
Lu Bu Flying Eagle skin exposed! Menglu ushered in the Legend Limited, and the event was 240 bonds per day

author:Brother Joon has skin

Mengru, the artillery-armed shooter hero, is about to receive his Ice White Tiger Legendary Skin. This skin is centered on the Ice and Snow style, echoing the Ice Queen series, making Meng Lu a heroic warrior who protects the Ice Queen. In the skin design, Meng Lu's two cannons are endowed with the power of ice and snow, emitting a cold blue glow. In terms of clothing, it is designed with a fluffy cotton jacket, which is both warm and fashionable. The overall shape is full of the purity and power of ice and snow, which is unforgettable at a glance. It is reported that this skin can be obtained by 1430 bonds in the first week, which is the same as the price of previous legendary skins. At present, the specific model display of the Legend of the Ice and Snow White Tiger limited skin has been leaked, and it is expected to officially land in the King's Canyon around September to add a touch of color to the anniversary celebration.

Lu Bu Flying Eagle skin exposed! Menglu ushered in the Legend Limited, and the event was 240 bonds per day

In addition to the new skin of Mengru, the official announcement of the new hero Blade Baby has also attracted a lot of attention from players. As a melee female warrior, Blade Baby not only has great combat power, but also forms a couple with the hero Aaron. Therefore, it is very likely that an exclusive couple-only will be launched in the future.

It is worth mentioning that Blade Baby and Aren already have a purple skull texture of a couple's limited skin, and its grotesque and novel design is impressive. Now, Blade Baby has officially broken the news, indicating that this new hero is about to meet players. Presumably, the launch time of Blade Baby is expected to be revealed within this year.

Lu Bu Flying Eagle skin exposed! Menglu ushered in the Legend Limited, and the event was 240 bonds per day

In addition, Li Bai's green bamboo limited skin has also returned to the player's sight. Many years ago, Li Bai was leaked the news of a green bamboo limited skin, but it didn't come true at the time. Now, with the launch of Li Bai Wushuang's limited skin, the green bamboo limited has also been mentioned again. According to people familiar with the matter, Li Bai's Green Bamboo Limited Skin will have three form changes, and each skill released will be transformed into a form.

This unique design not only makes the skin more playable, but also improves its quality and popularity. At the same time, due to the leakage of the three forms of special effects and model modeling limited to Green Bamboo in the past few years, the return of this skin seems to be just around the corner.

Lu Bu Flying Eagle skin exposed! Menglu ushered in the Legend Limited, and the event was 240 bonds per day

Lu Bu, as one of the popular heroes in "Honor of Kings", also ushered in a new skin plan. According to a well-known blogger of the king, Lu Bu's new skin will be inspired by the flying eagle and white wolf, and the back is decorated with eagle wings, and his face and body are full of character characteristics. At the same time, he will also wear the hat of the white wolf and related clothing, showing a peculiar and powerful temperament. This Flying Eagle White Wolf skin is not only of excellent quality, but it is also a legendary creation. At present, Lu Bu's flying eagle white wolf skin has leaked a comprehensive display of special effects, among which the three skill effects are particularly eye-catching: a flying eagle descends from the sky and appears with the howl of the white wolf, and the scene is shocking.

Lu Bu Flying Eagle skin exposed! Menglu ushered in the Legend Limited, and the event was 240 bonds per day

In addition to the above exciting new skins and hero revelations, "Honor of Kings" has also prepared a welfare event for players. During the trial server version update, you can get great rewards by participating in the coupon giveaway event. Log in to the game every day to receive a total of 240 bonds, and eventually accumulate up to 1,680 bonds, which can almost buy a legendary skin. This welfare activity not only allows players to experience new skins and new equipment in advance, but also feels the sincerity and care of "Honor of Kings" for players.

Lu Bu Flying Eagle skin exposed! Menglu ushered in the Legend Limited, and the event was 240 bonds per day

All in all, the new skins and heroes of "Honor of Kings" have brought endless surprises and expectations to players. Whether it is Mengru's Ice and Snow White Tiger Legend Limited, Blade Baby's upcoming debut, Li Bai's Green Bamboo Limited Reboot and Lu Bu's Flying Eagle White Wolf Legend Limited will all be highlights in the game world.

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