity to learn various skills, and also allowed him to come into contact with the underground organization of the Chinese Communist Party after entering Gao Xiaobu. This also led him to a right path in life.

After joining the Eighth Route Army in 1938, Fan Tianen's study and growth experience in the orphanage gave him great help. As a warrior who has studied culture. Fan Tianen is calm and likes to use his brains when encountering problems, he went to the meeting single-handedly and successfully dismantled the local reactionary organization, the Red Gun Club in Tieniuling, which can be said to be famous. In the various versions that circulated, people heard the name of a hero who was courageous, knowledgeable, brave and strategic, literate, martial, affectionate and righteous, so it didn't take long for him to have a nickname called Fan Daring.

After participating in the revolution, Fan Tianen, on the one hand, is good at learning, good at summarizing, on the other hand, very good at being flexible and excited in actual combat, Fan Daring's nickname is actually his military wisdom and combat strategy. In the battles that followed, Van showed excellent fighting ability and leadership skills. Although his position was relatively low, his achievements and contributions were widely recognized and appreciated in the Eighth Route Army. It is precisely because he has commanded many important battles and achieved remarkable victories in battles that he has shown a very high level of command and brave and fearless fighting spirit on the battlefield, so he is also known as "Fan Laohu" by the soldiers.

After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Fan Tianen entered Korea to fight as the commander of the 335th Regiment of the 112th Division of the 38th Army. In the first battle, although the plan of the army commander Liang Xingchu to penetrate the south failed, Fan Tien En still broke through the South Korean 7th Division under the order of the army commander and successfully took Feihu Mountain. Although this operation was meaningless at first, after the Volunteer Army readjusted its deployment plan and launched the second campaign, Fan Tianen and Feihushan instantly became the top priority.

Located in the north of the two major transportation hubs of Akutagawa and Gunyu-ri in North Korea, Phehosan Mountain forms an equilateral triangle with the two places, and from this place, it can lead to Pyongyang to the south, Tokugawa to the east, Sinuiju to the west, and Seocheon, Jeonjie, and Nampo to the north. Whether the United Nations forces are attacking north or retreating south, Feihu Mountain is a must-pass place.

After the redeployment of the Volunteer Army, Fan Tianen also received an order from the Volunteer Army Headquarters: the 335th Regiment could not take a step back at Feihu Mountain. At this time, the 335th Regiment was a lone army deep behind the enemy, and had to face the attack of two divisions of the enemy, but in order to carry out the orders of the Volunteer Army Headquarters, Fan Tianen led the whole regiment to withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of hundreds of artillery pieces and hundreds of aircraft with flesh and blood, and countless attacks, for five days and five nights, the 57 attacks of the US army were nine times the position changed hands, but Fan Tianen and his soldiers did not lose an inch of land. After the war, the Korean people erected a monument on Pheho Mountain, and the inscription is engraved as follows:

Everything flies on Feihu Mountain, adults take righteousness, wisdom and blood, sprinkle North Korea's gold and blue soil, and China and North Korea intend to share the sun.

After killing and wounding more than 1,800 enemy casualties at the cost of more than 700 casualties, on the night of November 8, Fan Tianen suddenly received an order from the Volunteer Army Headquarters to retreat 30 kilometers. Fan Tien En used a regiment of troops to contain the US troops, and helped the 38th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 50th, and 66th armies to deploy on the western front of the Korean battlefield, forming a situation of encirclement. After the encirclement was completed, Fan Tianen retreated to Jiulongli, and after fighting a blocking battle, he began to evacuate. In the end, when the American troops finally attacked the high ground, the 335th Regiment had already disappeared without a trace. At this time, because the US planes did not know the situation, they still carried out routine bombing of the positions of the 335th Regiment, and in the end, many US troops died in the bombing of their own planes.

At this time, the U.S. military has been led by Fan Tianen, lured into Mr. Peng's bad pocket, and held on to it for five days and five nights with a group of soldiers, the difficulty of which is naturally self-evident. As Fan Tian'en said in the People's Daily, revisiting his memoirs for five days and five nights: We can defeat the American devils with an iron rod, a few hammers, and a No. 11 car. Because every shot, every step, or every drop of blood we spill on the battlefield knows how much he means. The iron bar here refers to the rifle, the hammer refers to the grenade, and the car No. 11 is the two legs of the fighters. It is precisely because of the outstanding performance of Fan Tianen and his 335th Regiment in the Feihu Mountain Resistance Battle, that at the summary meeting of the Volunteer Army's campaign, Marshal Peng Dehuai specially praised it: The battle at Feihu Mountain was also good, and they held their positions for five days and five nights, and when they retreated, they arranged the steps properly, retreated step by step, increased troops and reduced the focus, brought in the enemy, and completed the intention of the headquarters to lure the enemy into depth.

Fan Tianen's story allows us to see the true face of heroes, they are not born heroes, but grow up step by step with their own sweat and blood in a difficult environment. Their bravery and tenacity are not innate, but the result of choosing not to retreat, not to give up, and to move forward bravely in the face of difficulties and setbacks.

