
Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

author:Sir Wen

Text | Editor: Wen Cha


Southern Medical University issued a notice saying that Yu Li, a teacher from the Department of Pediatrics, was 29 minutes late for class on the morning of May 10.

The school did some research.

Several solutions are given: first, this is a teaching error;

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

Secondly, Mr. Yu's 2,000 yuan bonus this month is gone; Then, the whole school must know about it, and it must be criticized;

Finally, Mr. Yu should not think about judging the best this year.

That's it.

Is it important to save people or to be on time?

Southern Medical University said in the "Investigation and Punishment Notice" that Teacher Yu Li was late because she was busy saving people.

It wasn't on purpose, she rushed to the classroom as soon as she finished handling the patient, and the class was finished.

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

It didn't have any bad impact on the students, and it stands to reason that saving people and going to class is not wrong.

Teacher Yu should be praised, but why was he still punished?

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

The reason for this lies in the school's rules: if you are late for class or leave 15 to 30 minutes early, it is considered a serious teaching accident.

Special cases may be handled at the discretion of the case.

But Mr. Yu's 29-minute lateness just hit this red line.

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

Now the big guy wondered: is it more important to save people, or is it more important to pinch the watch to class?

Obviously, life is more precious than anything else, and if you are twenty-nine minutes late, you can just make up for it afterwards.

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

Teacher Yu did this, yes, but the school punished a good teacher who made the right choice.

This move is not right.

Insiders revealed that there will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment

Teacher Yu Li's rescue and punishment made the big guy talk about it.

She gave a vivid life education lesson to the students with practical actions.

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

Tell everyone to save lives above all else.

But the school's approach is cold and ruthless.

It's chilling, such a leader doesn't seem to understand human suffering, and the school's decision is too disappointing.

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

Will doctors have to put patients down and go to class when they encounter an emergency?

If it was a family member of the school leader lying on the hospital bed.

Will it still be punished like this?

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

Medical school is supposed to be a place to cultivate both medical skills and medical ethics, and now it is handled in this way.

It's really worrying that in the future, the students who come out here will understand what justice and responsibility are.

What's even more chilling is that an insider broke the news.

The punishment of Teacher Yu Li was unanimously nodded by the school leaders, which means that Southern Medical University may not take back the order.

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell
Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

Netizens are hotly discussed

Some netizens shouted disappointment, saying that they would hide when the school was in trouble.

This is not the right way, and some netizens are more rational and feel that the problem may lie with individual leaders.

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

You can't deny the whole school because of this, but in any case, the reputation of the school has really suffered.

This wave of operations of Southern Medical University is indeed a bit incomprehensible.

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

I heard that Teacher Yu Li was punished, and all the school leaders unanimously made a decision.

This makes people mutter: Is there something hidden behind this?

Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell
Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell
Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell
Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell
Don't wait! There will be no follow-up to Yu Li's punishment, insiders exposed the reason, and the comment area fell

Or is it just a formality that doesn't actually solve the underlying problem at all?

I am afraid that there must be a reasonable explanation for this question.