
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look

author:Good Learning, Sail Vgx
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look
The difference between 15, 20, and 25 years of social security payment, collect it and take a look

In the early morning light of the coastal town, the dockside is already a busy scene. The salty smell of the sea breeze gently brushed Levin's face, and he stood on the edge of the pier, his eyes passing through the busy ships and workers, as if he could see the outline of the future. Li Wen, a man who has worked in the dock for half his life, his life and social security are closely connected like the ebb and flow of this dock, and they each interpret different stories.

Morning light and hope at the pier

The first rays of sunlight of the day are always the first to shine on this land, illuminating Li Wen's road of work day after day. He is an ordinary dock worker, carrying heavy goods day after day, sweat soaking his clothes, but also watering his sense of responsibility for his family and his vision for the future. Li Wen knows that every effort is to give his family a better life, and social security is the small guarantee in his heart for the uncertainty of the future.

The first acquaintance and doubts of social security

I remember that when I first joined the company, Sister Zhang from the Human Resources Department explained in detail to Li Wen the benefits of social security, what is endowment insurance, medical insurance, and unemployment insurance...... A series of professional terms made Li Wen misty, but the sentence he remembered most clearly was: "The more you pay, the more you will receive in the future." At that time, Li Wen was skeptical of this sentence, after all, the life in front of him was enough to make him anxious, and the future seemed too far away.

The flow and choice of time

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Li Wen has been working at the dock for more than ten years. During this period, he witnessed the changes of the dock and experienced the ups and downs of his life. With the accumulation of work experience, Li Wen's income gradually increased, and he began to seriously consider the issue of social security. Some of the colleagues around me are satisfied with only paying the minimum 15 years of social security, while others insist on paying for 20 years or more like Lao Chen. Li Wen's heart is full of doubts: how much difference is there between these 15 years, 20 years, and 25 years of social security?

By chance, Li Wen and Lao Chen chatted about this topic during their lunch break. Lao Chen is an old qualifier of the dock and has his own views on social security. "Xiao Li, don't underestimate the gap in the past few years." Lao Chen said earnestly, "Take the pension insurance as an example, the longer you pay, the more money you will receive in the future." There is also medical insurance, how expensive it is to see a doctor now, pay more social security, and feel at ease in the future. ”

The power of data and the awakening of the heart

Lao Chen's words made Li Wen fall into deep thought. When he got home, he turned on his computer and began to seriously study the relevant policies of social security. He was surprised to find that there was indeed a clear mathematical relationship between the number of years of social security contributions and the amount received. Taking pension insurance as an example, according to the current policy, if Li Wen only pays social security for 15 years, the monthly pension he can receive after retirement will be much lower than if he has paid for 25 years. In terms of medical insurance, with the increase of the payment period, the reimbursement ratio and scope will also increase accordingly, which is undoubtedly an important guarantee for the medical risks that may be faced in the future.

Li Wen looked at the data on the screen, and his heart swelled with an unprecedented sense of urgency. He began to realize how short-sighted his past neglect of Social Security was. He secretly decided that he must adjust his social security payment strategy to lay a more solid foundation for the future and his family.

Change and persistence

Since that day, Levin's life has undergone subtle changes. He cherishes every penny of income even more, and at the same time, he is more active in planning his social security contribution plan. He took the initiative to find Sister Zhang from the Human Resources Department and consulted how to adjust his social security contribution ratio and years. With the help of Sister Zhang, Li Wen formulated a detailed social security payment plan and decided to insist on paying social security according to the plan, no matter how difficult life is in the future.

The warmth and support of the family

Lee's change also caught the attention of his family. His wife, Xiaofang, was both moved and relieved to see her husband taking social security issues so seriously. She understands that this is her husband thinking about the future of the family. Whenever Li Wen worked overtime until late at night, Xiaofang would always leave a lamp for him and prepare a bowl of hot meals. The children would also sit around their father and listen to him tell him interesting stories about the dock and plans for the future. The warmth and support of his family made Li Wen more firm in his belief.

A beacon of hope

As the years passed, in the blink of an eye, Li Wen was close to retirement age. When he stood on the observation deck of the pier and looked back, his heart was full of emotion. The hard work and perseverance of those years seem to have turned into the beautiful scenery in front of you and the smiling faces of your family. The lighthouse of social security has always illuminated his way forward, making him more calm and calm in the face of uncertainty in the future.

Finally, one day, Li Wen received a pension notice, and the numbers on it made him very satisfied. He knows that this is the result of his years of hard work, and it is also the best reward given to him by social security. He understands that no matter how life changes in the future, he will have a stable source of income to ensure the basic livelihood of himself and his family.

The revelation of the story

Leevin's story was uploaded as a good story at the docks. He used his own experience to tell everyone that social security is not only a policy, but also an investment and guarantee for the future. No matter where we are and what kind of work we do, we should take social security issues seriously and plan our contribution plans reasonably. Because only in this way can we have more choices and possibilities in the days to come, and create a better future for ourselves and our families.

In this hopeful world, let us bravely face the challenges of life like Levin, and cherish every contribution and gain. Because only in this way can we walk more firmly and confidently in the journey of life.

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