
The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

author:Talk about the world
The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years
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The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

In 2012, the night at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University was broken by an emergency call. Tang Zhenyu, the doctor on duty in the neurology department, hurried to the emergency room, but was stunned the moment he saw the patient.

Lying on the stretcher was his colleague, 30-year-old Dr. Wang Lei.

"Leibo? What's going on? Tang Zhenyu looked at the unconscious Wang Lei in disbelief. Her husband anxiously explained: "She suddenly passed out at home and had trouble breathing.

After an urgent examination, the diagnosis shocked everyone: massive bleeding in the brainstem and cross-sectional damage of two-thirds. What's even more worrying is that Wang Lei is still four months pregnant.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Faced with this critical moment, the medical team was faced with a dilemma. Do you go all out to save Wang Lei's life, or risk saving the fetus in the womb? A difficult choice was made for everyone.

Wang Lei's story begins with an ordinary family in Huangshan City, Anhui Province. Born in 1982, she has shown extraordinary intelligence since she was a child, and has become known as "someone else's child" in the mouth of her neighbors.

Although the parents, Wang Lunfu and Chen Shunying, are not highly educated, they do not put too much pressure on their daughter, and only hope that it is enough for her to study in secondary school.

However, Wang Lei's ambitions go far beyond that. She dreamed of becoming a top neurologist, and she worked hard to achieve it. With excellent results, she successfully stepped out of the mountainous area of southern Anhui and entered the door of a higher medical school.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

In 2006, Wang Lei graduated from Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University with excellent grades. But she knows that a bachelor's degree alone is not enough to establish a foothold in the medical field.

After careful consideration, she decided to pursue a five-year Ph.D. in neurology.

During his Ph.D., Wang Lei showed amazing learning ability and research talent. She has not only successfully passed the rigorous theoretical knowledge examination and clinical practice, but also published a number of high-quality papers in SCI journals.

These achievements have earned her a full national scholarship for three consecutive years, and she has become the object of admiration of her classmates.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

In 2011, at the age of 29, Wang Lei got his wish and received his MD degree, becoming one of the few students in his class to graduate on time. With her love for medicine, she came to work in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University.

Just six months later, she became the attending physician in neurology with her outstanding performance.

While his career is booming, Wang Lei's personal life has also ushered in a sweet moment. She tied the knot with her boyfriend, whom she met during her PhD, and the two chose to settle in the "middle ground" of Nanchang, opening a new chapter in their lives.

In August 2012, Wang Lei reaped another joy in life - she was pregnant. At the age of 30, she has a successful career and a happy family, and seems to have stood at the peak of her life.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

However, fate played a cruel joke at this time.

On the night of her fourth month of pregnancy, Wang Lei suddenly fell unconscious at home. When she was rushed to the hospital, no one could have imagined that this young and promising doctor would appear as a patient in a department she was familiar with.

The diagnosis of massive brain stem hemorrhage left everyone in shock and despair.

The once radiant daughter of the sky is now lying on the edge of life and death. Wang Lei's life ushered in the biggest turning point at this moment.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Wang Lei's illness affects everyone's hearts. The medical team fought day and night to finally pull her back from the brink of death.

This question is like a double-edged sword, hanging over everyone's mind. From a professional point of view, Dr. Tang Zhenyu recommended giving up the fetus. "At the moment we can't predict whether this child will have sequelae," he explains.

From a medical point of view, it is imperative to do everything possible to ensure the safety of adults. This advice sounds reasonable, but it is undoubtedly a heavy blow to a woman who is about to become a mother.

Just when everyone was inclined to give up the fetus, Wang Lei's mother, Chen Shunying, stood up. She said firmly: "Please do not terminate the pregnancy and let this child come into this world safely."

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

If he gives up, Lei Lei will definitely regret it for the rest of his life. Chen Shunying's persistence stems from a deep understanding of her daughter, and it also reflects the greatness of maternal love.

This decision has brought great challenges to Wang Lei's treatment. In order to protect the fetus, doctors have had to adopt a more conservative treatment regimen. When Wang Lei had a high fever, they could only use physical cooling to put her on a cold ice plate, which undoubtedly increased the patient's pain.

Chen Shunying stayed by her daughter's side day and night and took on the responsibility of taking care of her. Every two hours, she uses a syringe to inject liquid food through Wang Lei's nostrils to ensure that both mother and child can get enough nutrition.

This process lasted for months, and Chen Shunying's hair turned gray as a result. But she never had the idea of giving up and always believed that miracles would happen.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

During these difficult days, the fetus in the womb seemed to feel the persistence of the grandmother and the strength of the mother, and grew tenaciously. As the pregnancy progresses, doctors' worries are gradually replaced by hope.

Finally, on April 22, 2013, the doctors decided to perform a caesarean section for Wang Lei. Outside the operating room, everyone held their breath, worried that the ordeal might have all sorts of problems.

However, when the baby's cry sounds, all worries disappear.

Wang Lei successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy, weighing six pounds and nine taels. This life, who almost failed to come to the world, proved with his own existence how correct the decision was in the first place.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Chen Shunying and her husband Wang Lunfu cried with joy and hugged this hard-won grandson tightly.

Although Wang Lei himself is still in a coma and cannot witness this miracle with his own eyes, the birth of this child has undoubtedly brought a ray of hope to the family. His arrival is not only a continuation of life, but also the best reward for perseverance and maternal love.

