
The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

author:Historical Stamp Collection

Foreword: Walk through the pass by and pay attention, don't miss it.

"Avenue of Stars" used to be the most popular grassroots program, which became popular with countless grassroots stars and changed the fate of many people. Although this show has long lost its former glory, it is undeniable that it is an opportunity for countless ordinary people to change their fate.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

There are many star singers who have come out of "Avenue of Stars", some have been popular for many years, and their reputation has become louder and louder, some have been imprisoned and chained, and some have unhappy marriages and stopped their careers. And all of this is more of a personal choice.

There were many singers who were out of the circle back then, but only the Phoenix Legend was the one who made steady progress and the national degree rose sharply. Phoenix Legend also successfully gained the first batch of fans and attention in this show, and most of the people of the parents' generation knew the combination of Phoenix Legend from "Avenue of Stars".

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

Since then, the legend of the phoenix has set sail, even if it has been locked by the label of "soil" in the past few years, it has not stopped their national degree, the songs are out of the circle one by one, and the venue has gone from the village stage to the local station and CCTV step by step. A few years ago, with a song "Under the Sea" and "Mountains and Rivers", showing a stable typhoon, the Phoenix Legend debuted for many years and opened the group's first tour.

The road of the Phoenix legend is getting wider and wider, and some singers who became popular when they debuted in "Avenue of Stars" want to emulate them, but the road is getting narrower and narrower. This combination is the miracle of Jiuyue, and many elderly people may have an impression of this combination, and they were also popular all over the country back then.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

At the beginning, the Nine Moon Miracle was aimed at the combination of Phoenix Legend, wanting to become the second national group. The style of the two teams is relatively similar, it is also a male and a female match, it is a national rock style, the same combination, similar positioning, and even the starting point of the Nine Moon Miracle is much higher than the Phoenix Legend, why did it disappear?

The first Nine Moon Miracle was indeed very popular, it was the championship of that year's "Avenue of Stars", after winning the championship, after the resources were out of control, there was room for popularity and choice, and the two successively won some endorsements and large-scale commercial performances.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

When their careers were in full swing, the two also received an invitation to the Spring Festival Gala, and since then they have often appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Their strength matched the Spring Festival Gala, and their first appearance was shocking, causing a large number of cheers. If the Nine Moon Miracle continues to develop, its development prospects will inevitably advance all the way.

It may be that the two reached the pinnacle of their lives too quickly, and their choices are completely different from the Phoenix Legend. The biggest difference is that the two people of Phoenix Legend are a combination and partners, while the two people of Nine Moon Miracle are husband and wife.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

The two fell in love at an early age, and as their careers continued to climb, they made an amazing decision - to announce their marriage. It's very common for you and me to be in love when you're in love, but marriage is completely different, and marriage means that the interests of the two are too deeply bound, which will accelerate the disappearance of the combination.

When the love was strong, the two couldn't listen to the admonitions of the people around them, but had a little more bravery to fight the world for love, and the two finally entered the palace of marriage. After becoming husband and wife, the honeymoon period of marriage has passed, and the contradictions between the two have become more acute.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

Some differences in musical styles gradually expanded into contradictions, and the two sides quarreled more than once, and there was no longer the original mutual tolerance and fulfillment. Instead, they all hope that the other party will choose to back down and choose their own music style because they love themselves.

The existence of the Nine Moon Miracle Combination, with the end of their marriage, has completely dissipated from the public eye. One retired, the other changed careers to become a music teacher, whether it was a combination or love, they all ended up with chicken feathers, which is embarrassing.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

The dispersion of the Nine Moon Miracle Combination is related to love, and the dissipation of another popular artist is purely "demonic". Even people who have not watched "Avenue of Stars" have mostly heard of Po's name. The song "Shandandan Flowers Bloom That Red Yanyan" sang into the hearts of the audience and sang his fame.

At that time, Ah Bao was not an exaggeration to describe it as an overnight hit. His voice is solid and powerful, a loud voice, one song after another has stabilized his position, and his fame is getting bigger and bigger, it is true that his success is inseparable from luck and the times, but it is his ability to hold fame.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

Bao's image has always been a simple peasant representative, and his audience loves him even more because of his simple background, who doesn't like to see the birth of a genius. Just imagine, a chosen son from a poor rural family, without the guidance of a famous teacher, without capital operation, to get out of the quagmire by himself.

Even if you don't like this person, you will praise a genius. Coupled with people's stereotypes of the countryside at that time, looking at Ah Bao, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes, he always felt that he had the simple atmosphere of the countryside. At that time, it was not the era when honest people generally overturned, and Po was called an honest man.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

And a person who is filthy cannot pass the light inspection, and Po is like this. As he became popular, more and more people began to pick up his past and be curious about his past. This careful study is incredible, and Po's lies have been exposed.

He is not from the countryside, but lives in the suburbs of the city, not to mention the poverty of his family, Bao's family can only be described as ordinary, poverty is not counted, and the peasant is just a means for him to win attention. As for the so-called genius, it's just that he wants to market his label.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

On the cusp of the storm, Ah Bao's former partner jumped out and told about the business show with him in the past. Ah Bao followed the troupe to perform commercially in his early years, and his singing skills were guided from the beginning, which was the result of training since childhood, and he was not a genius who did not need training at all.

In the face of these revelations, Ah Bao chose to remain silent, he did not dare to respond to these, for fear that denying it would arouse the public's resistance and expose more black material. Even if he doesn't say it, everything he did after he became famous was also picked up, not only did he frantically spend popularity in exchange for money, but he also used the money to buy luxury houses, and he was also photographed messing around with different women many times.

The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

This completely collapsed his image, and after the overwhelming accusations passed, he lost attention. It wasn't until the rise of short videos that Bao, who wanted to switch to the short video track, started a new round of pretending to be crazy and stupid, but the current audience is even more difficult to fool.

As long as he shows his face, his past black history will be wiped out, and Po's comeback failed again after many years, and he was completely spurned by the public. And these different paths are all personal choices.

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The most popular grassroots program Avenue of Stars, countless people's fates have been reversed, and some people have succeeded and some have fallen down many years later

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