
Fan Lin was invited to be a guest at China Central Radio and Television to tell you the story of a generation of famous Fan Tianen (2)

author:Still reading History 1
Fan Lin was invited to be a guest at China Central Radio and Television to tell you the story of a generation of famous Fan Tianen (2)

【He Chao, host】Audience friends are in this unit, we specially invited Fan Lin, the author of the book "Born Fearless". He is also the son of Fan Tianen, the protagonist of the book, and we have Mr. Fan Lin.

Hello listeners, I am Fan Lin, I am one of the authors of the book Reportage, Born Fearless, and we also have an author named Liu Hongwei.

[He Chao, host] I see that this book is the second edition, and there has been one edition before, that is, two editions before and after, is there a difference in content?

[Fan Lin, special guest] There are some differences, because of the previous version. I wrote about Fan Tianen, the son of Mount Tai, and that book belongs to this kind of pure biography. It is written according to the historical era, but some specific things in it are written less, this book "Born Fearless", so I am based on that biography, and then on this basis, according to some of the old father's memoirs, some of the things described in the memoirs. In this way, I will show this work in the way of words.

【He Chao, host】So you would like to share with you, what kind of person is your father in your eyes?

[Fan Lin, special guest] Because of my father, he is a relatively professional soldier

[He Chao, host] Ah, professionalism.

[Fan Lin, special guest] Yes, first of all, he is a professional soldier in our revolutionary ranks, and he is a staunch and loyal Communist Party member. Because he was an orphan, he couldn't remember when he was born since he was a child, so he took the party's birthday as his birthday. Why do I say that he is a professional soldier in a revolutionary army? Because I think of my father, he was a legendary soldier who was born for the Revolutionary War. Because his life was through the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he went from an orphan to a soldier, and his biggest characteristic was to inspire his subordinates with his revolutionary martial spirit, and to influence his subordinates to move forward bravely on the battlefield with his personality.

We have seen large and small battles in the book, and he is especially able to inspire the spirit of soldiers and teams, so that everyone knows what to fight, how to fight, and how to fight. In particular, several major battles are particularly prominent. Whether it is as Fan Bold or Fan Tiger this characteristic. As you mentioned earlier, my father grew up in an orphanage, and it was very valuable that he learned culture. So how did this experience of learning and growing up in an orphanage affect his later engagement in the revolutionary war?

[Fan Lin, special guest] Because he learned the culture in the orphanage, because he should have been in the orphanage when he was 5 years old. Then he went to elementary school, went to junior high school, and at the age of 38 and 15, he came out to be a soldier, and he was in the Shandong Corps of the Eighth Route Army in Shandong. Growing up in an orphanage, especially in such an environment of adversity, he was relatively mature when he was young. He just has to demand himself according to the different surrounding environments all the time, he has to constantly look at problems and analyze problems, he has to work harder than normal people when he learns, especially when they work and study, when he was in the orphanage, he was in the electromechanical room, and the electromechanical room was responsible for all the electric lights in Tai'an at that time. At that time, he was learning technology, mechanics, power generation from his master, and then learning culture was also very serious, and he also went to learn English. After he entered the DPRK, the maps used by our troops at that time were all maps left over from the Kuomintang era at that time. As for the map of North Korea, it is rarely an old map. Therefore, in battle, some combat instructions sometimes issued by our higher authorities were based on the old map. But in fact, you still don't know how to mark the actual terrain features. At this time, my old father made full use of his background in learning English in the orphanage, and he directly took the latest map of the captured American army that was the United Nations Army, and he used this map to lead the troops to intersperse, to dot and complete various combat missions, which was a great help, and all the maps of the United Nations Army were in English at that time.

[He Chao, host] Suffering makes life. So this self-reliance also made him participate in the anti-Japanese column later, and after participating in the revolution, he highlighted a kind of leadership ability in the team. There is a paragraph in the book about the dissolution of the Red Gun Society, and this paragraph is really a lonely hero.

