
The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!


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"People need convenience, not more restrictions."

The release of the new national standard electric vehicle has surprised many people. What are the considerations for these seemingly inexplicable new regulations?

The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

Why does the new national standard have these wonderful designs?

The new national standard electric vehicle has five wonderful designs: vehicle height limit, speed limit, vehicle weight limit, must have pedal function, and saddle length limit. These restrictions beg the question, what exactly are they intended for?

In fact, behind each rule there is its original purpose. Limiting vehicle height may be for the vehicle's capacity while driving, preventing the EV from being too tall and obstructing other road users.

The speed limit is to prevent electric vehicles from riding too fast and causing safety hazards. The weight limit allows for easy handling in the event of a breakdown of the electric vehicle. It is necessary to have a riding function in order to have a backup solution in case the battery is dead. The length of the saddle is limited due to the fact that it cannot carry people.

The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

There is nothing wrong with these original intentions in themselves, they are all for the purpose of strengthening the safety of electric vehicle use and regulating electric vehicle transportation, which is worthy of recognition to a certain extent. However, the design concept that is too idealistic and simplistic may be out of touch with reality in actual implementation.

The possible negative impact of the new rules

The ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny. These seemingly safety-conscious new regulations may bring a lot of inconvenience to people's lives:

The 1.1-metre height limit means that mirrors can no longer be installed, which directly weakens the safety of the electric vehicle and increases the safety hazard that riders need to look back to check frequently.

The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

The speed limit of 25 km/h is too low for many people who need to travel by electric vehicle, and it will seriously affect their travel efficiency. At a speed of 15 km/h, it is slower than a normal bicycle, which is contrary to the original design intention of electric vehicles.

The weight limit of 55 kg is too idealistic, and it is difficult to achieve both quality and overweight. This can lead to poor quality concerns for many electric vehicles.

The length of the saddle of 35 cm means that a family needs at least two electric vehicles, which virtually increases the travel cost of many families.

The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

It can be seen that while these new regulations ensure safety, they also bring a lot of burden to the lives of ordinary people. Overly idealistic provisions are often counterproductive when actually implemented.

The design of regulations should pay attention to the needs of the people

In the process of formulating the new national standard electric vehicle, it seems that too much attention is paid to the electric vehicle itself, and the actual needs of the people are ignored. Electric vehicles are an important short-distance travel tool for many families, and they should bring convenience to people's lives, rather than create more unnecessary trouble.

The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

If we think from the perspective of people's needs, we will find that a few seemingly conservative regulations alone cannot meet the complex travel requirements.

For example, the elderly and children also need to use electric vehicles to travel, they do not need to be too high, but the weight and saddle length restrictions may affect their experience. Electric vehicles also need to carry a variety of uses such as shopping, and it is difficult for a rigid design to adapt to these needs.

The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

When formulating similar standards, government departments need to do full research, listen to opinions from all walks of life, and understand the actual travel needs of ordinary people, rather than just talking on paper.

Reality is always much more complex than theoretical design, and overly idealistic standards can backfire. The new regulations can only make a real difference if they pay full attention to the needs of the people and make electric vehicles available to them, rather than tying them down.

In the process of implementing the new national standard, we must act cautiously and look at every provision rationally:

For provisions that may have a negative impact, measures such as grace periods and suspension of implementation should be adopted to give the people time to adapt to the changes.

The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

For controversial provisions, research and argumentation should be strengthened, and the opinions of all parties should be fully absorbed, so as to prevent hasty implementation.

In the process of implementation, care and assistance should be given to groups that are truly in difficulty, and it is not possible to apply a one-size-fits-all approach.

Improve transparency, explain the considerations of the new regulations in a timely manner, and dispel the doubts of the general public.

Summarize the effectiveness of implementation in a timely manner, and take the initiative to adjust problematic provisions, rather than forcibly implement them.

Only with such a positive and prudent attitude, so that the people understand and adapt to the new regulations, the new national standard electric vehicles can truly play their due role in regulation, rather than becoming a shackle that restricts development.

The new national standard electric vehicle regulations, five wonderful designs, only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

"People need convenience, not more restrictions." When formulating standards, relevant departments should think from the perspective of the people, and the new regulations should bring real convenience to the lives of ordinary people, rather than create more unnecessary trouble.

Let electric vehicles become a good helper for the people, rather than a shackle that restricts development, which is the goal that the new regulations should pursue. I believe that through the joint efforts of all walks of life, electric vehicles will usher in better development and benefit the society!


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