
Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

author:Let's talk about the past and the present
Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life
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Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

In 1982, the Chinese film industry ushered in an eye-catching work - "Wrangler". This movie not only made Zhu Shimao and Cong Shan famous overnight, but also made a 47-year-old supporting actor Niu Ben make a stunning appearance.

In the film, Niu Ben plays a herdsman named "Guo Qiaozi", who uses his unique performance method to interpret this unpretentious but humorous character to the fullest.

The audience was impressed by Niu Ben's natural and smooth performance, and his sonorous and powerful sentence "Lao Xu, do you want a wife" has become a classic line of the film, causing heated discussions on the Internet.

Niu Ben's performance is not only not overshadowed by the protagonist's light, but is even more brilliant in some scenes. With this role, he won the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actor in one fell swoop, achieving a major breakthrough in his acting career.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

This amazing performance not only made Niu Ben recognized by the industry, but also made the audience remember this powerful actor. Since then, Niu Ben's acting career has turned a new page, and his name has begun to be known by more people.

In 1935, in a poor family in Tianjin, a boy named Zhang Xuejing was born. This boy, who later became famous in the film industry under the name of Niu Ben, was born without a destined aura.

As the sixth child in the family, the young Niu Ben has experienced unimaginable hardships.

The blow of fate came too soon. When Niu Ben was only 6 years old, his parents died on the same day, leaving him and his sister to rely on each other. This blow is undoubtedly huge for a child in childhood.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

However, it was this unfortunate turn of events that unexpectedly opened the door to his path to acting.

Fortunately, Niu Ben's eldest brother stepped forward and took on the responsibility of raising his younger siblings. The eldest brother worked as a driver at the Third Factory of China Power in Beiping (now Beijing Film Studio), although life was still difficult, but he inadvertently created an opportunity for Niu Ben to get in touch with the film industry.

Niu Ben often helps out on set, running errands for the actors, and even helping to babysit their children. This experience gave him a keen interest in the life of an actor and planted the seeds for his future acting career.

In 1946, 11-year-old Niu Ben ushered in a turning point in his life. The movie "Tale of the Holy City" is being cast, and a young actor is needed to play the role of a village child. Director Xie Tian recommended the smart and clever Niu Ben to Shen Fu, the director of "A Tale of the Holy City".

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

Shen Fu fell in love with Niu Ben at first sight and immediately decided to let him star. In this way, Niu Ben embarked on the road of acting, from an unknown poor child to a dazzling child star.

This opportunity not only allowed Niu Ben to enter the entertainment industry, but also brought him a promising new name. Because of his role as "Little Cow" in "Tale of the Holy City", Director Xie Tian had an idea and gave the word "Ben" to Niu Ben, implying that his life path is like four vigorous cows, running faster than anyone else.

Since then, the name "Niu Ben" has accompanied him and witnessed his transformation from a difficult childhood to a new star on the screen.

This experience not only changed the trajectory of Niu Ben's life, but also shaped his tenacious character. From a bitter child who lost his parents to a rising star who stepped into the entertainment industry, Niu Ben's experience tells us that even if life hits hard, as long as we grasp the opportunity, we can still create miracles.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

After entering the entertainment industry, Niu Ben showed maturity beyond age and dedication to acting. Instead of being fooled by fame and fortune, he devoted all his energy to the interpretation of the character.

In Niu Ben's dictionary, there is never a word for "small role", and he firmly believes that each character has its own unique charm and value.

This professional attitude has enabled Niu Ben to create many unforgettable images of little people in his long acting career. In "The Criminal Officer of the Great Song Dynasty", although the old jailer he played did not have many scenes, he left a deep impression on the audience.

In "Tongquetai", he incarnated as an old eunuch and portrayed the inner world of this character very well. Even in light comedies like "One Servant and Two Masters", the elderly man he plays in a nursing home exudes a unique charm.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

Niu Ben's understanding of acting stems from the teachings of actor predecessor Zhao Dan: "A true artist should be able to find himself in any role and present it perfectly."

This sentence became Niu Ben's motto, inspiring him to put his heart and soul into every role and strive for perfection.

The famous director Guan Hu once commented on Niu Ben: "The reason why the audience appreciates an actor is not only because of his status, but because of his impressive acting talent."

This sentence tells the secret of Niu Ben's success. He used his strength to prove that even a supporting role can shine with dazzling brilliance on the screen.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

Niu Ben's professionalism is even more admirable. In order to pursue the perfect performance effect, he does not hesitate to pay a huge price. Sometimes for the realism of a shot, he will try dozens of times.

There were even a few times when he almost got injured because he was too engaged. However, these hardships and dangers did not dampen his love for acting, but only strengthened his determination to pursue his art.

In Niu Ben's view, each role is a new challenge and opportunity. He always faces every role with humility, constantly learning, and constantly breaking through himself.

Even after his success, he maintained his passion and awe for acting.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

It is this spirit of never being satisfied and always upward, so that Niu Ben can still show his strong creative vitality and indomitable spirit on the screen even in his old age.

He has demonstrated what a true artist is and set an example for the younger generation.

Niu Ben's story tells us that success is not about whether you play the leading role or a supporting role, but how you interpret your role to the extreme. Throughout his acting career, every small role has been given the light of the protagonist, and every performance is a devout sacrifice to art.

