
Today in history: Famous people return to the league to join the Warriors, and the shutdown 13 years ago has a huge impact!

author:Fish and cats in the sea of the moon

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Today in history: Famous people return to the league to join the Warriors, and the shutdown 13 years ago has a huge impact!
Today in history: Famous people return to the league to join the Warriors, and the shutdown 13 years ago has a huge impact!
Today in history: Famous people return to the league to join the Warriors, and the shutdown 13 years ago has a huge impact!
Today in history: Famous people return to the league to join the Warriors, and the shutdown 13 years ago has a huge impact!

Echoes of History: The Bright Lights and Twists and Turns of the NBA's July 2nd

In the vast history of the NBA, every day may be engraved with an immortal chapter. July 2nd, this seemingly ordinary day, but it carries unforgettable memories in the hearts of basketball fans. From the return of the legend to the ups and downs of the league, today, let's travel back in time and relive those exciting moments.

Rick Barry: The Rekindling of the Warrior's Soul

When it comes to Rick Barry, that unique "urinal" free-throw position comes to mind, but it's far from all he's left for the NBA. As an out-and-out super scorer, Barry announced his arrival in the second season of his career with a shocking performance of 35.6 points per game. However, the turn of fate is always so sudden, Barry switched to the ABA league for some reason, and the year without a ball did not wear away his edge, but made him more dazzling after his comeback, not only led the team to win the ABA championship, but also returned to the NBA in the summer of 1972 with infinite love and desire for basketball, and once again put on the jersey of the Warriors.

This return, Barry is like a phoenix, being named to the All-Star team for six consecutive years, and reached the peak of his career in the 74-75 season. He led the Warriors to the first championship in history, was named the MVP of the Finals, and was also crowned the steal king, showing his all-around dominance on both ends of the floor. Barry wrote a glorious chapter in the history of the Warriors with his extraordinary scoring ability and indomitable fighting spirit, and his name will be forever engraved in the hearts of Warriors fans.

Derrick White: From Spurs rising star to Green Patronus

Fast forward to 1994, and although there was no direct NBA event on July 2 of that year, a future star was born - Derrick White. As a rookie who was drafted by the Spurs at the end of the first round in 2017, White gradually established himself in the Spurs team with his relentless efforts and outstanding performances. Not only did he shine in the playoffs in his second year of career, but he also earned the team's trust the following season, earning a massive $73 million contract.

However, the Spurs' rebuilding plan set White on a new journey, and he joined the Boston Celtics. There, White quickly became an integral part of the team, being named to the All-Defensive Team for the second year in a row and playing a key role in last season's playoffs. His defense is as solid as a rock, and he has also repeatedly performed amazingly on the offensive end, hitting key shots at key moments many times, helping the Celtics lift the championship trophy again after 16 years. The story of Derrick White is the best illustration of struggle and perseverance, and he has proved with his actions that even players who are not favored in the draft can shine brightly on the NBA stage.

Shutdown in 1995: The first test of labor disputes

The wheels of history rolled forward, and around July 2, 1995, the NBA ushered in its third shutdown in history. The root cause of this shutdown is the huge disagreement between labor and management over the salary structure and rookie contracts. Bosses are looking to introduce a hard salary cap and tighter restrictions on rookie contracts to rein in rising operating costs. Although the two sides eventually reached a compromise and avoided the implementation of a hard salary cap, the limitations of the rookie contract became a reality. Although the shutdown lasted only three months, it set the stage for the subsequent collective bargaining and gave fans a first glimpse of the impact of the strife-in-league strife on the game itself.

The 2011 shutdown: a long winter and hope for recovery

If the 1995 shutdown was just a prelude, the 2011 shutdown was undoubtedly a cold winter in NBA history. The shutdown lasted 149 days and left the season under a shadow of uncertainty for almost the entire season. The players either chose to pan for gold overseas or train on their own to stay in shape, and the tension within the league was at its peak. With overseas invitations from superstars such as Kobe Bryant and Durant, and players such as Deron Williams and Serge Ibaka also going to play in overseas leagues, the future of the NBA seems to be uncertain for a while.

However, the cold winter will eventually pass, and spring will always come. After a long shutdown, the NBA is finally back to normal before the start of the new season. Despite the reduction in the number of regular games, a tighter schedule, and even an unprecedented back-to-back schedule, none of this can stop the players' love for basketball and desire to win. With their sweat and hard work, they have dedicated one wonderful game after another to the fans, and also made the NBA show strong vitality and hope for recovery in the face of adversity.

July 2 may not be a remarkable day in the history of the NBA, but the stories and memories it carries are worth remembering forever. From the legendary return of Rick Barry, to the inspirational growth of Derrick White, to the baptism of wind and rain in two shutdowns, these moments have woven a colorful picture of the NBA's history. In the days to come, let's continue to look forward to more exciting moments to witness the glory and glory of the NBA.

Fan Perspective: A Profound Reflection on the 2011 NBA Shutdown and Team Situation

As a loyal NBA fan, the summer of 2011 is undoubtedly an indelible memory in my heart. That year, the NBA was locked down for months due to the inability of both employers and management to reach a new collective bargaining agreement, which not only affected the livelihoods of the players, but also left countless fans like me in endless wait and disappointment.