[Fan Lin, special guest] What about this Red Gun Club, it was also my father's second year of participating in the Eighth Route Army, and he opened up the entire base area of Laibei at that time. At that time, in the Laibei area, the Japanese supported some so-called vigilante groups and other reactionary organizations in some places, and at that time, they were all armed with a javelin, so they were called the Red Gun Society. They are clamoring to confront this anti-Japanese armed force and prevent us from establishing an anti-Japanese base area. At this time, it was my superiors who demanded that my father must open up an anti-Japanese base in the local area to disband and eradicate some local reactionary organizations, especially some reactionary forces in some places that cooperated with the Japanese puppet, and the Red Gun Society was one of them. But the Red Gun Society relied on their familiarity on the ground, and it meant that his composition was some local landlords and some ruffians and hooligans, so they shouted, Fan Tianen, if you dare to come over, then we will sacrifice your Fan Tianen's head to the gun. We are in a place that absolutely does not cooperate with the anti-Japanese forces. That's right, don't pay food to the anti-Japanese forces. In this case, my father and the working group chose a Red Gun Club in Tieniuling Village, which could be said to be the most arrogant at that time. This Red Gun Club can be said to be very stubborn. So my father chose this difficulty according to the situation at that time. That is to say, first of all, I will disintegrate, and I will cancel the Red Gun Club in Tieniuling Village to carry out the work of the anti-Japanese base area in the future, so to speak, paving the way.

[He Chao, host] Hit the snake and hit the seven inches!

[Fan Lin, special guest] Yes, at that time, he took the working group, that is, he went straight to Tianjin Ling Village, and the general comrade of the work with him said that he still persuaded him not to go, because our work in this place is not very well carried out, and it is very dangerous after going. At that time, there were only two people working, and he said that I would go and you would stay, after all, we had so much work to do in the base area, and it could not be said that because of our sacrifices, we would not be able to carry out our work. He went to Tieniuling Village alone, and when he walked to the gate of Tieniuling Village, the person in charge of this nearby guerrilla group specially stopped him, saying that you should think about it, don't say that it has just been established now, and it is very dangerous to kill.

I went in in the evening, and after I went in, the Red Gun Club was in a courtyard, and they were holding some so-called ceremonies of their Red Gun Club. Hearing that Fan Tianen was coming, they were waiting in this place. There is a long case in the courtyard of the Red Gun Society, on which there is a big incense burner lit on the top of the cigarette incense, and then there are a few big men standing next to it, each of them has a javelin in their hands, and a piece of red paper is inserted on the javelin, and the red paper is written in black letters, which means that you will die after you come, because I am going to take your Fan Tianen's head, I will sacrifice the gun. At this time, after my father entered the courtyard, suddenly there was a commotion from the side, and more than a dozen people with javelins came out, and each of them had such a piece of red paper stamped on the top.

[He Chao, host] It's dangerous.

[Fan Lin, special guest] is very dangerous. At that time, my father, he suddenly found that in the shadows behind the incense case sat the leader of their Red Gun Society. Without saying a word, he went up in three steps and two steps, and grabbed the leader by the neck with one hand.

[He Chao, host] Your reaction is very fast.

[Fan Lin, specially invited guest] Yes, well, because the thief captures the king first! Yes, he grabbed his neck, then took out a shell gun and put it against his temple, and said to him directly, didn't you sacrifice my Fan Tianen to your blood today? OK. There is one thing you have to understand that we are all Chinese, we cannot say that we are killing our compatriots with this Japanese who bully our compatriots, we are anti-Japanese armed forces, we are here to beat the Japanese, we are here to liberate our fathers and villagers. I can come today, I just want to cancel your Red Gun Club, otherwise I won't be here. Speaking today, I am in this place and I can go out, and it is also the hope of your future life. I can't get out, all of you are lit up. At that time, I saw that the leader of the Red Rifle Society had a look of fear in his eyes, so my father said at that time, I limited you to disband the Red Gun Society within two days, otherwise I would bring a team to stop you at that time.

[He Chao, host] Well, it's not me who came.

