
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!

author:Good Learning, Sail Vgx
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!
The turtle's dialogue is hilarious and humorous, allowing you to experience different happiness!

In the busy and quiet morning light, the pier ushered in its new day. The sun shines through the mist and shines on the scattered boats and busy figures, adding a bit of life and vitality to this water. Levine, a veteran sailor who has worked on the docks for decades, is standing next to his "territory", a weathered wooden ship, ready to start a new day's work. He always has a warm smile on his face, as if all the troubles in life can be blown away by this sea breeze.

Everyday and unusual encounters at the marina

With the first whistle, the dock gradually became lively. Workers begin to carry their goods, while fishermen busily arrange their nets and prepare them to go to sea. Levine also began his routine inspections to ensure that every part of the vessel was in top condition. At this moment, an unexpected scene happened: a turtle that seemed to be old slowly climbed up the pier from the sea and went straight to Levin.

This turtle has traces of time on its back, but there is a glint of wisdom in its eyes. As if it could read people's hearts, it climbed straight to Li Wen's feet, stopped, and looked up at him, as if to say, "Hey, old friend, long time no see." ”

Li Wen was stunned, he had never seen such a human turtle. He squatted down and gently stroked the turtle's shell, and an inexplicable sense of intimacy welled up in his heart. "Where did you come from, little one? Are you lost? Li Wen asked with a smile.

The "humorous" dialogue of the turtle

Unexpectedly, this turtle actually responded to Li Wen in an unprecedented way. It first slowly closed its eyes, as if enjoying the touch, and then suddenly opened, staring at Li Wen with those eyes full of spirit, and slowly opened its mouth. Of course, the turtle can't really speak, but Li Wen seems to hear its heart: "I'm not a little guy, I'm a wise man in this sea, and I came to chat with you." ”

Li Wen was amused by this sudden "dialogue", he leaned forward and backward with laughter, and the workers around him were also attracted by this strange scene, and they cast curious glances. "Haha, you little guy, what a humorous guy!" As he spoke, Li Wen took out a small piece of dried fish from his pocket and handed it to the turtle.

The turtle seemed to be very satisfied with the gift, and it took the small dried fish with its front paws, tasted it slowly, and looked up at Li Wen from time to time, and his eyes were full of gratitude and joy.

The wisdom of the turtle and the heart of Levin

Over the next few hours, the turtle seemed to become Levin's most loyal listener. While Li Wen was busy working, he confided his thoughts to it. From family chores to the stress of work to uncertainty about the future, the turtle listens quietly, occasionally responding with a look or slight movement.

"You know what? Sometimes I'm really tired and I feel like I can't hold it anymore. Li Wen sighed as he spoke, "But every time I see this sea, and I see everyone on the dock working hard for a living, I feel that I still have the strength to continue to move forward." ”

The turtle seemed to understand Li Wen's words, and it slowly crawled to Li Wen's hand, and gently rubbed the back of his hand with its head, as if to say, "Don't be discouraged, old friend." Life is like this sea, sometimes calm, sometimes choppy, but as long as we persevere, there will always be hope. ”

Behind the data and the glimmer of hope

In the "dialogue" with the turtle, Li Wen also shared the data of his work at the dock over the years: from the initial handling of dozens of tons of cargo per day to the current proficiency in operating various vessel equipment; From the initial awe of the ocean to the current deep attachment to this water...... These data are not only the testimony of Li Wen's work experience, but also the embodiment of his life value.

"You see," said Levin, pointing to the sea in the distance, "the sun always rises again after every storm and wave." Just like each of us, no matter how difficult it is, as long as there is light in our hearts, we will never lose our way. ”

The turtle also seemed to be infected by Li Wen's words, and it nibbled harder on the small dried fish, as if it was also cheering for this hope.

The epilogue of the story and the transmission of hope

As the sun sets, the pier is calm again. The "conversation" between Levin and the turtle also came to an end. The turtle slowly crawled back into the sea, leaving behind a series of ripples and a deep emotion. Li Wen looked at its departing back, and his heart was full of warmth and strength.

Since then, whenever Levine has encountered difficulties or felt lost, he will think of the wise turtle and its "humorous" conversations. He knows that no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, as long as he maintains an optimistic heart, nothing is impossible.

And this story has also been passed down on the docks as a good story, inspiring everyone who struggles here. They believe that as long as there is light in their hearts, hope will always exist. Just like that magical turtle, even if you can't speak, you can use it to convey the power of love and hope.

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