
Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

author:Who said I was emotional
Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

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Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

That night, we saw a star-studded scene as Huang Haibo and his wife, Qu Zhazha, celebrated an important stage of their married life – a celebratory dinner for their 10th wedding anniversary. This special day, known as the "Tin Wedding" because it is the 10th wedding anniversary, is a rather meaningful celebration attended by many of their close friends, and the whole event is held in a brightly lit banquet hall.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Huang Haibo wears a very stylish style, wearing a retro-style horse coat, with simple and neat black trousers, his beard is like his representative, revealing his mature charm and the precipitation of the years. His face was full of happiness, which made people feel happy when they saw it: he was no longer the tired face he used to be, and now he was deeper and more stable, and more energetic.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Qu Zhazha next to him was wearing a bright red cheongsam, the bright color of which was particularly dazzling on her beautiful face, not only showing her noble and elegant temperament, but also symbolizing the happiness and warmth of their marriage. She wears red high heels on her feet, walks elegantly and gracefully, and every step is full of the charm of oriental women.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

The couple deliberately dressed up for this tin wedding anniversary dinner, which showed the importance they attach to and celebrate this important occasion. The decoration of the scene is very exquisite, whether it is the red lanterns hanging or the carefully placed furniture, every corner is full of strong Chinese style, reflecting the love and happiness between their husband and wife.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Such a well-planned celebration exudes a happy atmosphere under the spotlight, and at the same time, people can't help but sigh at this sweet shock. Although time has left a mark on their faces, it has not diminished the sincerity and hope for the future in the eyes of the two.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

At the moment when the photo freezes, many people are attracted to that face that is both familiar and kind. Yes, it is Huang Lei, he is like an affectionate big brother, showing his role as Huang Haibo's elder brother and close friend in an all-round way. It is precisely because of the incomparably important significance of this special night that Huang Lei's presence is not just for ordinary guests, but also for his arrival.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Among the many guests, Huang Lei walked slowly but firmly to the stage and gave a passionate speech to Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha. His words were full of sincere feelings, and he gave high praise to Huang Haibo's artistic achievements: "After so many years in this circle, it is really not easy to find such a good friend and wife!" The respect and anticipation in his words moved everyone present.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Huang Lei unabashedly admitted that he was once Huang Haibo's teacher, and then quickly turned the conversation to praise the student's talent: "He is really smart and talented. Although he has encountered some difficulties over the years, I believe that one day he will shine like Jiang Wen and create brilliance again.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Hearing the affirmation and blessings of his old friends and seniors, Huang Haibo, who was standing on the stage, was both moved and proud. What used to be a relationship between teachers and students has now sublimated into a deeper friendship, even a brotherly relationship, where they support each other on the road of life.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

As a leader in the entertainment industry and an educator, Huang Lei's speech was more like a spiritual cleansing, adding more layers of emotional elements to this tin wedding. This deep understanding of friendship, teacher-student relationship, and life path allows us to see a rare outpouring of true feelings in social situations.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

That night, the whole atmosphere was full of the strong love between the husband and wife, and a lively and cheerful little star quietly entered everyone's sight - it was their 8-year-old son! This kid looks like his father, his facial features are so handsome that he can't speak, and his mother's charming smile has been completely inherited to him. In front of many guests, he is not afraid of life at all, and generously shows his charm.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Although he was still young, he showed confidence and composure beyond his peers. On the welcome poster carefully planned by his parents, he is like a rising star, attracting everyone's attention. Look at him, wearing a small suit, his movements are natural and elegant, as if he can become a little prince at a banquet at any time.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Under the influence of his parents, this child seems to be full of family art. Whenever the camera is focused on him, his every movement exudes an innocent childlike joy and undisguised happiness. However, he is not only eye-catching because of his cute appearance - his imitation of his father makes people want to laugh.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Whether it's tilting your head or sticking out your arms like your father, you can unconsciously feel the vitality of life and hope for the future. When everyone was moved by this vigorous vitality, it was not difficult to imagine how happy and proud Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha were in their hearts.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

It really fulfills the saying: "Happiness is earned by hard work". This evening, this harmonious and playful family scene perfectly illustrates this theme. Such a picture full of love, growth and inheritance is so warm and touching.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Under the flash of attention, the story of Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha is not only a hymn to the perseverance and perseverance of marriage, but also shows the strong vitality of human nature. They have spent ten years of ups and downs together, experienced the glory under the fame, and experienced the pain and loneliness when the public was criticized.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Looking back on the beginning, the "scandal" was like an invisible and heavy haze, which instantly shrouded the originally brilliant stage. The protagonist who originally stood firmly in the center of the stage instantly became a "bad artist" criticized by the public, as if an invisible giant wall lay in front of his artistic path, which was difficult to cross. However, in that difficult moment, Qu Zhazha chose to stay by his side firmly as his wife, and kept his heart pure in the face of secular doubts: "Although he is no longer the radiant person he once was, in my heart, he is still so honest and kind."

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

Huang Haibo's life path has not always been smooth. From the dazzling stars on the screen to ordinary people returning to ordinary life after experiencing a low point, his every step reflects the true face of life - although the road to comeback is full of ups and downs, he never gives up and always insists on himself.

Every night of hard work, Qu Zhazha gave him endless love and support: "Thank you for your companionship and trust along the way, so that even if I can't return to the top, I can feel the warmth of life bit by bit."

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

In this impetuous entertainment industry, news of marriage breakdown is not uncommon, but Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha have written a different chapter with their own actions. Those difficult days did not shake the emotional bond between them, and their courage and determination to face the future together let us see their firm steps forward.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

In the past, everyone thought that after becoming immortals, there was no pursuit, but now these so-called immortals have begun to play the two important roles of parents and husbands; To a large extent, the changes in life are aimed at creating a more colorful, warm and real image of a man. Whether it is an actor or an ordinary person, when facing life, they are all living and passionate hearts.

Huang Haibo and Qu Zhazha celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a high-profile manner, Huang Lei appeared to congratulate, and his 8-year-old son stole the show

In an instant, behind those seemingly gorgeous lives, it is actually the place called "home" that gives us the most sincere support. Now, on this special day of their 10th wedding anniversary, it is even more obvious how wise and resilient their choice was in the first place.

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