The haze of shutdown

Back that summer, when the teams were supposed to be in full swing to prepare for the new season, the news of the shutdown suddenly came. At that moment, my heart felt as if it was being weighed down by a boulder, and I couldn't breathe. The NBA, the basketball temple that has accompanied me for countless days and nights, has come to a standstill because of money. As fans, we can't understand why players worth tens of millions and team owners with deep pockets would fight over millions or even tens of millions of dollars in shares, and end up putting the entire league in such an embarrassing situation.

During the shutdown, I followed the news every day, hoping that the two sides could reach an agreement as soon as possible to get the game back to work. However, as time passed, hope gradually turned to despair. Players who were supposed to be working up a sweat on the pitch had to train alone in the training gym or choose to pan for gold overseas. And those games that should be blood-boiling can only be staged in imagination.

The helplessness of the team and the players

The impact of the shutdown on teams and players is enormous. For the team, they lost the opportunity to communicate and run in with the players, and the preparation plan for the new season was disrupted, and the overall strength of the team was also affected. For players, they have lost a steady source of income and can only rely on savings or overseas contracts to make ends meet. What's more, they lost the opportunity to prove themselves on the pitch and win honours.

I still remember that at that time, many players chose to go to overseas leagues such as the CBA to pan for gold, and there were many top stars like Kobe Bryant and JR Smith. Their arrival, although it brought attention and box office revenue to overseas leagues, was a wordless irony and loss for the NBA. After all, these players were supposed to shine on the NBA stage, not looking for opportunities in a foreign country.

Struggles and compromises between the team and the players

During the shutdown, the players did not sit still. Through the players' union, they are pressuring the league for more reasonable pay and treatment. The league, on the other hand, insisted that the old collective bargaining agreement was no longer sufficient to meet the operational needs of the team and that it had to be significantly revised. The differences between the two sides grew, and the negotiations reached an impasse for a while.

However, with the passage of time and the pressure of public opinion, the two sides finally chose to compromise. After months of negotiations, the two sides finally reached a new collective bargaining agreement that ended the protracted shutdown. While this agreement doesn't please everyone, it at least puts the NBA back on track.

Reflections and discussions after the shutdown

After the shutdown ended, I revisited the NBA as a league. I realized that while the NBA is a business league, it's more of a family of players, coaches, fans, and so on. In this big family, everyone should work hard for a common goal, not for personal gain.

At the same time, I also have a lot of respect for the fighting spirit of the players. Their courage to stand up and fight against the alliance in order to protect their legitimate rights and interests is worth learning from each of us. Of course, I also hope that future collective negotiations will be smoother and more efficient, and that similar shutdowns will not happen again.

Discussion: The Future and Development of the NBA

Although many years have passed since the shutdown, the reflections and discussions it has left for us are far from over. As fans, we care about the future and development of the NBA. We want to see better games, better players and more fair referees. At the same time, we also hope that the NBA can become a more united and harmonious family, so that everyone involved can feel a sense of belonging and happiness.

Finally, I would like to say that no matter what challenges and difficulties the NBA faces in the future, I will continue to support it and love it. Because in my heart, the NBA is not just a basketball league, but a symbol of faith and spirit. I believe that with the joint efforts of all of us, the NBA will usher in a more brilliant future.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: "Sigh of Shutdown"

Shutdown sighs

The blue sky is dark, and the NBA is hard to end.

In the past, it was prosperous like a dream, and now it is full of chests.

The superstar has gone away from home, and the youngster has spare time to train.

The stadium is lonely and no one asks, and the fans are anxious for a reunion.

When is the labor dispute, the entanglement of interests is like a dragon.

Millions of gold and silver have become disasters, and thousands of years have been overpaid by the east wind.

Recalling the past, the glorious years are thick,

The heroes are fighting endlessly.

Kobe Bryant flew across the sky, and James stepped on Kyushu.

Looking at the present day, the suspension is hazy,

There is no place for heroes, and the empty ambition turns into dirt.

Overseas gold panning to find old dreams, the bright moon in another country shines on a lonely boat.

I hope to return to my hometown as soon as possible and show my majesty again.

The years are like flowing water, and the shutdown will eventually come to an end.

The New Testament is established, and the alliance is in full bloom.

Fans are looking forward to the new season, and the team is ready to travel.

The stadium is boiling again, and the blood is rekindled.

Looking back at the changes in the shutdown, I felt tears in my eyes.

I hope that there will be no harm in the future, and we will enjoy the ambition of the basketball world.

This "Sigh of Shutdown" uses the rhythm of ancient poetry to express the emotion and reflection on the NBA shutdown incident. The poem depicts the depression of the league during the shutdown, the helplessness and struggle of the players, and the anxiety and anticipation of the fans. At the same time, it also expressed his good hope that the labor and management can reach a settlement as soon as possible and get the NBA back on track. By comparing the changes before and after the shutdown, it shows the charm and passion of basketball, as well as the deep affection of fans for basketball. Finally, he concluded with "I hope that there will be no harm in the future, and we will enjoy the ambition of basketball together", which expressed my best wishes for the future development of the NBA.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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