
It's terrible, now young people are starting to get married, do you know what a marriage is?

author:Good luck comes with you

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever heard of the term "marriage"? Heck, this is not as simple as carpooling and eating, this is a new trend of modern young people, so that our old waists have to follow the turn! Imagine that two strangers who don't know each other, because of a marriage event, get together like a group, is this picture a bit like the adventure in the old movie?

It's terrible, now young people are starting to get married, do you know what a marriage is?

Don't be in a hurry to laugh yet, let me explain it to you slowly. Today's young people have a fast pace of life and high pressure on housing prices, and finding a suitable partner is like looking for a needle in the vast sea of people. So, they began to wonder: why can't they find a like-minded partner to face this stormy marriage market together? This gave birth to the phenomenon of "marriage fighting".

It's terrible, now young people are starting to get married, do you know what a marriage is?

Some say it's "resource sharing", some say it's "mutual help and win-win", and others say it's a bold challenge to the traditional concept of marriage. Say, doesn't that sound a little fresh and exciting? is like Ma Yun's famous saying: "Today is cruel, tomorrow is even more cruel, and the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but absolutely most people die tomorrow night and can't see the sunshine the day after tomorrow." Today's young people are looking for the possible "acquire" in the face of this cruelty.

It's terrible, now young people are starting to get married, do you know what a marriage is?

Of course, marriage is not just a casual one, it must have a common goal and similar values. Just like the saying, "It's easy to fall in love, but it's hard to get along", on the way to marriage, they still have to run in their personalities and cultivate tacit understanding, just like a stage play without rehearsal. In this process, there are both comedy elements and many tests, and we older generations shake our heads, but we can't help but admire their courage and wisdom in our hearts.

It's terrible, now young people are starting to get married, do you know what a marriage is?

However, we can't deny it entirely. After all, everyone has their own choice, and each way has its rationale. Just like Mr. Jin Yong's Guo Jing and Huang Rong, isn't their love story also a process from acquaintance to mutual support? Marriage may be a unique way for the new generation of young people to find their own happiness.

It's terrible, now young people are starting to get married, do you know what a marriage is?

So, old friends, what do you think of this new thing? Do you think the world is changing too fast, or do you think we don't understand the world of young people? Feel free to leave a comment in the comment section and share your thoughts. Perhaps, we can learn something new and tell our children and grandchildren about the characteristics of this "fighting marriage" era!

Finally, don't forget, like + retweet, so that more people can join this discussion, after all, life is to be lively! Let's witness this wonderful new fashion of marriage and see how young people use their wisdom and courage to write their own chapter of love.

It's terrible, now young people are starting to get married, do you know what a marriage is?