
The Philippines has received strong reinforcements again, and it wants to build a "sister force" with Japan, and the Japanese media showdown: it is targeting China

author:Chengcheng topic station

The Philippines has received further reinforcements and plans to establish a so-called "sister force" with Japan.

The Japanese media have made no secret of this, directly stating their stance on China, claiming that this move by Japan and the Philippines is intended to target China.

Clearly, the Marcos Jr. administration has brought in more extraterritorial forces in an attempt to strengthen itself, and its ambition to further destabilize the situation in the South China Sea has been revealed.

The Philippines has received strong reinforcements again, and it wants to build a "sister force" with Japan, and the Japanese media showdown: it is targeting China

In the future, the situation in the South China Sea may face the danger of becoming more tense and escalating again, which will undoubtedly bring great uncertainty to regional peace and stability.

According to relevant Japanese media reports, recently, the Fleet Command of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force has begun to study the mechanism of establishing a "sister force" with the Philippine Navy.

The Japanese side said that the move stemmed from a proposal made by the Philippines when it participated in a meeting of commanders of the fleets of the United States, Australia, and South Korea.

Satoshi Saito, commander of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces fleet, believes that this mechanism has had a remarkable effect on strengthening naval relations between Japan and the Philippines and is conducive to more in-depth cooperation between the two sides in intelligence sharing and joint training, and therefore hopes to promote its implementation as soon as possible.

Sato's response has actually sent a clear signal that Japan's Self-Defense Forces do not want to escalate or annoy China because of this situation.

Therefore, it did not directly state the true purpose of the "Japan-Philippines sister forces", but emphasized that they aimed to strengthen Japan-Philippine naval relations.

Improve interoperability at sea. This statement is clearly an attempt to downplay the pertinence of the mechanism in order to avoid a greater impact on Sino-Japanese relations.

However, although the Japanese Self-Defense Forces have a clear understanding of their own strength and do not dare and do not want to provoke the PLA, the Japanese media have no scruples.

Recently, the Sankei Shimbun directly stated that Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara will soon visit the Philippines to participate in the "2+2" ministerial talks on foreign defense between Japan and the Philippines, aiming to seek closer cooperation with China.

The Philippines has received strong reinforcements again, and it wants to build a "sister force" with Japan, and the Japanese media showdown: it is targeting China

It is expected that Japan and the Philippines will also sign a reciprocal access agreement (RAA) in the future, which will greatly facilitate the exchange of Japanese Self-Defense Forces and Philippine military forces and provide a legal basis for in-depth cooperation between the two sides in the military field.

As a result, Japan-Philippines defense cooperation will be on a fast track, and joint operations between the two sides in the South China Sea will become more frequent and closer.

The Sankei Shimbun also pointed out meaningfully that this move by Japan and the Philippines is an attempt to contain the Chinese navy in the South China Sea that is "changing the status quo through strength."

This statement is undoubtedly a hint that Japan and the Philippines believe that China's actions in the South China Sea are an attempt to change the status quo, and that their cooperation is aimed at curbing this trend.

Such remarks are undoubtedly stirring up regional tensions and posing a great threat to peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The intention of the Japanese media's remarks has been very obvious, whether it is the establishment of a "sister force" between Japan and the Philippines or a series of military cooperation to be carried out in the future, the fundamental purpose of which is to jointly deal with China.

They seek to counterbalance China's influence in the South China Sea and safeguard their own interests in the region by strengthening military cooperation.

However, this is undoubtedly undermining regional peace and stability and bringing greater uncertainty to the situation in the South China Sea.

After the recent setback in the South China Sea, the Marcos Jr. administration, although on the surface convinced, has not really given up its ambitions and coveting the South China Sea region.

They are trying to bolster themselves by bringing in more extraterritorial powers in order to play a more intense game with China over the South China Sea. However.

They also understand that the United States cannot directly break out into a fierce conflict with China in the South China Sea for its own sake.

