
How strong is the domestic heavy Wuzhi? It can carry 18 missiles and can also be converted into drones

author:Chengcheng topic station

Recently, the magazine "Ship Knowledge" published an eye-catching "cross-sectional imagination map of domestic heavy armed helicopters".

According to the author of the work, this "imaginary map" was carefully drawn based on publicly available information.

How strong is the domestic heavy Wuzhi? It can carry 18 missiles and can also be converted into drones

Judging from the details shown in the figure, the performance of this domestic heavy armed helicopter is extremely good, and it is undoubtedly a major breakthrough in the field of domestic military equipment research and development.

In this image, we can clearly see that a powerful 30 mm cannon is mounted under the nose, which provides the helicopter with strong close-range fire support.

At the same time, the design of the short wings on both sides of the bomb is particularly stout, which not only enhances the carrying capacity of the helicopter's external weapons, but also further highlights its powerful firepower configuration.

On the composite pylons below, 8 missiles are mounted, while the short-wing wingtips also have a missile pylons that can carry advanced air-to-air missiles.

This means that the aircraft can carry a total of 18 missiles of various types, and this firepower configuration even surpasses that of the United States' "Apache" helicopter gunship, demonstrating the mainland's strong strength in the field of helicopter gunship research and development.

(Pictured: Aerial view of a domestic heavy armed helicopter, details showing its powerful firepower and advanced design)

In terms of exterior design, this domestic heavy armed helicopter has certain similarities with the American-made AH-64 "Apache", and also adopts a tandem two-seat cockpit layout, which makes the helicopter have better handling and survivability in complex battlefield environments.

At the same time, the aircraft is equipped with two advanced turboshaft engines, which provide powerful power support for the helicopter.

The nozzle design of the engine is facing upwards, which is quite similar to the later batch of Z-10 helicopters, which not only optimizes the exhaust efficiency of the engine, but also implies that the aircraft is also equipped with a domestic high-power turboshaft engine.

This improvement allows the helicopter to avoid the lack of power that existed in the early Z-10 and improve its overall performance.

How strong is the domestic heavy Wuzhi? It can carry 18 missiles and can also be converted into drones

(Comparison figure: In the early days, the nozzles of the Z-10 gunship were facing both sides, and the cannon position was relatively forward, so there was a problem of insufficient power)

It is noteworthy that the position of the cannon was cleverly placed below the pilot, in contrast to the design of the Z-10 with the cannon mounted in the nose.

This unique design allows the helicopter's center of gravity to be shifted backwards, which brings significant advantages. The shift back of the center of gravity allows the helicopter to carry more ammunition, improving its sustained combat capability.

At the same time, this design also reduces the risk of the fuselage's center of gravity shifting during firing, improving the helicopter's firing stability and accuracy.

Although this design seems to affect the range of the cannon compared to the earlier version of the Z-10, the aircraft has been carefully adjusted to ensure that the range of the cannon is sufficient.

The obvious upward arc of the lower side of the nose and the layout of electronic equipment such as photoelectric probes provide strong support for the expansion of the cannon firing range, so that the aircraft can respond to various threats more flexibly in a complex battlefield environment.

(Design Highlights: Gun position moved back to improve ammunition loading and shooting stability, and optimized battlefield adaptability)

As the core equipment of the gunship, the short wing with the main weapon is fully demonstrated in the picture.

The aircraft is equipped with two wing pylons and one wingtip pylons on each side of the short wing, which allows the helicopter to carry many different types of weapons.

Each wing pylons can be mounted with two 70mm precision-guided rocket nests, providing the helicopter with powerful surface kill capabilities.

After adopting the composite pylon design, the carrying capacity of each pylon has been further expanded, and it can carry four air-to-surface missiles or air-launched cruise missiles.

This means that one side of the short wing can carry eight air-to-surface missiles or air-launched cruise missiles, and a total of 16 ground strike weapons on both sides.

Together with the two TY-90 air-to-air missiles on the wingtip pylons, the aircraft can carry a total of 18 missiles, which allows the aircraft to deal with many different types of threats on the battlefield.

How strong is the domestic heavy Wuzhi? It can carry 18 missiles and can also be converted into drones

(Payload capacity: up to 9 missiles can be mounted on one side of the short wing, comprehensively improving the battlefield response capability)

Judging by the configuration of weapons shown by the Z-10 at previous air shows.

