
The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out

author:Fish and cats in the sea of the moon

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The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out
The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out
The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out
The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out
The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out
The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out
The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out
The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed, and the event was facing huge compensation, and the World Badminton Association and Lin Dan spoke out

The fall of the feather world: the regretful farewell of the genius boy Zhang Zhijie

In the world of badminton, every player is a bright star in the night sky, and Zhang Zhijie, the once shining star, extinguished his light in advance in a distressing way. As fans, our hearts are so heavy that we can't accept that this 17-year-old genius has left our beloved arena forever.

1. Tragedy on the field: the golden four minutes of life were delayed

Recalling that heartbreaking match, Zhang Zhijie fought the court, and every swing of the racket embodies his love and dedication to badminton. However, just at the critical moment of the game, the unexpected suddenly struck. When Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground, the tense atmosphere on the sidelines instantly froze. The coach, the medical team and even the opponent instinctively wanted to rush forward to the rescue, but shockingly, the female referee sitting in the referee's seat indifferently stopped all this and insisted on waiting for the Indonesian hosts' medical team to enter according to the rules. This short wait of a few minutes is a test of life and death for Zhang Zhijie. The golden four minutes of rescue time were mercilessly delayed, and a life full of infinite possibilities came to an abrupt end.

We can't help but ask, are rules really more important than life? At that moment, the indifference and inaction of the Indonesian organizers and the Asian Badminton Federation undoubtedly became the driving force behind this tragedy. If they had acted in a timely manner, and if the medical team had been more professional and prompt, perhaps Zhang Zhijie's tragedy would not have happened. The hearts of the fans are dripping blood, and we feel endless grief and regret for Zhang Zhijie's passing.

2. The Fall of Genius: Zhang Zhijie's Glory and Unfinished Dreams

Zhang Zhijie, a name that has shone in China and even the world. He has shown an extraordinary talent for badminton since he was a child, and with his unremitting efforts and tenacity, he has repeatedly achieved great results on the court. National Champion, World Series Champion...... These honors are not only a recognition of his strength, but also an expectation of his infinite possibilities in the future. However, it all came to an abrupt end in that unfortunate moment.

Zhang Zhijie's death is not only a huge loss for the Chinese badminton world, but also a regret for the world badminton world. He could have continued to write his own legend on the field, and won more honors for the country and himself with sweat and hard work. But fate was so cruel that this genius boy came to an abrupt end in his best years. We miss his smile, his swings, his every run and jump. His death has left an unfillable void in the hearts of countless fans.

3. Responsibility question: What is the responsibility of the event organizer?

Zhang Zhijie's death not only triggered the grief and anger of fans, but also triggered a profound inquiry into the responsibility of the organizers of the event. Although the Indonesian Badminton Association and the BWF issued a message expressing their grief and regret, their statements obviously could not calm the anger of the fans. Indonesian tournament organizers insist that medical treatment is prompt and prompt, but this is not the case. It is clear from the video of the game that there were obvious delays and improper operations in the rescue process by the medical team. If they can rush into the house for rescue at the first time, if their medical equipment is more complete and professional, then Zhang Zhijie may still have hope of survival.

This is further confirmed by the analysis of domestic lawyers. If there is a rescue delay at the scene and there is a causal relationship with Zhang Zhijie's death, then the event organizer must bear the corresponding responsibility. Although the huge compensation cannot save Zhang Zhijie's life, it can at least bring a little comfort and compensation to his family. At the same time, it will also prompt the tournament organizers to deeply reflect on their own shortcomings and mistakes, strengthen the medical security and safety measures of the event, and avoid similar tragedies from happening again.

4. Life First: The Call of Lin Dan and the BWF

In the face of Zhang Zhijie's death, world champion Lin Dan and other people in the badminton world have spoken out, emphasizing that life should be paramount under all circumstances. Lin Dan pointed out that the BWF should fully consider the actual needs and health of players when adjusting the event, and should not only pursue the freshness and enjoyment of the event while ignoring the physical health and life safety of athletes. He called on the BWF and the Asian Badminton Federation to strengthen the supervision and guidance of the tournament organizers to ensure that every match can be played in a safe and orderly environment.

At the same time, Lin Dan also called on all sectors of society to pay attention to the physical and mental health of badminton players. They are not only heroes and idols on the field, but also ordinary people who need to be cared for and cared for. We should give them more support and understanding so that they can pursue their dreams while maintaining a healthy and happy life.

We are deeply saddened and saddened by the passing of Zhang Zhijie, but his spirit will always inspire us to move forward. May he continue to run and chase his dreams in heaven. At the same time, we also hope that the world badminton can learn from this experience, strengthen improvements, ensure the safety and health of every athlete, and make the sport more beautiful and full of hope.

The pain of the badminton world: In the name of the fans, remember Zhang Zhijie

As a big fan of badminton, I always believe that this sport is not only a showcase of confrontation and skill, but also a stage of passion and dreams. However, when the bad news came, the 17-year-old Chinese badminton star Zhang Zhijie suddenly collapsed on the Indonesian court and finally passed away after rescue failed, my heart felt as if I had been hit by a hammer, and I couldn't calm down for a long time. At that moment, the whole world of badminton seemed to be shrouded in a haze, and I, as a member of this huge fan base, felt unprecedented grief and anger.

