
Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

author:Fun and entertainment
Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

Yang Di, a frequent guest on variety shows known for his humorous style, recently made waves in the public eye because of a phone call. As a rising star in the entertainment industry, his career did not start easily, but with his humor and emotional intelligence, he gradually won the love of a wide audience and stars. has Xie Na, a master who is silently supported, behind him, and also gives him a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

For Xie Na's public welfare activities, netizens have shown high appreciation and support. On May 26, 2013, Xie Na's design of love T-shirts attracted widespread attention, and the charity sale of 500 T-shirts attracted many fans to participate. Some netizens left a message on social media: "Sister Xie Na's design is really amazing! Support this meaningful charity sale and hope to help more people in need. "The sale of these T-shirts not only raised funds for charity causes, but also made more people aware of the importance of public welfare activities.

Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

On September 19, Xie Na participated in the "I Say Goodbye to Shark Fin" public welfare activity, calling on everyone to protect wild animals. One netizen commented: "Sister Xie Na's actions are very powerful, and it is the responsibility of each of us to protect wild animals. Her participation is not only a personal practice, but also a contribution to the society with love and responsibility.

On January 29, 2016, Xie Na participated in the "9+1 Let's Celebrate the New Year Together" targeted poverty alleviation public welfare activity, sending warmth and help to people in poor areas. Some netizens left a message on Weibo: "Seeing Sister Xie Na's contribution to poverty alleviation activities, I feel that she is really caring and positive. "These targeted poverty alleviation measures have made more people realize the importance of reducing poverty and helping vulnerable groups.

On July 4, Xie Na participated in the live broadcast of "A Bowl of Rice with Love" to raise free lunches for children in poor mountainous areas. A netizen wrote in the comment area: "Watching Sister Xie Na's public welfare live broadcast, I feel very warm in my heart, and I hope she can continue to do more for these children." "This kind of live-streaming fundraising activity not only helps the lives of children, but also arouses more people's attention and participation in public welfare.

Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

On July 21, 2021, Xie Na and Zhang Jie issued a document through the studio to donate 1 million yuan for the flood in Henan. Netizens reposted and commented on social platforms: "Sister Xie Na and Brother Zhang Jie are so caring, I was really moved to see this news." "Their donation not only helped the people in the disaster area to tide over the difficulties, but also demonstrated the sense of social responsibility and responsibility that public figures should have.

Despite his flourishing career, Yang Di's love life is little known. For many years, he has maintained a long-distance relationship with his beloved girlfriend, but failed to enter the palace of marriage, which has become an insurmountable bump in his life.

On June 30, 2024, Yang Di's life took a dramatic change. That day, he participated in the recording of the show as usual, and laughter and joy seemed to fill the entire recording scene. However, a phone call from a pet store completely changed his state of mind.

Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

The content of the phone call made Yang Di's world collapse in an instant. For 14 years, his pet dog Budai has been an indispensable part of his life, whether it is on the stage of success or in ordinary family life, Budai has always accompanied him. But at this moment, Budai's condition deteriorated rapidly, and the pet store advised him to make a difficult choice - euthanasia.

Yang Di's heart was as painful as being cut by a knife. He cried bitterly at the recording site of the show, uncontrollably revealing the endless sadness and unspeakable mourning for the cloth bag in his heart. He thinks of every fragment of Budai in his life, every lonely moment it has accompanied him and the support behind every success.

At that moment, Yang Di felt real loss and despair. As a joke bearer, he is accustomed to using humor to hide his inner vulnerability. But this time, he couldn't contain his emotions and stopped trying to hide it. His tears flowed incessantly, as if to pour out all his sorrows, and his voice was hoarse from crying.

Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

Despite this, as a professional artist, Yang Di soon realized that he needed to control his emotions and complete the job at hand. He tried his best to calm himself down, refocus, and continue recording. This is not only a requirement for yourself, but also a respect and responsibility for the audience and the work team.

As the recording progressed, Yang Di tried not to think about the fact of Budai's death, and tried not to recall those painful moments. He tried to distract himself by working so that he would not wallow in his sadness. Although his mood was difficult to calm down, he knew that only by continuing to move forward could he overcome the gloom in front of him and get out of the shadow of his heart.

Although the mood swings made it difficult for him to control himself, as a senior entertainer, Yang Di quickly regained his composure and continued to complete the recording task, showing a high degree of professionalism and professional attitude. After Yang Di's emotional breakdown, the recording site fell silent for a while. The staff couldn't help but worry about him and surrounded him to offer comfort and support. The director saw that Yang Di's mood was not completely stable, so he arranged a short break to give him some time to adjust his state.

"Brother Yang Di, don't be too sad, Budai also hopes that you will continue to be happy." The show's producer, Auntie, comforted him softly on the side, she knew how deep Yang Di's feelings were for this dog.

Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

"Thank you all for your concern." Yang Di nodded vigorously, trying to calm his emotions.

The atmosphere at the recording site gradually eased, and Yang Di gradually regained his professionalism. He sat back in his chair and tried to focus on his work. Although his eyes are still a little red and swollen, he tries to keep smiling and present the best show effect for the audience.

"Brother Yang Di, come on!" A staff member quietly encouraged him on the side table. These short words conveyed support and encouragement to him, making Yang Di feel warm and empowered.

Yang Di also realized that he couldn't let his personal emotions affect the progress of the entire team and the show. He began to devote himself to his work, interacting with the guests attentively and guiding the progress of the show. Although he still feels sad in his heart, he has learned to find a balance between work and life.

Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

On social platforms, Yang Di's fans also expressed their support and comfort to him. Someone left a message saying: "Brother Yang Di, I have also had a dog accompany me for many years, and I can understand your feelings." Come on! These sincere messages made Yang Di feel a sincere emotional connection from fans, and he knew that he was not alone.

Yang Di, a variety show star who always shows a funny smile in front of the camera, shows his professionalism and warmth as an entertainment industry behind his tears.

Yang Di rushed to the hot search overnight, on the 30th! Yang Di, who was recording the show, cried bitterly because of a phone call

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