
After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

author:Unheard of

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After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

Recently, the news that the Chang'e-6 spacecraft successfully returned to Earth with lunar soil has spread all over the world, and when it is known that it has returned accurately at Mach 31, I feel that all countries have become polite and sensible......


Good guy, you really redefined thirty and stood up!

Netizens ridiculed ↓

Standing at 30: When the speed reaches Mach 30, others will stand up and say hello to me when they see me

Forty without confusion: When the speed reaches Mach 40, there is nothing in this world that makes me wonder

Fifty knows the destiny: When the speed reaches Mach 50, my word is the destiny

Sixty and ear smooth: When the speed reaches Mach 60, all I hear is pleasant to the ear

Seventy and do what I want: At Mach 70, I can do whatever I want, without having to follow any rules

After the video came out, it also aroused onlookers and heated discussions among the majority of netizens, this session of netizens know how to comment, I want to die of laughter in the comments:

Hahaha, you know how to ask for accounts [I want to be quiet]

After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

Sure enough, the whole world is the same~

After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

Proves that the re-entry capsule can return to the designated position at Mach 31, and that it can concentrate any target at this speed if it is replaced by a missile.

After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

Don't say no, even if you do, you have to take two big mouths [embarrassed laughter]

After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

Good guys, you know how to suggest [awkward laughs]

After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

Judging from the usual style in the past, this is indeed the case [tears run]

After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

Now they have all begun to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China, and sure enough, the world's martial arts are only fast and unbreakable......

After learning the speed of Mach 31, Japan is also preparing to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China

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