
Yao Ming + O'Neill! Zhang Ziyu led the U18 women's basketball team to win Japan 44+13+5

author:Fish and cats in the sea of the moon

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Yao Ming + O'Neill! Zhang Ziyu led the U18 women's basketball team to win Japan 44+13+5
Yao Ming + O'Neill! Zhang Ziyu led the U18 women's basketball team to win Japan 44+13+5
Yao Ming + O'Neill! Zhang Ziyu led the U18 women's basketball team to win Japan 44+13+5
Yao Ming + O'Neill! Zhang Ziyu led the U18 women's basketball team to win Japan 44+13+5
Yao Ming + O'Neill! Zhang Ziyu led the U18 women's basketball team to win Japan 44+13+5

Zhang Ziyu: The combination of Yao Ming + O'Neal, the new hope of the U18 women's basketball team

In the bright starry sky of basketball, there are always some names that can instantly light up the entire court and become the focus of attention. On the evening of June 26, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team not only won a ticket to the 2025 U19 World Cup for itself with a hearty victory, but also made the name of a new star resounding in the sky - Zhang Ziyu. The 17-year-old basketball girl, who is 2.23 meters tall, seems to be the perfect combination of Yao Ming and O'Neal, leading the team to defeat Japan 97-81 with a dominant performance of 44 points, 13 rebounds and 5 assists, showing her extraordinary talent and unlimited potential.

1. The posture of a giant was born

In the world of basketball, height is often seen as an important indicator of talent, and Zhang Ziyu is undoubtedly a leader in this regard. She not only inherited the excellent genes of her mother Yu Ying, a former national women's basketball player, but also formed an indissoluble bond with basketball since she was a child under the careful guidance of her parents. Starting from the basketball court of Jinan Wenhua East Road Primary School to the further study of the famous basketball school of Tsinghua University High School, Zhang Ziyu has taken every step firmly and powerfully. At the age of 15, she made her mark in the Shandong women's basketball team, and although she had not yet worn the national team jersey at that time, her name had begun to spread in the basketball circle. In June this year, when Zhang Ziyu was selected for the first time in the U18 women's basketball training camp, countless fans and industry insiders had high hopes for her. And the stage of the Asian Championships is her best opportunity to show herself to the world.

2. 44 points in a single game, shocking the audience

Facing the Japanese women's basketball team, Zhang Ziyu did not disappoint anyone. In 26 minutes of playing time, she seemed to be a giant on the basketball court, shooting an astonishing 20-of-22 shooting, plus 4-of-5 free throws, slashing 44 points, grabbing 13 rebounds, diching out five assists, and two steals, with a plus/minus of +30, becoming the biggest contributor to the team's victory. Every time she scores, she seems to be so effortless, whether it is a strong attack under the basket or a mid-range projection, it makes people feel her unparalleled physical advantage and basketball IQ. Some media commented: "Zhang Ziyu's performance broke all doubts, she was like an unfixed BUG, covering up all the deficiencies with a powerful attack." ”

3. Team leader, drive the whole team

However, Zhang's value goes far beyond individual scores. In the competition, she showed excellent team spirit and leadership temperament. Through her precise passing and aggressive movement, she not only created a lot of attacking opportunities for herself, but also opened the door for her teammates to attack. Li Yushan, Wang Jiaxin, Chen Jing and other teammates also performed well under her leadership. Under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu, the entire Chinese U18 women's basketball team seems to have become an efficient machine, and every part plays an indispensable role. As one female reporter put it: "Zhang Ziyu is strong enough to ignore some of her shortcomings, and she knows how to use her strengths to create opportunities for her teammates, which is very rare." ”

Fourth, the future can be expected, the new core of the Chinese women's basketball team

With Zhang Ziyu's amazing performance in the U18 Asian Championships, she has undoubtedly become the future hope star of the Chinese women's basketball team. Some fans even compared her to Yao Ming, believing that she may become the core player of the Chinese women's basketball team in the next ten or even fifteen years. Although such an evaluation is a little exaggerated, it is enough to see people's expectations and confidence in Zhang Ziyu. For Zhang Ziyu, this victory is just the beginning of her basketball career, and there is still a long way to go, and there will be more and more challenges. But as she showed on the court, as long as she maintains her love and persistent pursuit of basketball, she will be able to overcome all difficulties and become the pride of the Chinese women's basketball team.

The rise of Zhang Ziyu not only injected new vitality into the Chinese women's basketball team, but also brought endless surprises and expectations to the majority of fans. We believe that in the days to come, she will continue to use her sweat and hard work to write her own basketball legend.

Zhang Ziyu: A rising star on the shoulders of giants, the future light of the Chinese women's basketball team

As a veteran basketball fan, I have witnessed countless glorious moments on the basketball court, but last night's U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship, Zhang Ziyu's performance undoubtedly left the most profound imprint in my heart. When the score was fixed at 97-81, and the Chinese women's basketball team defeated the Japanese team with a hearty victory, advanced to the semifinals and locked the 2025 U19 World Cup, my inner excitement was indescribable. And behind all this, Zhang Ziyu, who is only 17 years old and 2.23 meters tall, uses her incredible basketball talent to weave a moving story about dreams, perseverance and victory for us.