1. The fall of genius and the sorrow of the feather altar

Zhang Zhijie, the name, has sounded in the ring countless times, accompanied by his amazing explosiveness, precise hitting and never-say-die spirit. He is like a rising star, illuminating the future of Chinese badminton. From the national championship to the glory of the World Series, every step is the result of his sweat and hard work. However, fate was so cruel that he suddenly fell in the best of years. As a fan, I witnessed his growth and glory, and also witnessed the moment he fell, and the feeling of powerlessness and grief that still makes me unable to let go.

In the Indonesian arena, when Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and his body twitched, my heart tightened. I distinctly remember the coach and the medical team trying to rush forward, only to be stopped by the indifferent referee. At that moment, I seemed to see the fragility and helplessness of life, as well as the conflict between rules and human nature. The golden four minutes of rescue time were mercilessly delayed, and a young life was lost in plain sight. I'm angry, I'm grieved, I ask, why can't our rules and systems save a single life at such a critical time?

2. Responsibilities and reflections of the event organizers

Zhang Zhijie's death is not only a heavy blow to the Chinese badminton community, but also a profound wake-up call to the entire international badminton community. As the organizers of the event, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the BWF expressed their grief and regret after the incident, but their response obviously could not calm the anger of the fans. It is clear from the video of the game that the medical team's sluggishness and improper operation during the rescue process, as well as the referee's disregard for life safety, are unforgivable.

I am well aware that the holding of sports events needs to follow certain rules and procedures, but on top of these rules and procedures, there should be more humanity and respect for life. If the Indonesian tournament organizers had been well prepared before the tournament, and if the referees had been able to make the right judgments and actions at critical moments, then Zhang Zhijie's tragedy might have been avoided. However, the reality is so cruel that we have to face this irreparable fact.

3. The tenacity and progress of the team

After Zhang Zhijie's death, the Chinese badminton team showed admirable tenacity and unity. Instead of losing an important partner, the teammates strengthened their belief in fighting for honor. In the subsequent game, they reserved a place for Zhang Zhijie and placed his team uniform to express their nostalgia and respect for him. In the end, the Chinese team successfully won the championship, but this victory was particularly heavy. Because I know that behind the victory, there are countless people's thoughts and reluctance to Zhang Zhijie.

As a fan, I'm proud of the team's tenacity and togetherness, and I'm glad for their victory. But at the same time, I also know that this victory cannot make up for the regret of Zhang Zhijie's passing. What we need to do is not only to celebrate the victory, but also to deeply reflect on the reasons and lessons behind this incident, and try to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

4. Discussion and prospects

Zhang Zhijie's death has aroused widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life. Some people accuse the event organizers of dereliction of duty and indifference, some call for strengthening medical security and safety measures for sports events, and some people feel endless regret and grief for the death of Zhang Zhijie. As a fan, I think these discussions are necessary because they can make us pay more attention to the physical and mental health and safety of athletes, and promote the development of sports in a healthier and safer direction.

At the same time, I hope that this incident will be an opportunity for all sports event organizers to re-examine their safety and emergency response capabilities. What we need is not only a wonderful competition and dazzling results, but also a safe and reliable competition environment, so that every athlete can go all out to pursue their dreams without worries.

Finally, I would like to say to Zhang Zhijie: Although you have left us, your spirit will always inspire us to move forward. Your tenacity, your courage, and your love will all be forever remembered in our hearts. May you continue to run and chase your dreams in heaven. At the same time, I also hope that all athletes can cherish their lives and health, cherish every opportunity to stand on the field, fight for honor, and fight for their dreams.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: "The Dream of the Feather Martyr"

The Dream of Feather Death

The green feathers are flying on the side of the sun, and the young man is like a rock.

The silver ball danced in the first dream, and the field was heroic for nine days.

A moment of brilliance became a brilliant sound, and the jealous talents were full of tears.

Indonesia's climate is dark, and the arena is at a loss.

Jin Ge Tie Ma Cheng recalled, and the doctor's late death was difficult to fill.

The rules are cold and inhumane, and the fire of life is dusty.

The referee was indifferent like iron, and the fans asked the sky angrily.

The golden four minutes have passed, and the hero's ambition has turned into dust.

The teammates are still in their empty clothes, and they look at each other with tears in their eyes.

The glory of winning the championship hides bitterness, and the soul of Zhijie will be passed on forever.

The feather altar sang lamentations all over the world, and the world sighed for this sorrow.

What are the organizers guilty of? The weight of life is not to be said lightly.

Lin Dan called for more rest, and the Badminton Federation should change the old rules.

Health first, don't forget your roots, and keep your heart on the road to your dreams.

The dream goes with the wind, and the name of the hero will always stay in the history books.

May the kingdom of heaven be free from illness and pain, and continue the grand chapter of feather relationship.

This poem uses the style of ancient rhyme to commemorate the fall of badminton star Zhang Zhijie. The poem depicts Zhang Zhijie's demeanor and dreams during his lifetime, as well as his brilliant moments on the field. However, God is jealous of the talent, and an accident caused him to die young, leaving the world with endless grief and regret. The poem criticizes the dereliction of duty and indifference of the event organizers in the rescue process, and calls on the sports community to pay more attention to the safety and health protection of athletes. At the same time, he also praised the tenacity and unity of Zhang Zhijie's teammates, as well as their deep nostalgia for Zhang Zhijie after winning the championship. In the end, the poet took Zhang Zhijie's last dream as a guide, and expressed his sorrow and blessings to him, wishing him to rest in peace in heaven and continue the fate of badminton. The whole poem is deep and sincere, expressing the fans' infinite nostalgia and admiration for Zhang Zhijie.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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