
The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

author:Shuo Xiaoman

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The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

The twins in everyone's impression generally look alike, and they can't tell who is who if you don't look closely.

Some twins are not only about the same height and weight, but even behave like one person.

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

But as they grow older, the two children will gradually change, and they will show more and more different personalities.

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

Recently, a father posted a picture of his twin sons in the same frame, which made people laugh and cry.

The father is from Sichuan, and his twin sons sit together for dinner, but the size difference is brighter......

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

One looked skinny, the other had big shoulders and a round waist, and it was hard to imagine that the two children were twins.

According to the father, they are indeed twin brothers, but the weight difference between the two children is 150 pounds!

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

This may be the best distinguishable twins on the whole network, don't look at the same age, but the difference in body is not ordinarily large.

One is as strong as an ox, and eats a quacky meal; A petite and cute, what to eat only two bites, I don't know I thought it wasn't a family!

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

No wonder netizens ridiculed: "One is as blessed as the East China Sea, and the other is thinner than Nanshan." ”

"Did one forget to feed it, and one fed it twice?"

"One eats according to the basin, and the other eats according to the grain."

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

In fact, it's no wonder that parents treat them differently, some children just have their own rhythm of life.

A parent shared: "Like my 22-year-old twins, the eldest is more than 200 pounds, and the second is about 14. ”

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

"There are two in my family, one is afraid of malnutrition, and the other is afraid of indigestion."

"My two sons eat the same meal, one is strong and the other is thin like a monkey."

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

Some netizens summed up a rule: "The general appetite of eating with a bowl is very good, and the kind that doesn't even support the bowl must be the one who eats a few bites to continue his life." ”

In fact, the most troublesome thing about such a size gap is the parents, who are too thin and fat for fear of affecting their health, and the two children together are two different troubles.

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

Some netizens think: Maybe the food cooked by parents is suitable for one child's appetite, so they will eat more, and the other will not be able to eat if it is not suitable.

Some netizens also think: Whether the baby eats or not, whether she grows tall or not, whether the nutrition is good or not, really has nothing to do with her mother's cooking skills, it is born with it.

However, most of the twins are still relatively at the same frequency, and some mothers say that their two children have always been exactly the same height and weight.

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

In fact, as children grow older, they will develop different living habits, and if there is a large difference in body size, then parents need to correct their children's bad living habits in time.

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

So as not to affect physical health in the long run, thus causing psychological problems, I feel cute when I am a child, but it is not necessarily a good thing in the long run.

Eating too much or too little will affect physical development, so it is better to pay more attention to the health of your child's diet when you are young.

The father dried his twin sons for dinner, one with fat and the other skinny, and the contrast in the same frame was absolutely amazing

So, have you ever encountered such a situation? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

(The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)