In the future, domestic heavy armed helicopters will be able to carry a variety of weapons including CM-502KG air-to-surface missiles, TY-90 infrared-guided air-to-air missiles, Red Arrow-20/50 air-to-surface missiles, Blue Arrow-21 air-to-surface missiles, and air-launched cruise missiles.

These advanced weapons systems will provide the helicopter with powerful strike capabilities and diverse tactical options.

Its rocket nest can launch ammunition such as GR-5 precision-guided rockets or FS70B air-burst anti-personnel rockets, which further enhances the helicopter's surface killing capability and battlefield adaptability.

The extremely diverse range of mission capabilities will allow the aircraft to play an even more important role on the battlefield of the future.

(Diversified configurations: Z-10ME shows rich weapon loading capabilities, all-rounders in the future battlefield)

In recent years, the continuous evolution of the pattern of warfare has led to significant changes in the way helicopter gunships operate.

Once known as a "tank killer", the helicopter gunship is now being challenged by drones.

In the face of the increasingly widespread threat of individual air defense missiles, the living space of helicopter gunships is being seriously compressed.

However, in this context, the mainland still insists on developing heavy helicopter gunships, which fully shows that the weapon system of Wuzhi is not behind the times, but needs to explore new ways of use and tactics.

By continuously optimizing the design and improving the performance, the domestic heavy armed helicopter is expected to play a more important role on the future battlefield and become an important part of our army's equipment system.

How strong is the domestic heavy Wuzhi? It can carry 18 missiles and can also be converted into drones

(Comparative perspective: The U.S. Apache armed helicopter also has a strong payload capacity, but the domestic heavy Wuzhi has a late-mover advantage)

The ground strike weapon mounted on the aircraft enables it to perform a variety of tasks such as precision strikes and fire suppression.

In a complex and volatile battlefield environment, these weapon systems will provide helicopters with powerful strike capabilities and battlefield adaptability.

At the same time, electronic equipment and air-to-air missiles throughout the body constitute an effective "means of preserving life" of the aircraft, which significantly improves its survivability on the battlefield.

These advanced electronic equipment and missile systems not only enhance the helicopter's situational awareness, but also enable it to better respond to threats from the air and ensure safe mission in complex battlefield environments.

In terms of strike capabilities, in addition to the fire suppression provided by the cannon, the aircraft can carry up to 16 cruise missiles or missiles, which means that it can strike at up to 16 ground targets in a single takeoff.

This powerful strike capability will enable the aircraft to play a more important role on the battlefield in the future and become an important support force for our ground forces.

In addition, domestic heavy helicopter gunships have significant advantages in strike flexibility and sustained combat capability compared to many fixed-wing attack aircraft and UAVs.

This will enable the aircraft to respond more flexibly to various threats on the future battlefield and provide strong support for our army to gain battlefield superiority.

(Strike capability: both cannon and missile, 16 ground targets can be hit in a single takeoff)

In addition, there is no conflict between heavy helicopter gunships and UAVs. With the continuous development and maturity of future technology, heavy armed helicopters are also expected to be unmanned modifications.

How strong is the domestic heavy Wuzhi? It can carry 18 missiles and can also be converted into drones

By removing the helicopter's life support facilities, its weight can be further reduced and the payload capacity can be increased, allowing the aircraft to perform tasks more flexibly on the battlefield.

At the same time, the unmanned modification is also expected to further enhance the combat effectiveness and survivability of the aircraft, making it a more important combat force on the future battlefield.

(Future outlook: unmanned modification to improve combat effectiveness and survivability)

To sum up, the emergence of domestically produced heavy armed helicopters is undoubtedly a major breakthrough in the field of research and development of military equipment on the mainland.

Through careful design and optimized performance, the aircraft has performed well in terms of firepower configuration, payload capability, battlefield adaptability, and strike capability.

In the future, with the continuous development of technology and the continuous change of battlefield needs, domestic heavy armed helicopters are expected to carry out more improvements and upgrades, becoming an important part of our army's equipment system.

At the same time, we also have reason to believe that in the future battlefield, this domestically produced heavy armed helicopter will play a more important role and make positive contributions to safeguarding national security and interests.

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