
In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

author:Talk about the world
In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring
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In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

On September 28, 2018, Tianbaozhai Forest Farm in Shanshi, Hubei, ushered in an unsettling morning. Master Wang, a forest ranger in his sixties, suddenly smelled a disgusting smell during a routine inspection.

Following the smell, he found a decomposing corpse in the bushes near Wubaoling.

The police quickly arrived at the scene, but unexpectedly found not one, but two female bodies. The two deceased, one old and one young, were brutally murdered in different ways.

The only clue at the scene was a silver ring on the finger of an elderly woman. The ring is engraved with five hearts, as if to silently tell a story of love and betrayal.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

In this way, a horrific murder case kicked off in this peaceful forest farm. Faced with this bewildering case, the police launched a difficult investigation.

Will they be able to solve this bloody mystery? Will the murderer get away with it? A thrilling journey to chase the murderer begins.

As the investigation deepened, the police gradually unravel the mystery of the victim's identity. After a difficult visit and evidence collection, they confirmed that the two deceased were a mother and daughter. The elderly's name is Zhang, who is nearly forty years old, and her daughter is still a minor.

This mother and daughter, who should have lived a peaceful life, were involved in a tragedy under the tricks of fate.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

During the investigation, a man named Nie came into the police's sight. Through the descriptions of the surrounding residents, the police learned that Nie had worked in a forest farm and was very familiar with the crime scene.

What's even more shocking is that someone revealed that there seems to be an ulterior relationship between Nie and Zhang.

At the same time, another key figure surfaced - Liu. He is Zhang's boyfriend, but shortly before the crime, Liu suffered a bizarre car accident.

The accident has attracted a lot of attention from the police, who are keenly aware that it may be inextricably linked to the murder.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

As the investigation progresses, a story of betrayal, jealousy, and revenge emerges. Zhang seems to be torn between Liu and Nie, while her daughter is innocently involved in this whirlpool of the adult world.

Faced with this intricate network of relationships, the police were confused for a while.

However, it was that seemingly ordinary silver ring that brought a turnaround in the case. The police visited a local jewelry store and eventually found the craftsman who made the ring in a handicraft workshop.

The owner recalls that the unique ring was custom-made for a couple, and that the feminine features in it closely matched Zhang's.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

This discovery gives hope for the detection of the case. The police realized that this ring was not only a testimony of love, but could also be the key to pointing to the truth. They begin to pursue the story behind the ring, hoping to uncover the truth of the case.

As the investigation progressed, Zhang's life trajectory gradually became clear. Her family confirmed that Zhang had indeed had a heated argument with someone before the incident. And her friend revealed that Zhang had mentioned that he wanted to completely cut off relations with someone.

This fragmented information, like pieces of a puzzle, gradually piece together a complete picture in front of the police. They realized that the key to solving this case was to sort out the complex network of relationships between Zhang, Liu, and Nie.

Each step of the investigation can lead to new breakthroughs, and the truth seems to be at hand, yet it seems so far away.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

As the investigation deepened, the police found an important clue: Zhang's bank account was abnormal. In just one week after her disappearance, nearly 100,000 yuan in deposits mysteriously disappeared.

This discovery alerted the police officers who handled the case, and they realized that this could be the key to solving the case.

The police immediately retrieved the bank's surveillance footage. After reviewing the footage repeatedly, a mysterious man wearing a hat and mask caught their attention. The man appeared in front of the ATM several times, each time wearing a different outfit, apparently deliberately disguising his identity.

Despite this, the police still relied on their keen observation and recognized this man as Nie, who had entered the line of sight of the investigation before.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

What's even more shocking is that when the police compared the account information, they found that Nie's bank account suddenly had an extra deposit equivalent to the amount of Zhang's missing deposit during the same period.

This discovery sharply increased Nie's suspicions.

The police immediately conducted a detailed investigation into Nie's recent activities. They were surprised to find that Nie had purchased a property in Jingshan shortly after the incident. The source of this huge expenditure has become a new suspicion, further deepening the police's suspicion of Nie.

In the course of the investigation, the police did not ignore other possibilities either. They carefully checked Liu's alibi and finally ruled out his suspicion of committing the crime. All the evidence points to Nie, and his motive for the crime is gradually becoming clear: for the sake of money, he may have planned this horrific murder.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

However, Nie appeared to be extremely cunning and frequently changed his residence, which brought great difficulties to the police's arrest operation. The police officers who handled the case worked day and night, vowing to bring the murderer to justice.

They visited Nie's relatives and friends, checked his communication records, and hoped to find his hiding place.

In the process, the police's efforts finally paid off in an unexpected place: Nie's hometown. Through a visit to Nie's hometown, the police obtained an important piece of information: Nie had brought back a strange woman, and the characteristics of this woman were highly consistent with Zhang.

This discovery made a major breakthrough in the case. The police speculated that Nie may have taken Zhang to his hometown before killing her. This not only confirmed Nie's connection to the case, but also provided important clues for the police to determine Nie's trajectory.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

With the continuous accumulation of evidence, the facts of Nie's crime gradually surfaced. The police believe that Nie is likely to be driven by economic interests to plan and carry out this appalling case of mother and daughter.

They speculated that Nie may have used his relationship with Zhang to gain her trust and then commit this cruel crime.