[Fan Lin, invited guest] By the way, at this time, he put down the leader and was discharged from the hospital in great strides. As a result, two days later, the leader of the Red Gun Society fled to Laiwu City and ran to his organization, and as a result, all the followers of the Red Gun Society were scattered, and some of them joined our anti-Japanese armed forces. On this matter, my old father went straight to the Red Gun Society alone and directly disbanded the Red Gun Society, and the local people spread about this matter, and my father also had a nickname, called "Fan Daring".

[He Chao, host] Then I also mentioned one point in the book, that is, I really started to work with the devil. Then he also has a wonderful idea, that is, in the face of the night blockade of the devil, light the sky lantern for the devil, this section is also very exciting.

[Fan Lin, special guest] Actually, when my father was already an instructor, there was a stronghold called Xiaohezhuang stronghold. At that time, the troops asked to hit this stronghold, but it was difficult to hit this point, why? In addition to having his walls, this Japanese army has mastered a method of guerrilla warfare of the Eighth Route Army, that is, he is good at fighting at night. They just organized a lot of lights on the castle tower.

[He Chao, host] has illuminated you.

[Fan Lin, special guest] But what about the city tower, the lighting it makes has characteristics, it is behind the lamp, it is all made of the kind similar to tin foil, that is, the light is gathered to fight the Japanese puppet army, hiding behind the lamp. In the past, when many troops were fighting this stronghold, at night after a dozen people and lights, you couldn't see the enemy clearly. The enemy hid behind the lights, so it was said that after three or four hits, they were not defeated. Then the superiors demanded that my father and the company must cooperate with the entire anti-encirclement and suppression within the specified time, and pull out this stronghold.

As for my father at that time, he had heard about the battle of some of the troops in the stronghold he had fought before. At the same time, he went to the vicinity of the stronghold at close range to conduct reconnaissance, and finally came up with a set of combat plans. Even on the day of the fight, the sky began to darken, and it was the Japanese puppet army shouting, that is, the Eighth Route Army, you come up, right? You can come up and kill you as much as you want, he is very loud. After it was completely dark, the Eighth Route Army was about to attack. At this time, all the searchlights in the stronghold were turned on, and the Japanese were hiding behind the sun lamps and were about to release their guns on the Eighth Route Army.

At this time, it was suddenly discovered that the puppet army behind the lamp was all exposed to the light. What's going on? My old father used to use his previous work in the orphanage, especially the electromechanical room, when he was responsible for maintenance, and it was the electric light of the entire Tai'an City, some knowledge of these optics, he found several gas lamps that were particularly bright, called gas lamps at that time, and then picked them up with an extra-long bamboo pole, and after picking it up, it was higher than the exploration lamp in the stronghold, so that he was tantamount to shining out all the Japanese troops hiding behind the lights. In fact, it means that this is to fight the enemy's strengths with his own shortcomings. In this way, the Japanese puppet army is all exposed, and it is easy to say that it is exposed, so that we can organize shooting, and after organizing shooting, we can organize a ladder to attack, and finally take down this stronghold. After taking it down, when the battle was summed up at the end, especially when he was the commander of the unit at that time, his superior leader fully affirmed the whole experience of his battle, and the local people just said that the battle that Fan Tianen led the troops to fight was equivalent to lighting a sky lantern for the Japanese devils, right, let them have nowhere to hide.

[He Chao, host] In this book, I am writing about the Battle of Songgu Peak, and there is a detail that touches me very much, that is, the section of the resurrection of heroes, I think that there are survivors after the defeat. It's that the country needs me to carry a gun, and when this war is over, I will unload my armor and return to the field. So what's the background of this story?

