
Li Xin Gold Gemini Exposed! Away from the gradual departure limited to 1430 bonds, permanent legend 5 choose 1

author:Brother Joon has skin

Recently, news about the new skins of many heroes such as Sikong Zhen, Li Xin, Guan Yu and Gao Yuanli has come one after another, adding another touch of color to the game world.

First, let's focus on Skyquake's upcoming new Legendary skin. Inspired by the Immortal Earthfire, this skin perfectly blends the power of Sikong Zhen with a deep purple flame. In terms of clothing design, the dark purple tone not only highlights the mystery and nobility, but also subtly incorporates the texture of open flames, which makes people feel its powerful aura at a glance. Although this skin is not a limited edition, as Sikong Zhen's first legendary skin, its direct sale price of 1688 bonds still attracts the attention of many players. At present, although the design draft of the new skin is a little rough, it is difficult to hide the handsomeness and domineering exuded from the inside out. For players who like Sikong Zhen, this is undoubtedly a masterpiece not to be missed.

Li Xin Gold Gemini Exposed! Away from the gradual departure limited to 1430 bonds, permanent legend 5 choose 1

At the same time, Li Xin's upcoming new skin of the Golden Saint Seiya has also become a hot topic among players. This skin is modeled after the golden Gemini and has two distinct forms tailored for Li Xin – light and dark. The bright Li Xin has a kind face, and his hairstyle is as blue as the clear sky, revealing a kind of tranquility and peace; In his dark form, he seemed to be full of anger, and his hairstyle turned from blue to gray, filled with a kind of depression and unease. This design not only makes Li Xin's image more three-dimensional and full, but also greatly satisfies the players' pursuit of character diversity. It is reported that this golden Gemini skin has been exposed by well-known bloggers of the king, indicating that it is not far from the day when it will be officially launched.

Li Xin Gold Gemini Exposed! Away from the gradual departure limited to 1430 bonds, permanent legend 5 choose 1

In addition to Sikong Zhen and Li Xin's new skins, Honor of Kings has also prepared a free permanent legendary skin optional gift pack event for players. In this event, players can choose from five high-quality epic skins, including Zhang Liang's Golden Aries, Liu Bei's Lovers of Time, Mulan's Champion Pilot, Mengqi's Fat Da Rongrong, and Diao Chan's Cat Shadow Phantom Dance. These skins are not only of high quality, but they also have their own characteristics to suit the preferences of different players. Want to get your hands on this pack? Then hurry up and join the event!

Li Xin Gold Gemini Exposed! Away from the gradual departure limited to 1430 bonds, permanent legend 5 choose 1

In addition, Guan Yu's new skin has also attracted a lot of attention from players. This skin is themed around the fantasy orchid, which perfectly combines Guan Yu's bravery with the coolness of the mecha. In terms of costume design, the embellishment of fantasy details and the integration of mecha styles make Guan Yu's image look new; And the horse armor on the red rabbit horse adds a bit of explosive handsomeness to the whole look. According to the news, this skin will be a legendary-limited work, which is undoubtedly a huge surprise for Guan Yu's loyal fans.

Li Xin Gold Gemini Exposed! Away from the gradual departure limited to 1430 bonds, permanent legend 5 choose 1

Finally, we have to mention the new skins that are coming out of the high. This skin is a crossover between Honor of Kings and Legends, and it is not only of excellent quality but also of great significance. As a mage hero, Gao Fade has been greatly strengthened in this rework, and the shortened cooldown of his skills has made him more comfortable on the battlefield. His new skin, on the other hand, is part of the Global Selection Bundle and is of Legendary quality, priced at 1,430 bonds in the first week. Judging from the posters that have been exposed, the design of this skin is simply handsome, not only retaining the unique charm of high gradient, but also incorporating new elements to make people shine. It is reported that this new skin is expected to be officially launched around September this year, so let's look forward to it!

Li Xin Gold Gemini Exposed! Away from the gradual departure limited to 1430 bonds, permanent legend 5 choose 1

To sum up, the new skins and hero dynamics of "Honor of Kings" have brought endless surprises and expectations to players. Whether it is Sikong Zhen's Hades Earth Fire Legend, Li Xin's Golden Saint Seiya, Guan Yu's Fantasy Youlan Legend Limited or Gao Gradual Separation Linkage Legend Limited will all become highlights in the game world. Let's pay attention to the official arrival of these exciting contents!

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