
Unable to defeat Russia, NATO accused China of inciting the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and issued three challenges to force China to compromise

author:Chengcheng topic station

Seeing that he could not wait for Russia to fall, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg issued a "war letter" to China for the third time, trying to force China to compromise with unreasonable accusations and provocative remarks and side with the United States and the West.

Recently, Stoltenberg once again pointed the finger at China, claiming that China is "instigating" the largest conflict in Europe since World War II.

This ridiculous accusation is clearly not supported by facts and logic.

Unable to defeat Russia, NATO accused China of inciting the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and issued three challenges to force China to compromise

Looking back over the past six months, Stoltenberg has made such provocative remarks against the Chinese side three times.

In April, he declared that China could not maintain friendly relations with the United States, the West and Russia at the same time, in an attempt to push China into a dilemma.

In June, he further said that if China chooses to cooperate with Russia, it will have to pay an "economic price" as a way to threaten and intimidate China.

And now, he is trying to blame the "incitement" of China for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and this groundless accusation is obviously untenable.

In fact, at the beginning of the escalation of the situation between Russia and Ukraine, China repeatedly called on both sides to exercise restraint and resolve the dispute through peaceful means.

China has always adhered to an objective and impartial position of neutrality and opposes any form of military aid and acts of arching fire, so as not to exacerbate the conflict.

Even on the eve of the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China is still reminding all parties to deal with it calmly and avoid escalation.

Since the outbreak of the conflict, China has repeatedly stressed that it should not launch military aid to avoid exacerbating the risk of conflict, and has always adhered to the position of promoting peace talks.

China's Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, has even started more than one round of shuttle diplomacy in an effort to find a peaceful solution.

It can be said that since the escalation of the situation between Russia and Ukraine, China has always upheld a responsible and constructive attitude and made positive efforts to ease the situation and seek a peaceful solution.

If NATO and Ukraine had heeded China's advice, perhaps the situation would not have developed to the point where it is today.

Unable to defeat Russia, NATO accused China of inciting the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and issued three challenges to force China to compromise

Unfortunately, instead of taking China's advice, they chose to continue to escalate the conflict, leading to growing tensions.

Therefore, Stoltenberg's groundless accusations against the Chinese side are undoubtedly ridiculous.

His remarks not only lack the support of facts and logic, but also ignore and deny China's efforts and contributions.

Such unreasonable accusations and provocative remarks will only further aggravate the tension in international relations and are not conducive to the development of peace and stability.

Faced with this situation, we can't help but ask: what exactly does NATO want to do?

Why do you repeatedly make unreasonable accusations and attacks on China?

Do they really think that this is the way to force China to change its position and take their side?

This is clearly an unrealistic fantasy. This is because China will always make decisions in accordance with its own national interests and international justice, rather than being swayed by any external forces.

In fact, this behavior of NATO is more like a "history book" operation.

They try to achieve unspeakable secrets by confusing the public and reversing black and white.

They ignore China's active efforts and contributions in the Russia-Ukraine situation, but blame China for their crimes, which is undoubtedly a violation of international justice and morality.

In addition, we should also note that the contradictions and differences within NATO are also one of the reasons for their unreasonable accusations against China.

With the end of the televised debate between the US presidential candidates, Biden's fiasco and Trump's chances of winning have increased significantly, and the differences and contradictions within NATO have become more and more prominent.

Trump has always opposed comprehensive aid to Ukraine, and even claimed that he would promote Russia-Ukraine negotiations after taking office.

Unable to defeat Russia, NATO accused China of inciting the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and issued three challenges to force China to compromise

Such differences and contradictions will undoubtedly affect NATO's decision-making and actions, and also make them more inclined to deflect internal contradictions through external provocations and accusations.

However, no matter how provocative and accusatory NATO may be, China will unswervingly uphold an objective and impartial position of neutrality, and make positive efforts to ease the international situation and seek a peaceful solution.

China will continue to call on all parties to exercise restraint and resolve disputes through peaceful means to avoid further escalation.

At the same time, China will continue to strengthen communication and coordination with all parties and make greater contributions to promoting peace and development in the international community.

In short, Stoltenberg's unreasonable accusations and provocative remarks against the Chinese side are untenable.

Far from helping to de-escalate the international situation, his actions will further escalate tensions.

China will continue to uphold an objective and impartial neutral position, and make positive efforts to ease the international situation and seek a peaceful solution.

At the same time, we also call on NATO and other parties to calmly handle differences and contradictions in international relations, refrain from taking drastic actions and remarks, and jointly safeguard the development of international peace and stability.

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