Therefore, they now hope to form a small group to jointly provoke and pressure China by further wooing Japan and other neighboring countries of China.

Once the Philippines and Japan establish a so-called "sister force," the Philippines may seek support from Japan when it causes trouble at Ren'ai Jiao in the future.

In the eyes of the Philippine side, its "small wrecked ship" cannot compete with China, and with the help of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, they have the courage and confidence to confront China in the South China Sea.

The Philippines has received strong reinforcements again, and it wants to build a "sister force" with Japan, and the Japanese media showdown: it is targeting China

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly provoking China's bottom line and trying to prop up its illegal behavior in the South China Sea region through external forces.

The ultimate goal of Japan and the Philippines is also very clear, that is, not to allow China to change the current "status quo in the South China Sea".

They are trying to force China not to change the status quo in areas such as Ren'ai Jiao and Thitu Island, which the Philippines is illegally occupying and beaching, and not to allow China to safeguard its legitimate rights and sovereignty.

To this, we have only one sentence: wishful thinking!

Whether it is Second Thomas Shoal or other islands and reefs in the South China Sea, it has been our territory since ancient times.

China's indisputable sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and its adjacent waters is a fact that is clearly recognized by history and law.

The Philippines' attempt to change this status quo through illegal occupation and beaching is completely untenable.

They think that by pulling in some "cats and dogs" in the South China Sea, they can scare us and turn their illegal encroachment into a fait accompli, which is undoubtedly a dream.

Such an act would not only fail to achieve its purpose, but would also expose the Philippines to great trouble and a terrible price.

China has always been committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea and firmly safeguarding its legitimate rights and interests in the South China Sea.

We will not tolerate any country or individual provoking China's bottom line on the South China Sea issue, nor will we allow any external forces to interfere in South China Sea affairs.

We will take all necessary measures to safeguard our sovereignty and rights and interests against the provocative acts of the Philippines, Japan and other countries.

All in all, the Philippines has now suffered heavy losses in the South China Sea, not only losing face but also suffering heavy losses.

Once the reef breaks up, the Philippines will further lose the excuse and opportunity to disturb the situation in the South China Sea.

As far as Japan is concerned, if it really dares to use the so-called "sister force" as an excuse to provide support or even direct action for the Philippines to provoke China and infringe on China's sovereignty in the South China Sea.

Naturally, we don't mind counting new and old grudges together, so that they will feel like their legs and stomachs spinning just by getting close to the South China Sea in the future!

We need to be clear that the South China Sea is where China's core interests lie, and we will never allow any external forces to interfere in the affairs of the South China Sea, let alone tolerate any country provoking China's bottom line on the South China Sea issue.

The Philippines has received strong reinforcements again, and it wants to build a "sister force" with Japan, and the Japanese media showdown: it is targeting China

We will continue to firmly safeguard our sovereignty, rights and interests, and at the same time actively promote friendly and cooperative relations with neighboring countries to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.

For their part, the Philippines should realize that their illegal actions cannot be recognized and supported by the international community.

They should respect historical facts and international legal norms, stop their provocative acts on the South China Sea issue, and return to the right path of settling disputes through negotiation and consultation.

Only in this way can we truly achieve peace, stability, development and prosperity in the South China Sea.

For their part, Japan should also recognize that its actions are undermining regional peace and stability and bringing greater uncertainty to the situation in the South China Sea.

They should respect China's core interests and concerns, stop provocations and interference in the South China Sea issue, and return to the right path of resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation.

Only in this way can we truly achieve the healthy and stable development of Sino-Japanese relations.

In short, the South China Sea issue is a complex and sensitive issue that requires the joint efforts of all parties to maintain regional peace, stability, development and prosperity.

We call on all relevant countries to respect historical facts and international legal norms, resolve disputes and differences through dialogue and consultation, and jointly promote peace, stability, development and prosperity in the South China Sea.

At the same time, we will continue to firmly safeguard our sovereignty, rights and interests, and will not tolerate any external forces provoking China's bottom line on the South China Sea issue.

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