Speaking of Fan Tianen, we must talk about the Battle of Songgu Peak. Songgu Peak is actually just a small hill of about 300 meters. However, because of its excellent geographical location, the strategic plan of our army at that time was to occupy this place. The task was no less arduous than the previous battles. As a result, the heavy responsibility was once again in the hands of Fan Tianen. After receiving the order to desperately defend Songgu Peak, Fan Tianen immediately led the soldiers to climb up.

On the morning of November 30, 1950, the 3rd Company of the 1st Battalion of the 335th Regiment took the lead in climbing Songgu Peak, and the road was full of enemy troops as far as the eye could see, and the tanks and artillery were discharged several miles away. Thus began one of the most tragic battles of the Korean War.

If the U.S. military wants to live, it must open the Songgu Peak pathway. As a result, the US planes went crazy and grazed the heads of the Chinese soldiers, dropping a large number of bombs and incendiary bombs, and even the US artillery hit the Chinese troops' positions like a dense rain. And the warriors of the 335th Regiment shouted slogans on this hill of blood and fire, destroying the enemy in front of the position again and again.

At 13 o'clock in the afternoon, the American troops attacking the Songgu Peak position began their fifth charge. As the Chinese army became more and more tightly encircled, the fate of the US troops had reached the last moment, and the number of US troops participating in the charge to Songgu Peak had also increased to several thousand, and the US troops under the ruins of the boat dispatched planes, tanks, and artillery to carry out a fierce bombardment of this hill on the side of the road for 40 minutes.

The soldiers of the third company, who had no offensive to hide, could only crouch in the craters of the position, and then suddenly rushed out and fired at the American troops who climbed up. But as the U.S. army's charge was repulsed again and again, there were fewer and fewer people in the three companies on the Songgufeng position who could fight, the platoon commander sacrificed, and the squad leader took the initiative to act. The squad leader died, and the fighters took the initiative to take over. Even cooks and communicators began to go to war.

After Yang Shaocheng, the instructor of the third company, ran out of bullets, he rushed to the enemy with a bayonet, and when the American soldiers, who were several times his size, surrounded him, he pulled the last grenade on his body, shouted "Resolutely hold the position", and then hugged the enemy when the grenade exploded.

It was the last moment of the Third Company, and it was also a moment that was deeply remembered by those Americans who witnessed the battle of Songgu Peak. The volunteers, armed with their cold bayonets, fearlessly rushed at the enemy, fighting with bayonets, fists, and teeth, and when they thought it should be over, they pulled their grenades. By the end of the fifth charge of the American army, there were only five living Chinese soldiers left on the three companies of Songgufeng, but at this time the Songgufeng position was still in the hands of Chinese soldiers.

In the second battle, Fan Tianen's 38th Army completely made a name for itself, and Commander Peng Dehuai personally drafted a commendation telegram, praising the 38th Army in inspiring language, and thus left the famous instruction: Long live the Chinese People's Volunteers! Long live the 38th Army!

This famous telegram was transmitted to the front along with the commendation order conferring the title of exemplary regimental commander on Van Tien En, who had changed hands to besiege the final assault on the American forces.

The Chinese People's Volunteers commented on Fan Tianen in the Chronicles: In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he fought bravely, was bold and meticulous, dared to fight evil battles, was good at fighting tough battles, and was good at continuous combat.

Fan Tianen's story shows us the power of the national spirit. During the war years, it was this national spirit that allowed us to overcome all difficulties and enemies. In peacetime, this national spirit is the driving force and support for our progress. Only when we have this national spirit in our hearts will we be able to maintain our indomitable fighting spirit and confidence in the face of difficulties and challenges.

At the most dangerous moment for the Chinese nation, there will always be many heroes like Fan Tianen. They use their heroic feats to tell the world with their blood and lives, who is the most lovely person?

What is their purpose? Perhaps, as Fan Tianen said: Who doesn't want peace, and everyone wants to be willing to fight wherever they want. It's so cruel, can the old dead give birth well? The enemy will not let us be at peace. Since we won't let it, then let's do it. If you do it, you have to sacrifice, sacrifice, and if you put it on yourself, you don't want to sacrifice, then the country will be over, and whoever is who will be on the spread. Even if it sounds like it anymore today. Fan Tianen's words are still sonorous and powerful.

Listeners and friends, the writer we introduce to you today, the book "Born Fearless" co-authored by Liu Hongwei and Fan Lin published by the publishing house, is not only a praise and commemoration of a generation of famous generals Fan Tianen, but also a praise and commemoration of all the brave and fearless volunteer soldiers who defended their homes and the country in that era. They are the pride and glory of our nation, and their spirit will always inspire us to move forward, and let us extend our highest respect and gratitude to them. At the same time, let us cherish peace, remember history, never forget our original aspirations, continue to move forward, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Listeners and friends, the above is "Born Fearless" published by the writer publishing house recommended for you in this issue.

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