In the face of such a cunning suspect, the police decided to increase their efforts and fully prosecute them. They have arranged police forces in all places where Nie may appear, and they are also keeping a close eye on his relatives, friends, and places he frequents.

The police firmly believe that with patience and vigilance, this cruel murderer will eventually be brought to justice.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

As the investigation deepened, the police gradually restored the horrific criminal process. Through the analysis of the evidence at the scene and the inference of Nie's behavior, a chilling picture of the crime surfaced.

It is speculated that Nie and Zhang were originally lovers, but there were conflicts due to emotional disputes. In a fierce quarrel, Nie lost his mind and killed Zhang.

However, what is even more outrageous is that in order to destroy the corpse, Nie did not even let go of Zhang's young daughter. He strangled this innocent life in cold blood, simply because he feared that the girl would become a witness against him.

Nie's cruelty was far beyond the police's imagination. Judging from the situation at the scene, he brutally tied Zhang's body with wire, which showed the cold-blooded and brutal nature of the murderer.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

As for the little girl, he asked her to keep the dress she had before she died, wearing a white dress of gauze. This contrast highlights the twisted psychology of the murderer even more.

In order to cover up the crime, Nie carefully selected Tianbaozhai Forest Farm as the place to dump the corpse. He used his experience working on a forest farm to choose a remote and secluded location.

Nie thought that in this way, he would be able to hide his crimes forever, but he didn't know that fate had already laid a trap for him.

After the incident, Nie behaved unusually calmly. He quietly withdrew Zhang's savings, and even bought a new house, as if everything was under his control.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

However, he overlooked a tiny but fatal detail: the silver ring. This seemingly ordinary ornament eventually became the key evidence pointing to him.

The police speculated that Nie may have committed the crime at Zhang's home, and then used some kind of transportation to transport the body to the forest farm. He chose to dump the body in the dead of night to reduce the risk of being discovered.

However, even with such caution, he inadvertently left clues.

The brutality of the case shocked the entire investigation team. Every police officer involved in the investigation is determined to bring this cold-blooded murderer to justice and get justice for the deceased.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

They are well aware that if criminals like Nie cannot be caught in time, they may cause greater harm to society.

With the continuous accumulation of evidence, the facts of Nie's crime have been clarified. The biggest challenge for the police now is how to apprehend him. They knew that Nie was cunning and cunning, and the arrest operation must be foolproof.

Every detail can make or break an operation, so they begin to orchestrate a round-up.

With the accumulation of evidence, the police finally launched a comprehensive round-up of Nie. They carefully analyzed the law of Nie's actions and laid a net on the road he had to go.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

Every police officer involved in the operation tensed their nerves and waited for the moment when the cruel murderer would be brought to justice.

On the day of the operation, tension was in the air. The police officers hid in every corner where Nie might appear, their eyes vigilantly scanning every pedestrian passing by.

Finally, on an ordinary afternoon, Nie's figure appeared in the police's sight.

The moment he saw the police, Nie realized that he was exposed. He immediately abandoned the car and fled, heading for a small alley. The police followed and launched a fierce pursuit.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

The sound of hurried footsteps and wheezing echoed in the alley, and Nie was like a beast cornered, desperately looking for a chance to escape.

The chase culminated in a drainage ditch. Nie was surrounded by the police and had nowhere to run. After a fierce struggle, the police successfully subdued Nie.

The moment the cold handcuffs were clasped on Nie's hand, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This cruel murderer has finally fallen into the net.

In the interrogation room, in the face of ironclad evidence, Nie finally collapsed and confessed his crime. He regretted that he did not expect to end up losing in a small silver ring.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

This seemingly insignificant object became the key evidence to defeat him.

Nie's arrest not only brought an end to this murder case that shocked the whole city, but also brought a trace of comfort to the victim's family. The unremitting efforts and careful deployment of the police finally brought justice to justice.

This successful arrest once again proves the truth that the legal net is magnificent, and negligence is not leaked.

Nie's arrest brought an end to this murder case that shocked the whole city. However, the warning left by the case is worth pondering.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

This case proves once again that even the most perfect crime can leave a trail. Nie thought he was thoughtful and carefully planned every detail of the crime and the dumping of the body.

He chose a remote forest farm and tried to destroy the evidence through the natural environment. He even behaved unusually calmly after the incident, withdrawing his savings and buying a new house in an attempt to hide his eyes.

However, he neglected the seemingly insignificant silver ring, a small oversight that eventually led to his downfall.

At the same time, this case also reflects the complex and dark side of human nature. A deformed relationship eventually led to an irreparable tragedy. It warns us to cherish life, to respect the law, and not to let the impulse ruin our own lives and the lives of others.

In 2018, the mother and daughter were dumped in the wilderness, and the police caught the killer with a silver ring

Finally, we would like to pay tribute to the hard-working police officers. In the face of this puzzling case, they showed extraordinary wisdom and perseverance. From discovering clues to capturing the murderer, every step is a condensation of their efforts.

It is their efforts that have made justice possible.

This case proves once again that the legal net is magnificent, and there is no omission. Any attempt to evade justice will be punished in the end. It reminds us to always maintain a sense of reverence for the law, cherish life, and stay away from crime.

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