
One question and one answer, big S, Gu Junye, talk show actress, Wan Qian, Wang Yibo, Wang Yang, Tang Yan, Sun Yang

author:It's a sleepy bear

Gu Junye's behavior of "eating soft rice" has once again become a hot topic. The marriage between Gu Junye and Da S was once regarded as a romantic renewal, but Gu Junye's recent remarks in front of the media have caused a lot of controversy. He publicly stated that it was Big S who took the initiative to propose marriage and gave him NT$200,000 a month, which made many people feel that he seemed to be a little carried away, and even had the feeling of "soft rice and hard food". The public reacted strongly to this statement, with some arguing that his lack of gentlemanly demeanor undermined respect and equality in the relationship between husband and wife, while others felt that it was a sign of his bluntness and did not deliberately conceal it. Such divergences of public opinion reflect the complex attitudes of society towards equality between men and women and the economic status of marriage.

One question and one answer, big S, Gu Junye, talk show actress, Wan Qian, Wang Yibo, Wang Yang, Tang Yan, Sun Yang

On the other hand, the talk show actress's college entrance examination score was not faked, but her professional certificate raised questions. Her team tried to cover up the issue of professional certificates with the authenticity of college entrance examination scores, but the audience didn't buy it and instead sparked a larger discussion. The public generally maintains a high level of concern about the integrity of celebrities, and this incident also reminds us once again that every move of public figures is in the spotlight and is infinitely magnified. For herself, this is not only a career blow, but also a test of a crisis of public confidence.

Speaking of Wan Qian, she has been in trouble recently. The news that her husband was exposed to cheating spread quickly, but on closer inspection, it seems to be a malicious operation by the paparazzi. As soon as the news came out, everyone's first reaction was naturally sympathy for Wan Qian and indignation at the derailment. As more details were exposed, people found out that it was the paparazzi who photographed her husband, but deliberately released unfavorable news for Wan Qian, intending to create a topic and win attention. This not only made Wan Qian innocently bear a negative reputation, but also reflected the complexity and cruelty of public opinion manipulation in the entertainment industry.

One question and one answer, big S, Gu Junye, talk show actress, Wan Qian, Wang Yibo, Wang Yang, Tang Yan, Sun Yang

On the stage of the Magnolia Award, Tang Yan's team is also in full swing to warm up for her. Her style and momentum have obviously put a lot of effort into trying to dominate the crowd at this event. This high-profile marketing strategy has certainly caused a lot of discussion, with some praising her dedication and the professionalism of her team, while others feel that it is too exaggerated and utilitarian. Tang Yan's every move has attracted much attention, and this operation further reveals how celebrities and teams in the entertainment industry maintain and enhance their influence through marketing.

One question and one answer, big S, Gu Junye, talk show actress, Wan Qian, Wang Yibo, Wang Yang, Tang Yan, Sun Yang

In contrast, Wang Yang's choice to be absent from the Magnolia Award is much more low-key. He has been frequently searched recently because of public opinion turmoil, and this time he avoided this occasion, perhaps to avoid more controversy. Although his fans are a little disappointed, it is not a wise move to avoid the limelight in the current public opinion environment. Such a choice also allows us to see that celebrities sometimes need to weigh the pros and cons and make the most beneficial decisions for themselves when facing public opinion.

One question and one answer, big S, Gu Junye, talk show actress, Wan Qian, Wang Yibo, Wang Yang, Tang Yan, Sun Yang

Let's talk about Sun Yang. Sun Yang's studio's apology statement is obviously wiping his ass for his previous inappropriate remarks. He imitated Lin Gengxin to intimidate fans, but he did not have a national base like Lin Gengxin, and as a result, he attracted a lot of disgust. The public's reaction to him was not just disappointment with him personally, but also disgust at this pattern of behavior. The words and deeds of celebrities on public platforms directly affect their image and career, and this incident is a profound lesson for Sun Yang.

One question and one answer, big S, Gu Junye, talk show actress, Wan Qian, Wang Yibo, Wang Yang, Tang Yan, Sun Yang

Gu Junye's behavior of "eating soft rice" has once again become a hot topic. The marriage between Gu Junye and Da S was once regarded as a romantic renewal, but Gu Junye's recent remarks in front of the media have caused a lot of controversy. He publicly stated that it was Big S who took the initiative to propose marriage and gave him NT$200,000 a month, which made many people feel that he seemed to be a little carried away, and even had the feeling of "soft rice and hard food". The public reacted strongly to this statement, with some arguing that his lack of gentlemanly demeanor undermined respect and equality in the relationship between husband and wife, while others felt that it was a sign of his bluntness and did not deliberately conceal it. Such divergences of public opinion reflect the complex attitudes of society towards equality between men and women and the economic status of marriage.

On the other hand, the talk show actress's college entrance examination score was not faked, but her professional certificate raised questions. Her team tried to cover up the issue of professional certificates with the authenticity of college entrance examination scores, but the audience didn't buy it and instead sparked a larger discussion. The public generally maintains a high level of concern about the integrity of celebrities, and this incident also reminds us once again that every move of public figures is in the spotlight and is infinitely magnified. For herself, this is not only a career blow, but also a test of a crisis of public confidence.

Speaking of Wan Qian, she has been in trouble recently. The news that her husband was exposed to cheating spread quickly, but on closer inspection, it seems to be a malicious operation by the paparazzi. As soon as the news came out, everyone's first reaction was naturally sympathy for Wan Qian and indignation at the derailment. As more details were exposed, people found out that it was the paparazzi who photographed her husband, but deliberately released unfavorable news for Wan Qian, intending to create a topic and win attention. This not only made Wan Qian innocently bear a negative reputation, but also reflected the complexity and cruelty of public opinion manipulation in the entertainment industry.

On the stage of the Magnolia Award, Tang Yan's team is also in full swing to warm up for her. Her style and momentum have obviously put a lot of effort into trying to dominate the crowd at this event. This high-profile marketing strategy has certainly caused a lot of discussion, with some praising her dedication and the professionalism of her team, while others feel that it is too exaggerated and utilitarian. Tang Yan's every move has attracted much attention, and this operation further reveals how celebrities and teams in the entertainment industry maintain and enhance their influence through marketing.

In contrast, Wang Yang's choice to be absent from the Magnolia Award is much more low-key. He has been frequently searched recently because of public opinion turmoil, and this time he avoided this occasion, perhaps to avoid more controversy. Although his fans are a little disappointed, it is not a wise move to avoid the limelight in the current public opinion environment. Such a choice also allows us to see that celebrities sometimes need to weigh the pros and cons and make the most beneficial decisions for themselves when facing public opinion.

Let's talk about Sun Yang. Sun Yang's studio's apology statement is obviously wiping his ass for his previous inappropriate remarks. He imitated Lin Gengxin to intimidate fans, but he did not have a national base like Lin Gengxin, and as a result, he attracted a lot of disgust. The public's reaction to him was not just disappointment with him personally, but also disgust at this pattern of behavior. The words and deeds of celebrities on public platforms directly affect their image and career, and this incident is a profound lesson for Sun Yang.

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