First, the first edge, the posture of the giant is shocking

From the first minute of the game, Zhang Ziyu seemed to be the center of attention on the court, and her every touch of the ball made people take their breath away. Her height advantage creates a natural barrier under the basket, putting opposing players under pressure like never before, both defensively and offensively. But what really shocked me was not only her height, but also her calmness and confidence on the court. Zhang Ziyu was not afraid of the tight defense of the Japanese team, and she used her excellent physical fitness and basketball IQ to repeatedly win under the basket, while also being able to accurately find teammates in open positions and send wonderful passes. At that moment, I seemed to see the shadows of Yao Ming and O'Neill, which were perfectly integrated in Zhang Ziyu.

Second, the strength of the team, to build the foundation of victory

However, basketball has never been a one-man sport. Under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu, every member of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team has shown a high team spirit and collaboration ability. They worked well on the court and played well at both ends of the pitch. Especially when Zhang Ziyu is caught in the bag, her teammates can always stand up in time and create better offensive opportunities for her through accurate passing and running. And Zhang Ziyu can always repay the trust of his teammates at critical moments, and help the team stabilize the situation with accurate shots and assists. This tacit understanding and trust between teams is the key to the Chinese women's basketball team's victory.

3. The future is promising, and new stars shine in the basketball starry sky

As the game ended, Zhang Ziyu's name quickly spread in the basketball circle. Her outstanding performance has not only won wide praise from fans, but also made people look forward to the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. As a young player, Zhang Ziyu has shown maturity and stability beyond his years. Not only does she have excellent scoring ability on the offensive end, but she also shows amazing potential and value on the defensive end. More importantly, she has an infinite love and persistent pursuit of basketball, which will inspire her to continue to move forward on the road in the future and become a leader in the Chinese women's basketball team.

4. Discussion and Prospects: Zhang Ziyu and the Future of China's Women's Basketball Team

The rise of Zhang Ziyu has undoubtedly injected new vitality and hope into the Chinese women's basketball team. However, we should also be aware that basketball is a sport that requires both teamwork and individual ability. Although Zhang Ziyu is talented, if he wants to gain a foothold in the arena at a higher level, he still needs to improve and improve in many aspects. For example, she can further strengthen her speed and flexibility training to better adapt to the fast-paced and high-intensity confrontation of modern basketball; At the same time, she also needs to constantly improve her basketball IQ and tactical understanding in order to make more rational decisions and choices in the game.

In addition, we also need to pay attention to the overall development of the Chinese women's basketball team. While Zhang's outstanding performance has been a huge help to the team, basketball is a five-on-five game, and the team can only achieve better results if the players in each position are able to perform at their own level. Therefore, we should continue to increase investment and support for the women's basketball team, provide more competition opportunities and training resources for young players, help them grow rapidly and contribute to the future development of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Finally, I want to say that the rise of Zhang Ziyu is only the beginning of the revival of the Chinese women's basketball team. We have reason to believe that in the coming days, the Chinese women's basketball team will emerge with more outstanding young players like Zhang Ziyu. They will work hand in hand to write a glorious chapter of the Chinese women's basketball team!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Women shine in the basketball world

Partridge Sky Praise Zhang Ziyu

The giants are proud of the sky, and the women in the basketball world shine brightly. The length of the body is like a pine and cypress, and the skill is like a phoenix.

Offensive and defensive, showing the edge, the elegance of the peerless youth madness. Youth is burning the field, and Top Gun is magnificent.


Looking at the blue sky and clouds flying from afar, the heroes and heroines are high-spirited. Zhang Ziyu is like a god general, with a tall and lofty posture.

The jade hand is light and the ball is like electricity, and the iron hooves break through the enemy's cold. The prancing horse whips the wind and thunders, and no one stops him in the basketball world.

What is Japan's strong enemy to fear, and look at our generation's heroism. A dunk shocked the four, and the audience cheered and shook the sky.

Territory under rebounding, and magic in defense. Teamwork is like one, tacit understanding is better than affinity.

Zhang Ziyu is not idle, and his talent is rare in the world. Diligent study and hard work have never dropped out, just to show their ambitions for the future.

debuted at the Asian Championships and became famous all over the world. There is still a long road ahead, and I hope you will continue to write a new chapter.

The blood of youth is sprinkled on the field, and sweat casts heroic courage. Fearless of strong opponents, he moved forward bravely and vowed to be the first in the Chinese women's basketball team.

Women don't let their eyebrows go, and their daughters also have Lingyun's wishes. May you accompany the basketball side and draw the Chinese basketball roll.

This poem is based on the ancient word card "Partridge Sky" as a reference, praising Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance and extraordinary demeanor on the basketball court. The first sentence "The giant is proud of the Quartet" directly pointed out Zhang Ziyu's prominent position and extraordinary momentum in the basketball world, and then vividly depicted her height advantage and superb skills through sentences such as "The length of the body is like a pine and a half, and the skill is like a phoenix".

The next film further shows Zhang Ziyu's heroism and teamwork spirit in the game, as well as her love and persistent pursuit of basketball. The sentence "What is Japan's strong enemy afraid of, and watch our generation show its heroism" shows her fighting spirit and courage to the fullest.

Finally, the poet expressed his high respect and best wishes to Zhang Ziyu and all basketball players with sentences such as "Youth and blood are sprinkled on the court, and sweat casts heroic courage", and at the same time, he also placed his ardent expectations for the future development of the Chinese women's basketball team. The whole poem is majestic and sincere, which is not only a celebration of Zhang Ziyu's personal achievements, but also a display of the overall style of the Chinese women's basketball team.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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