This miraculous birth has become a beacon for Wang Lei's long road to recovery, injecting strength into the difficult challenges she is about to face.

In June 2013, after half a long coma, 31-year-old Wang Lei finally opened his eyes. However, a brutal new world awaits her. He was paralyzed, blind in his right eye, and his once dexterous hands were now only able to move weakly with his right index finger.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

As a neurologist, she knows better than anyone what she faces.

Wang Lei struggled to adapt to this unfamiliar body, and every tiny movement required great willpower. Her left eyelids, which could see her surroundings, trembled uncontrollably, leaving her feeling deeply frustrated.

However, when she saw her son for the first time, a tear slipped quietly. At that moment, she understood why she had to be strong to live.

Just when Wang Lei was trying to accept the reality and preparing to rebuild her life, fate gave her a heavy blow again. The husband filed for divorce with apologies. Faced with high medical bills and the reality that the wife may be paralyzed for life, the once loving couple finally separated.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Wang Lei did not stay, she understands that everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle. Since then, her husband has moved out of the house, leaving Wang Lei to raise the children alone. Although he can receive child support on time every month, the pain of losing his lover and the confusion about the future made Wang Lei fall into a trough for a while.

However, Wang Lei did not give up. With the support of her parents, she began her arduous rehabilitation. Every day, she had to rely on a standing frame to barely support herself for a moment, enduring the pain of acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation of acupuncture points.

In this process, Wang Lei showed the same tenacity and perseverance as when he was studying.

The road to recovery has been extremely difficult. Wang Lei needs to relearn the most basic life skills, such as how to operate an electric wheelchair with his right index finger, which can only move. Every attempt was fraught with setbacks, but she never had the intention of giving up.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

In this process, Wang Lei's parents have become her strongest backing. They worked tirelessly to take care of their daughter and grandson, giving Wang Lei unconditional support and encouragement.

Although Wang Lunfu and Chen Shunying are not highly educated, they use their actions to interpret what true love is.

Slowly, Wang Lei began to accept his new identity. She understands that while she can't go back to the operating table, her medical knowledge and experience can still help others.

This realization gave her the motivation to continue to move forward, and also planted the seeds for her later establishment of the "Huajia Forum".

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Although life still faces many challenges, Wang Lei has found a new direction in life. She is determined to give back to society in her own way, proving that even in the face of adversity, she can create value and shine in life.

In 2016, after three years of arduous rehabilitation training, Wang Lei's physical condition improved slightly, but he was still unable to live independently. However, she didn't give up because of this.

Recalling the national scholarship he had won and his years of medical accumulation, Wang Lei was determined to continue to contribute to society.

After careful consideration, Wang Lei came up with the idea of creating a public welfare forum. She named the forum "Huajia Forum" and aimed to provide reliable medical consultation services to the elderly.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

The name implies her love for the elderly and symbolizes a new beginning in her life.

Although he had never been exposed to computer programming, Wang Lei taught himself about it through online videos. With her right index finger, which can only move, she taps the keyboard bit by bit, often taking hours to complete a reply.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the information, she often needs to consult professional books and authoritative platforms to strive to provide the most reliable advice to netizens.

In this process, Wang Lei showed amazing perseverance and concentration. In addition to the daily rehabilitation, she spends an average of four hours a day maintaining the forum. Sometimes, when she couldn't reply in time, she would call her mother to help her type.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Although Chen Shunying does not understand computers, under the guidance of her daughter, she has slowly learned how to assist in her work.

With the passage of time, the "Huajia Forum" gradually gained recognition. Wang Lei insisted on replying to every inquiry within 24 hours, and her professional and meticulous answers won the trust of netizens.

So far, the forum has nearly 6,000 loyal members and has published more than 8,000 posts.

Many netizens didn't know about Wang Lei's special situation at first, and some even complained because of the slow response speed. However, when they learned the story behind it, they were all moved by Wang Lei's strength and dedication.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Some people left messages to cheer her on, and the forum gradually became a community full of positive energy.

Wang Lei's efforts have not only helped many elderly people in need of medical advice, but also found new value in life for himself. "I can't go back to work in the hospital, but I want to prove my worth in this way," she says.

This former neurologist has now become a "health consultant" on the Internet, weaving a warm network with knowledge and persistence.

The success of the "Huajia Forum" not only allowed Wang Lei to regain her self-confidence, but also brought new hope to her life. While the physical limitations remain, her spiritual world is richer than ever.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Through the forum, she not only disseminates medical knowledge, but also conveys the power of life, inspiring more people to bravely face the challenges of life.

Today, Wang Lei's son Siyuan has grown up and become a sensible little boy. He studied the violin, practiced taekwondo, and tried to show his talent in every aspect.

Siyuan knows that her mother's difficulties are not easy, and often cheers for her in her own way. He even wrote the words "I wish my mother a speedy recovery" on the small blackboard, which made Wang Lei feel very pleased.

Wang Lei continues to run her "Huajia Forum" and serves the society with her professional knowledge. Although life is still challenging, she has found new value in life.

The female doctor was paralyzed in bed when she was pregnant at the age of 30, and was divorced by her husband after giving birth, and succeeded in counterattacking after 6 years

Wang Lei proved with practical actions: even in adversity, as long as you have hope and perseverance, you can create miracles and bloom the brilliance of life. Her story has become a source of strength that inspires so many people.

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