This is Niu Ben, a legendary actor who lived the life of the protagonist in a supporting role.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

As he grew older, Niu Ben did not choose to retreat behind the scenes, but faced his acting career with a more calm and indifferent attitude. When he was 82 years old, the Chinese film industry paid tribute to this old artist with both virtue and art with the Golden Rooster Award for Lifetime Achievement.

This award is an affirmation of Niu Ben's artistic pursuit over the years, and it is also the industry's respect for him. However, the honor did not stop Niu Ben, he is still active on the screen, interpreting the unremitting pursuit of art with his performance.

Niu Ben's later life presents an admirable simplicity and transparency. After experiencing the ups and downs of life, he chose a way of life that went back to basics.

Especially after the death of his wife, Niu Ben made a surprising but wise decision: he took the initiative to choose to live in a nursing home. This decision not only shows his consideration for his children and does not want to be a burden to them, but also shows his determination to pursue an independent life.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

In the nursing home, Niu Ben lives a simple and regular life. But in this simplicity, he found inner abundance and an ongoing love for art. He often shares his acting experience with other elderly people, and also finds time to study scripts and prepare for new roles.

This way of life allowed Niu Ben to maintain his passion for life and art in his later years.

When it comes to money, Niu Ben has his own unique and profound insights. He used to say, "Money is only something borrowed temporarily, and it is enough to use it." On the day I pass away, the rest of the money will be left to future generations.

The money wasn't mine, I was only using it temporarily. This open-minded attitude towards life allowed Niu Ben to maintain a relaxed and happy state of mind in his later years.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

When choosing roles, Niu Ben no longer pays attention to the amount of salary, but pays more attention to whether the work has social value. In 2020, at the age of 85, he participated in the life light comedy "Scholars Everywhere" with the theme of poverty alleviation.

For this kind of work of far-reaching social significance, Niu Ben showed great enthusiasm. He said, "As long as it is something that is beneficial to society, no matter what kind of remuneration is given or no fee is paid, as long as it can contribute to society, I will not hesitate to participate in it."

This spirit of selfless dedication made Niu Ben still maintain a strong creative enthusiasm in his later years. He interprets the sense of social responsibility of an old artist with practical actions, and also sets an example for the younger generation.

In Niu Ben's view, being an actor is not only a profession, but also a mission that can influence society and spread positive energy.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

Looking back on the course of nearly 90 years of life, Niu Ben compares himself to a hurried passer-by in the long river of life. This metaphor not only reflects his deep understanding of the transience of life, but also reflects his open-minded and optimistic attitude towards life.

In Niu Ben's view, life is too short to be bound by tedious things, but should strive to live a wonderful life of your own.

Niu Ben's life experience can be called ups and downs. from the difficult childhood of losing his parents at the age of 6, to stepping into the showbiz at the age of 11 and becoming a dazzling child star; From an obscure supporting actor to a sensational performance in "Wrangler"; and then in his later years, he was indifferent to fame and fortune and pursued the true meaning of art.

At every stage, Niu Ben faces it with a positive and optimistic attitude, transforming the ups and downs of life into nutrients that nourish his artistic life.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

In Niu Ben's philosophy, life is like a wonderful drama. Everyone plays their own role in it, and what matters is not the size of the role, but how to interpret one's role to the extreme.

This philosophy is not only reflected in his acting career, but also deeply influences his attitude towards life. Whether on stage or in life, Niu Ben strives to be the best and show his truest self.

Even at the age of 85, Niu Ben still maintains his love for life and art. In his own way, he interprets the spirit of "living to old age, learning to be old". In his view, every day is a new beginning and contains new possibilities.

This never-ending spirit of learning and creative enthusiasm has made Niu Ben a monument in the entertainment industry and a role model for the younger generation to learn.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

Niu Ben's story is not only the growth history of an actor, but also a vivid teaching material about how to face the ups and downs of life and how to maintain the original intention. He used his life to interpret what a real artist is and what is an admirable life.

In Niu Ben's view, the gift of life does not lie in external achievements, but in inner fulfillment and persistent pursuit of art. This understanding and attitude towards life is the most valuable wealth that Niu Ben left us.

Niu Ben's life is like a carefully woven movie, from a difficult childhood to a dazzling child star, from an unknown supporting role to a powerful actor who won the Golden Rooster Award, and then to a wise elder who is indifferent to fame and fortune and pursues the true meaning of art in his later years.

His story has left us with a profound inspiration: it is inevitable to encounter setbacks and difficulties on the road of life, but as long as you maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and stick to your dreams, you will definitely be able to write your own wonderful chapter in life.

Niu Ben: Both parents died at the age of 6, and he started acting at the age of 11, and the elderly lived in a nursing home to enjoy a simple life

Niu Ben used his life to interpret what a real artist is and what is an admirable life. His story tells us that the value of life does not lie in fame and status, but in whether we can devote ourselves to the cause we love and whether we can contribute to this society.

From the loss of his parents at the age of 6 to the still shining on the screen at the age of 85, Niu Ben's life experience undoubtedly points out a fulfilling and meaningful life path for us.

His tenacity, perseverance and love for art will forever inspire future generations. Niu Ben's philosophy of life is not only a valuable asset to the entertainment industry, but also a profound inspiration to everyone who pursues their dreams.

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