
Why would anyone put Buddhist beads on the handlebar? Insider: It's not for decoration, these 3 points are not well known

author:Good luck comes with you

In our daily life, have you ever noticed that some old drivers hang a string of Buddhist beads on the gear handle of the driver's seat? It seems that the small actions are inadvertent, but there may be untold stories behind them. Today, let's talk about this phenomenon and see what kind of mystery those Buddha beads hide.

Why would anyone put Buddhist beads on the handlebar? Insider: It's not for decoration, these 3 points are not well known

First of all, don't get me wrong, it's not about being cool or elevating the interior. Some veteran drivers, they hang Buddhist beads, which is actually a symbol of faith. Just like the ancients said: "There is a tiger in the heart, sniffing the rose." Through these small beads, they hope to remind themselves to maintain inner peace and concentration during busy driving, and always remember that "driving is like walking meditation".

Why would anyone put Buddhist beads on the handlebar? Insider: It's not for decoration, these 3 points are not well known

Secondly, the beads also have a practical function - to prevent the hand from slipping. In rainy weather, sweating, or an emergency, the handle can become slippery, and that's when the friction of the beads comes in handy to provide a stable grip. This is like the ancient saying: "Prevention is better than hindsight." "After all, safety comes first!

Why would anyone put Buddhist beads on the handlebar? Insider: It's not for decoration, these 3 points are not well known

Furthermore, for some Buddhists, the beads on the handles are part of the practice. Every time they turn, they recite the Buddha's name, which is their way of meditating. Just like the saying "If the heart does not move, the thing does not move", they are also cultivating their inner world on the road.

Of course, this does not mean that all people who hang Buddhist beads have such a deep meaning. For some, it may be just a habit or a little decoration. As the saying goes: "The little fortunes in life are often hidden in the inconspicuous details." ”

Why would anyone put Buddhist beads on the handlebar? Insider: It's not for decoration, these 3 points are not well known

In general, the Buddha beads on the handle may be the guardian of faith, a practical tool, or the sustenance of the inner world. It is in the hands of each car owner, interpreting a different story, reminding us that no matter when and where, we should never forget our original intention and maintain that inner peace and wisdom.

If you have this habit, then please continue your "meditation practice"; If you see someone else doing this, you might as well be a little more understanding and respectful. After all, everyone has their own unique way of interpreting the meaning of life.

Why would anyone put Buddhist beads on the handlebar? Insider: It's not for decoration, these 3 points are not well known

Finally, look for the seemingly ordinary but meaningful little objects in your life, which may be a little philosophy lesson in your life. Remember to share your story and let this warmth and wisdom be passed on to more people.

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Why would anyone put Buddhist beads on the handlebar? Insider: It's not for decoration, these 3 points are not well known

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