[Fan Lin, special guest] Well, this festival of the resurrection of heroes. Very touching indeed. For all listeners, everyone should know that Wei Wei wrote a war newsletter called "Who is the cutest person", and what was described here was the battle of Songgu Peak. This battle actually means that in the second battle, after our volunteers surrounded the United Nations army, the whole time was to tie this pocket mouth, Songgu Peak was this mouth, and Zhiji asked the 38th Army to send troops to tie this mouth. At that time, he ordered the 335th Regiment to continue to rush to Songgu Peak to block the enemy, and he could not escape. Therefore, my father was leading the troops at that time, and arrived at Songgu Peak at about four or five o'clock in the morning. But the terrain of Songgu Peak at that time was from north to south, and there was a road to Songgu Peak, which turned a corner. He said that my father was the one who ordered the troops to come to this building position in this place to stop the American troops. In fact, when the positions of all the troops were just ordered, the American troops had already arrived, and it could be regarded as an encounter. Especially in his first battalion and third company, he was at the very bottom of that corner. He had just entered the position, and in fact there were no positions, all of them were some shell craters left over from the war. At this time, I heard the sound of the motor, heard the sound of the motor, and could hear the call of some radio stations of the US military, and then the encounter began. After the start, first of all, the third company destroyed the enemy's retreating tank and blocked the road. Then the car was wrecked again, and the road was blocked. This battle was very miserable. It is the position of the three companies guarding such a position and such a company, and when the US army counterattacks him, it should first be counterattacked with company units, and later with battalion units.

[He Chao, host] just one battalion and one company

[Fan Lin, specially invited guests] hit a company. Well, he ended up hitting him with this mixed combined force. There were only more than 100 people in a company of planes, artillery, and tanks, and more than 1,000 people came to attack his position, especially the incendiary bombs, and burned the entire position, which was very miserable. The company commander called Dai Ruyi, who died first at that time, and then the instructor Yang Shaocheng took the troops to fight again. Many of the fighters basically set their clothes on fire with incendiary bombs, and they just burned them to death while holding the enemy. After the battle, you look at the battlefield, many of the soldiers who died were hugging the enemy, and many of them rushed directly to the enemy after hitting the primer with mortar shells.

To what extent is this battle fought? Even when he hit the enemy coming from the south to rescue the North Korea, he could see the white five-star of the American army with the opposing tank, but he couldn't break through this line of defense. After the end of this battle, then our writer Wei Wei went to the position of the third company, he saw this tragic battlefield situation, and at that time he really burst into tears, and wrote a famous war newsletter "Who is the cutest person". He gave the book to my father and wrote on the title page: Comrade Fan Tianen, you are the real author of this book.

Who is the cutest person, and his opening chapter belongs to the kind of expression that swallows mountains and rivers. He said, if there is a need to erect a monument, let me write down the names of the martyrs who fought the enemy with fire and fought to the death with bayonets. Their names are Wang Jinchuan, Xing Yutang, Jing Yuzhuo, Wang Wenying, Xiong Guanquan, Wang Jinhou, Zhao Xijie, Jingshan, Li Yuan, Ding Wendai, Zhang Guisheng, Cui Yiliang, and Li Shuguo.

And the living martyr Li Yu'an we are going to talk about is one of the 13 martyrs mentioned by Wei Wei in the loveliest person in this war communication. What about history? It was in 1990, this veteran, he found the 38th Army by himself, and at that time, this veteran said through the doorman that I was a veteran. I was going to come to your leader, and at that time, it was the doorman who brought him to the duty room of the Political Department. When the veteran arrived at the duty room, the first thing he did was to salute the duty officer. Then he took out a primary school textbook, and he pointed to an essay in the textbook, that is, who is the cutest person. He said that this is the list in this, this Li Yu'an, he is me, and I am this person. The officer on duty was surprised at the time, and he quickly reported the situation to the leaders of the Political Department. The director of the Military Office of the 38th Army is called Li Miaosheng, who is also a veteran of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. As soon as he heard about it, he hurried over, and he invited the veteran to the guest house. That means I have to verify my identity first. At this time, Li Yu'an took out his disability certificate and photos of the volunteers. Director Li said, then since you are Li Yuanna, tell me about the battle at that time, and I will find out more. Then Li Yu'an said about me, I am a soldier of the 335th Regiment and the 3rd Company, my name is Li Yuan, and our company commander Dai Ruyi sacrificed first as I just told me, and our instructor is called Li Yang Shaocheng. At that time, I was the deputy squad leader of the machine gun squad of the second platoon, and in the end, because I was seriously wounded in the battle, I was rescued by my brother and sent back to China. After the victory, the organization arranged for the disabled soldiers to be arranged in Bayan County, Heilongjiang, his hometown, and he was arranged to work as a worker at the grain depot at that time.

