
"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

author:Heavenly treasures

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"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

Beijing in 2010 was a bustling place full of possibilities and dreams.

At that grand movie premiere, the lights shone like stars, illuminating every corner.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

Qu Zhazha, this up-and-coming new flower, is like a delicate flower that has just bloomed, and has stepped into this star-studded occasion with a fresh and refined temperament.

Her eyes were full of longing for the future and a hint of youthful shyness.

And Huang Haibo had already accumulated a certain amount of fame in the entertainment industry at that time.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

He exudes the charm of a mature man, and his talent is inadvertently revealed in his gestures.

When their gaze met by chance in the crowd, it was as if the whole world was still.

Qu Zhazha was attracted by Huang Haibo's humility from the inside out, which was not a disguised humility, but a cultivation from the depths of his heart.

Every smile and every word he says makes people feel his sincerity.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

Huang Haibo, on the other hand, was impressed by the charm of Quzhazha's freshness like morning dewdrops.

Her smile was like the gentlest breeze in spring, gently blowing his heartstrings.

Time came to 2012, and fate made them participate in a TV series together.

During the days and nights of filming, they got along day and night.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

Every scene on the set, every eye contact, made their hearts closer and closer.

In those busy and fulfilling days, they felt the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters together, and gradually understood each other's innermost emotions.

Slowly, the seeds of love quietly sprouted in their hearts.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

Finally, on that special night when the TV series was completed, the hustle and bustle on the set gradually dissipated, leaving only the quiet moonlight and the sound of their heartbeats against each other.

Huang Haibo mustered all his courage, his eyes were full of nervousness and expectation, and his voice trembled slightly to confess his love to Qu Zhazha.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, Qu Zhazha's face flushed with a flush, her eyes flashed with surprise and emotion, and she nodded gently.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

Since then, their relationship has been made public and has become an enviable model couple in the entertainment industry.

They appeared together in public, holding hands, their eyes full of sweetness and tenderness.

They will share each other's little happiness on Weibo, so that fans can feel the beauty of their love.

However, the twist of fate always catches people off guard.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

One day in 2014, a shocking news set off a storm in the entertainment industry like a bombshell - Huang Haibo was detained by the police for soliciting prostitution.

This news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly shattering their originally beautiful world.

Qu Zhazha was instantly pushed to the cusp of public opinion, and the pressure from all directions hit her like a surging tide.

The long guns and short guns of the media and the accusations and abuse of netizens made her almost breathless.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

But she chose to stick to it and choose to believe in the person she loved deeply.

In those dark days, Qu Zhazha often sat alone in front of the window, looking at the starry sky outside the window, and silently wept.

She reminisced about the bits and pieces of their past, and those sweet moments became the motivation for her to persevere.

She told herself that she had to wait for him to come back.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

November 30, 2014 was a day that Quzhaza would never forget.

Huang Haibo finished his detention and walked out of the closed door, where Qu Zhazha was waiting early.

When their eyes met again, a thousand words turned into endless tears.

They hugged each other tightly, as if they wanted to integrate each other into their lives.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

Subsequently, they decided to leave the country away from the disturbances of the country and go to the United States.

In that strange country, they began to re-examine their relationship with each other and find the direction of their lives anew.

During their time in the United States, they rented a small but cozy house.

Every morning, as the sun shines through the window on the bed, they wake up together and enjoy a moment of tranquility.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

They strolled the streets together, tasted the local food, and felt the exotic culture.

They would sit on a park bench for a long time, sharing each other's thoughts and dreams.

Sometimes, they also quarrel over trivial things in life, but after the quarrel, they always cherish each other more.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

One day half a year later, they decided to hold a simple and heartwarming wedding ceremony.

There is no luxurious wedding dress, no grand wedding banquet, only two hearts that are closely connected.

With the blessings of their relatives and friends, they made a lifelong commitment.

When they returned to China, they faced unprecedented challenges.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

Huang Haibo's career plummeted, the former glory was no longer there, and he fell into deep confusion and self-blame.

And Qu Zhazha, for the sake of the child and this family, she had to stand up.

She began to take on the scene frequently, no matter how big or small the role, no matter how difficult the filming conditions were, she gritted her teeth and persevered.

Sometimes, she has to get up early in the morning to rush to the set, so that she can drag her tired body home at night.

When I get home, I have to take care of my children's daily life and help them with their homework.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

But she never complained, because she knew that it was her responsibility and the effort she had to put in for the sake of this family.

On the set, Qu Zhazha always plays every role with full dedication.

She will carefully study the script and discuss it repeatedly with the director and actors, and strive to make the character more perfect.

Her hard work and dedication were gradually recognized, and opportunities began to beckon to her.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

And Huang Haibo, after experiencing the trough of his life, also began to re-examine his life.

Instead of dwelling on the glories of the past, he is down-to-earth in his search for a new direction.

Time has come to 2023, and Qu Zhazha has finally ushered in a turning point in his career with his outstanding performance in "Hurricane".

The role she played is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has been highly praised by the audience and industry insiders.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Qu Zhazha couldn't "save" Huang Haibo

And Huang Haibo, in the continuous trial and exploration, gradually found his own new path.

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