
My retirement life: rainy days, washing the sheets, my wife telling me that I am fake and diligent.

author:Elegant and calm red apples

I, 57 years old, have been retired for more than 6 years, and I am at home every day, doing housework, writing headlines, chasing dramas, exercising, and living a casual, simple, and happy life.

It's been raining for the past few days, and I haven't danced in a square for a week.

Since he retired, he has been square dancing, dancing for an hour every night, and then walking around the community with his sisters and chatting.

I like to stay at home during the day and go out dancing at night, as if I am out in the wind, not only to exercise my body, but also to hear all kinds of interesting gossip, which I find very interesting.

Square dancing has become an important thing in my life, and when I stop, I still feel a little uncomfortable, I don't know what to do during that time of dancing, and I feel that time is so difficult.

Yesterday after dinner, the rain stopped, my wife had to pull me to walk with him, my wife said, go out to breathe, don't stay at home.

I don't like to walk in the rain, and even though the rain has stopped, there is standing water all over the road and muddy water on my pants.

My wife said that I had to take a shower at night and change my clothes anyway.

My retirement life: rainy days, washing the sheets, my wife telling me that I am fake and diligent.

(Go for a walk)

Well, I walked with my wife and deliberately changed into a pair of cropped pants to wear.

The air after the rain was fresh, the slight wind blew and it felt cool, and before dinner, it was still raining, and now the rain has stopped and the sun has come out.

Behind my community is a large rice field, which has become extraordinarily green after the baptism of rain.

The afterglow of the setting sun, reflecting the green rice seedlings, was so beautiful, I couldn't help but stop and stand on the side of the road and take pictures.

My retirement life: rainy days, washing the sheets, my wife telling me that I am fake and diligent.

(Sunset, beautiful view at home)

Wife: Call you out, you still don't want to, look at how beautiful the scenery is and how good the air is.

Me: Well, it's beautiful, and tomorrow night, if you can't dance, I'll walk with you.

I'm afraid of rain today, so I bought vegetables for two days yesterday, and I don't have to buy vegetables this morning.

When I woke up in the morning, wow, the sun was out, the sky was clear, and I hurriedly put the changed sheets into the washing machine to wash.

Usually once every two weeks, I wash the sheets and quilt covers, and during this time, it is even rainy, and the drying rack on the balcony is full of clothes.

The sheets have been changed for two days, and they have been piled up and unwashed, and I feel uncomfortable looking at them.

My retirement life: rainy days, washing the sheets, my wife telling me that I am fake and diligent.

(Wash the sheets in the morning)

Wife: Don't panic, it's going to rain today.

Me: When the sun comes out, I'll wash it before I talk about it, maybe the sheets are dry, and then it rains.

Wife: If I speak, you won't listen, you are a lazy woman and a diligent.

Me: I won't listen to you, I'm not good at washing the sheets, and I still say I'm fake and diligent.

After breakfast, my wife went to work, and I began to choose vegetables, wash vegetables, and prepare lunch for lunch.

It's the rainy season, and the doors and windows at home don't dare to open, they're all closed, so it's very hot at home, and when you do a little thing, you're sweating.

While I was preparing the noon dishes, I silently thought in my heart, don't rain, wait for my bed sheets to dry before it falls, otherwise my wife will come back and talk to me again.

My retirement life: rainy days, washing the sheets, my wife telling me that I am fake and diligent.

(The noon dish is ready)

Prepare the dish, make a cup of tea, and start writing my little composition.

Writing headlines every day is now as important a part of my retirement life as I am square dancing.

I only write one article a day, like everyone else, several times a day, I can't do it, I can't do this one sometimes.

I can write headlines now, mainly because I'm not too busy, I eat at home with my wife every day, and my mother is in good health, so I just go to see her every once in a while and talk to her.

My daughter just got married last year, and she doesn't plan to have children yet, so she doesn't need my help.

I follow my daughter, I don't give birth, young people have young people's thoughts, as long as they are happy.

I'm writing the headline now, which is to enrich my retirement life, and of course, a little bit of income every day will make you more motivated.

I don't put pressure on myself and do what I can, so I don't know how long I'll last.

If you don't write headlines one day, you can live a steamy life at home, tidy up housework, cook three meals a day, catch up on dramas, and exercise.

Halfway through the small composition, the wind is blowing outside, wow, it's going to rain, it's really a June day, and it will change.

When my wife gets off work, she will definitely tease me again, "don't listen to the old man", let him talk about the "old man", who let me look at the pile of sheets, uncomfortable.

My retirement life: rainy days, washing the sheets, my wife telling me that I am fake and diligent.

(Write headlines every day to record daily life)

I'm a red apple, recording retirement life and sharing daily moments, thank you for reading and supporting.


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