When verifying the combat experience, Li Yu'an lifted his clothes, and there was a big scar on his left chest that was as big as the mouth of our bowl, because when the bullet passed through here, the two ribs were all broken, right, the entire front chest collapsed, and there was a front chest, because he pulled his arm after this collapse, so his right arm was obviously shorter than this left arm. He was teased in the back with a wound the size of an egg, and the bullet hit him in the chest, through his lungs, and then in the back. He said that in 64 years, the county civil affairs bureau uniformly changed the disability certificate. At this time, when I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, there was a person who kept staring at him. He said, "What are you doing watching me all the time?" The man asked him, "Are you Li Yuan?" Then Li Yu'an said, yes. Then he recognized the man staring at him. This person is actually called Wang Junhai. The two of them used to be in the same company, but later he was transferred to the battalion as a communicator. Wang Junhai grabbed Li Yu'an's arm at that time, and said Hey, you're still alive, and said that the memorial service of our army was held for you, and I still participated. This Li Yu'an was alive, but the camp didn't know about it at the time, because it was the brothers' regiment who went to save them and sent him back to China for treatment immediately after saving him

[He Chao, host] The information is not comprehensible.

[Fan Lin, invited guest] Yes, it is not smooth.

Even at the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to this matter, that is, he arranged to go home, and I was still alive after all. Well, then it was his eldest son who was studying in school, and I heard the teacher talk about this person's article, and everyone is a hero. Right? But he felt that there was a Li Yu'an in it. He said, "Hey, is this my father?" He hurriedly went back to find his father, thinking that Li Yuan was uneducated? He just said let his son read it to him. His son reads the 13 martyrs, for example, Wang Jinchuan, Li Yuan, yes, this is our connection, and he knows that there is a name every day, and he knows it. But because he mentioned it as a martyr, he said that he also mentioned me. But he said I was very uncomfortable, because of what? Because my comrades-in-arms have already passed. Later, someone in the unit knew about it, that is, if you see that if it is you, if it is really you, then you can look for it, maybe you can give some subsidies. Li Yuan thought that it was just to say that how many people have died, no one has left anything behind, and his wife and children are much better than others. After all, I am alive, although my life is a little hard, but I still have something to eat. One is that he works at the grain station, and he works well, so don't cause so much trouble to the country, so he didn't mention it again. It's just working in obscurity in my hometown.

What is the reason why he is looking for troops? That is to say, in 90 years, his youngest son wanted to be a soldier, and he didn't become a soldier for two years. As a result, he really looked at the child as a soldier, and thought to himself that this is not a bad thing, right? So he decided to come to the old army first to see if he could let his son become a soldier. In fact, this is also a kind of spirit to let the son be a soldier, the son inherits the father's business. At that time, I was a soldier to defend my family and country, and now I want to send my son to be a soldier. This comrade of the Military History Office was very moved after listening to his retelling, that is, if you look at the resurrection that has been sacrificed for 40 years, he does not want merit, fame, or treatment. I just want my descendants to be able to serve as soldiers in the old army he wanted to fight with blood, and he was very touched by such an ordinary request. Li Yu'an's story spread out, and soon the People's Liberation Army Daily also published "The Story of the Living Martyr Li Yuan" interviewed by a Xinhua News Agency reporter, so Li Yu'an's conduct in the world, his practice has also become a spiritual benchmark of that era, and has become a spiritual highland in our Chinese national culture.

【He Chao, host】We would like to thank Mr. Fan Lin for sharing his work "Born Fearless" with us in today's program, and also let us know a generation of famous Fan Tianen from another perspective. Thank you again Mr. Fan.

【Fan Lin, special guest】Thank you.

Fan Lin was invited to be a guest at China Central Radio and Television to tell you the story of a generation of famous Fan Tianen (2)

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