
Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

author:Children love to eat big melons

July 2nd. Today, Sister Zhang Lanlan posted a video in her personal account, which is a rare video of meeting her grandchildren once a year!


Aunt Zhang Lan, with her smile and actions, weaves a warm journey about family, love and growth. With her two little angel-like grandchildren, she embarks on a family adventure that is the most sincere ode to life.

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

Aunt Zhang Lan's smile seems to have magical power, which can instantly dispel all the haze, making everyone who sees her smile involuntarily feel happy. She carefully combed her little granddaughter's black and bright hair, the picture was so beautiful that it made people's hearts move, as if she saw the gentle flow of time, and the tacit understanding and affection between grandparents and grandchildren without words were moving.

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

The little grandson is like a vibrant little sun, his every movement and every eye is full of curiosity and desire to explore the world. The interaction between him and his sister is innocent and innocent, making people feel the beauty and innocence of childhood.

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

The laughter and laughter on the dining table is the most direct embodiment of the taste of home. Aunt Zhang Lan used a table of sumptuous dishes to not only satisfy the taste buds of her family, but also warm each other's hearts. This simple and pure happiness is more precious than any delicacies of the mountains and seas.

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

The seaside scenery adds a bit of romance and tranquility to this trip. Aunt Zhang Lan and her grandchildren walked hand in hand on the beach, the sea breeze was gentle, taking away all the worries and sorrows. At that moment, time seemed to stand still, leaving only the most sincere emotions between them flowing.

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

Although Ma Xiaomei failed to go along, the beauty of life does not lie in perfection, but in how we cherish the people in front of us and how we grasp the happiness of the moment. Wang Xiaofei and Da S have each opened a new chapter in their lives, which is also a gentle farewell to the past, and it is also an expectation for a better life in the future.

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

This trip of Aunt Zhang Lan's family is not only a physical migration, but also a spiritual growth and sublimation. They interpret the meaning of home in their own way - no matter how the outside world changes, as long as the family is together, it is the greatest happiness and satisfaction. In this fast-paced era, their stories are like a clear stream, reminding us to cherish the people around us and cherish those simple and beautiful moments.

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

The comments of netizens blew up the pot and left messages one after another:

"Oh, Aunt Zhang Lan's smile can melt people's hearts, watching her and her grandchildren have so much fun, I am also happy!"

"This video makes my heart warm, the taste of home, it's so simple and warm. Aunt Zhang Lan is really a winner in life, with such a lovely grandchild by her side! ”

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

"The little babies' appearance is too high, especially the little granddaughter's hair, which is so black and shiny, she must be a big beauty when she grows up! Aunt Zhang Lan's genes are too strong! ”

"The seaside scene is so beautiful, it's a wallpaper-level picture. Aunt Zhang Lan's family really enjoys life, and they cry with envy! ”

Zhang Lan and Yueyue Jiujiu's vacation video leaked out, suspected of being a big S, and the new mother Ma Xiaomei did not show up

"Yes, although Ma Xiaomei is not here, I feel that their family is super harmonious and loving. It's nice that everyone is shining on their own tracks! ”

"I feel better when I watch this video, and I feel that life is full of hope. I also want to cherish every moment with my family and leave no regrets! "#头条热榜#

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