
Xinhua News Agency commented that 2 billion nutritious meals for rural students were misappropriated, and some people fabricated businesses and colluded to arbitrage funds

author:Li Jiao beast has material
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Xinhua News Agency commented that 2 billion nutritious meals for rural students were misappropriated, and some people fabricated businesses and colluded to arbitrage funds

2 billion special funds were misappropriated

According to a number of official media reports, the State Council's audit of the special funds for the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students from 2021 to August 2023 in 159 counties in 13 provinces found that some of the special funds were directly misappropriated, and 66 counties across the country used 1.951 billion yuan to repay government debts, grassroots "three guarantees" and other expenditures; In 41 counties and 1,533 schools, 270 million yuan was intercepted and squeezed out in disguised form by lowering the standard of feeding and fictitious procurement.


What is the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students?

In order to improve the health level of rural students, especially those from poor areas and economically disadvantaged families, the mainland has launched the implementation of the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students since the fall semester of 2011, which is of great significance for improving the education level of the mainland and achieving educational equality.

Since the implementation of the Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education Students in 2011, by the end of 2013, the central government had allocated a total of 30.03 billion yuan in dietary subsidies for the Nutrition Improvement Program and 30 billion yuan in canteen construction funds, benefiting 32 million rural compulsory education students.

Xinhua News Agency commented that 2 billion nutritious meals for rural students were misappropriated, and some people fabricated businesses and colluded to arbitrage funds

The so-called education can not be poor no matter how poor you are, this has never been an empty phrase in the mainland, and a subsidy of a few yuan a day is enough to allow students in poor areas to eat an extra egg a day and a few more meals of meat and vegetables a week, which has played a key role in preventing malnutrition among students; The illegal misappropriation, interception, and arbitrage of this fund is not only shameful, but also tarnishes the image of the government!

Xinhua News Agency commented that 2 billion nutritious meals for rural students were misappropriated, and some people fabricated businesses and colluded to arbitrage funds

Xinhua News Agency issued a condemnation

Xinhua News Agency issued an article angrily denouncing, "The subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is not "Tang monk meat"! We must resolutely cut off the black hand that "snatches" from the mouths of children, and ensure that every cent of the subsidy funds is used on students. Departments and personnel who misappropriate special funds in violation of regulations must be held accountable to the end and must be dealt with seriously! At the same time, the article suggests that the audit department should strengthen supervision to ensure that similar problems will not occur in the future.

CCTV reposted this article from Xinhua News Agency.

Xinhua News Agency commented that 2 billion nutritious meals for rural students were misappropriated, and some people fabricated businesses and colluded to arbitrage funds

In 22 years, the relevant departments have been concerned about the misappropriation of funds

In fact, as early as 2022, the Ministry of Education and other relevant departments have paid attention to the problem of special funds being misappropriated, and on October 31, 2022, the Ministry of Education and other departments issued the "Implementation Measures for the Nutrition Improvement Plan for Rural Compulsory Education Students" notice, which mentioned that there are irregularities in the use and management of funds in some places.

But even so, there are still people who commit crimes against the wind, which is really audacious!

Xinhua News Agency commented that 2 billion nutritious meals for rural students were misappropriated, and some people fabricated businesses and colluded to arbitrage funds

Netizen evaluation

There are many netizens who commented that it is no wonder that their children's school meals are always very bad, and there are always people who are worried about the children's meal expenses.

Above, what do you think about this, welcome to leave a message to discuss!



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