
Is corn a "catalyst" for diabetes? Advice: If middle-aged and elderly people keep their kidneys healthy, eat more of these 3 things

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine

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"What do you say? Is corn a catalyst for diabetes? How is this possible? Aunt Wang jerked down the corn cob in her hand and asked in surprise.

"Isn't it, my neighbor Lao Zhang, because he loves corn, his blood sugar has been high, and later he developed diabetes." Aunt Li, who was sitting opposite Aunt Wang and was drinking tea, said in a firm tone.

"It's really scary, I usually like to eat corn, and I thought it was nutritious and good for my health." Aunt Wang said with some concern, "Then you say, what should we middle-aged and elderly people eat to keep our kidneys healthy?" ”

Is corn a "catalyst" for diabetes? Advice: If middle-aged and elderly people keep their kidneys healthy, eat more of these 3 things

"You're asking the right person, I've worked this." Aunt Li said with a smug smile, "I heard from experts that if middle-aged and elderly people want to keep their kidneys healthy, they need to eat these three things:

First, eat more protein-rich foods, such as fish, eggs, and milk, which can help repair kidney cells and enhance kidney function.

Second, eat more potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, potatoes, and tomatoes, which can help regulate blood pressure and prevent kidney disease; Third, eat more vitamin-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, which can help antioxidant and delay kidney aging. ”

Is corn a "catalyst" for diabetes? Advice: If middle-aged and elderly people keep their kidneys healthy, eat more of these 3 things

Aunt Wang listened with relish and kept nodding her head, but she still had some doubts in her heart: "But, isn't corn rich in vitamins and fiber?" Why is it a catalyst for diabetes? ”

"You don't know that, although corn is rich in vitamins and fiber, it also contains a lot of starch, and starch is converted into glucose in the body, which causes blood sugar to rise.

For diabetic patients, excessive intake of corn is equivalent to constantly adding sugar to the body, which will naturally aggravate the condition. Aunt Li explained.

Is corn a "catalyst" for diabetes? Advice: If middle-aged and elderly people keep their kidneys healthy, eat more of these 3 things

"So that's the case, no wonder Lao Zhang's blood sugar hasn't come down." Aunt Wang suddenly realized.

"Yes, therefore, if middle-aged and elderly people want to control their blood sugar well, they must pay attention to their diet and try to eat less foods with high sugar content, such as corn, white rice, white bread, etc." Aunt Li added.

"And what should we eat on a regular basis?" Aunt Wang asked.

Is corn a "catalyst" for diabetes? Advice: If middle-aged and elderly people keep their kidneys healthy, eat more of these 3 things

"I suggest you eat more whole grains, such as oats, millet, brown rice, etc., these whole grains are rich in dietary fiber, which can help control blood sugar, and they are also rich in nutrients, which are good for the body." Aunt Li suggested.

"What else?" Aunt Wang asked.

"And, of course, you can also eat more vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and minerals that can help boost immunity and prevent diseases." Aunt Li said with a smile, "Remember, eat a balanced diet and don't eat picky, so that you can maintain good health." ”

Is corn a "catalyst" for diabetes? Advice: If middle-aged and elderly people keep their kidneys healthy, eat more of these 3 things

Aunt Wang nodded again and again in agreement. "By the way, in addition to diet, you should also pay attention to exercise, and regular exercise can help control blood sugar and prevent diabetes." Aunt Li reminded.

"You're right, I should go out and walk more often, and I can't always stay at home." Aunt Wang said. "That's good, I hope you can get rid of diabetes as soon as possible." Aunt Li said with a smile.

Aunt Wang and Aunt Li chatted and chatted, and before they knew it, it was noon, and Aunt Wang was ready to go home to cook. Before leaving, she asked Aunt Li again: "You say, besides corn, what other foods are easy to cause blood sugar to rise?" ”

Is corn a "catalyst" for diabetes? Advice: If middle-aged and elderly people keep their kidneys healthy, eat more of these 3 things

"That's a lot, such as white rice, white bread, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc., these foods contain a lot of starch, which is easily converted into glucose, which causes blood sugar to rise." Aunt Li replied.

"So how are we supposed to eat these foods?" Aunt Wang asked. "You can cook these foods into porridge or make them into dishes, which can lower their sugar content and reduce the effect on blood sugar." Aunt Li suggested.

Aunt Wang thanked Aunt Li gratefully, and then went home to cook. She remembered Aunt Li's words and decided to make an oatmeal porridge today, accompanied by some stir-fried vegetables, which is both nutritious and healthy.

Is corn a "catalyst" for diabetes? Advice: If middle-aged and elderly people keep their kidneys healthy, eat more of these 3 things

While Aunt Wang was cooking, she was thinking about Aunt Li's words. She realized that if middle-aged and elderly people want to stay healthy, they must pay attention to their diet and control their blood sugar in order to stay away from diabetes.

She decided to start learning about healthy eating and change her lifestyle to make herself healthier and happier.

Disclaimer: This article is for reference only, and the medical knowledge described is true and well-founded, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other


1. Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary guidelines for Chinese residents[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2016.

2. Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus in China[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2017.

3. Nephrology[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2018.

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