
Blinken said in his heart that China does not do what the United States says at all, and the United States will come whatever it is afraid of

author:Chengcheng topic station

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently commented on U.S.-China relations, and he made it clear that China is pursuing a clear goal of becoming a leader and even a dominant player in the military, economic, and diplomatic fields in the international system.

This statement reveals China's ambitions in global affairs.

[U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken publicly expounds his views on China-US relations]

Blinken said in his heart that China does not do what the United States says at all, and the United States will come whatever it is afraid of

However, Blinken further said that the vision of the future of the United States and its allies is very different from China's.

He believes that there are fundamental differences in the philosophies and goals of China and the United States in global affairs.

As a result, the United States will not only not agree with China's approach, but will also stand up and compete fiercely with China to ensure that the United States can effectively "shape the future."

Blinken's remarks undoubtedly reveal the tension and competition in Sino-US relations.

Blinken's description of the U.S.-China relationship as "the most complex and critical relationship in the world" underscores the importance of the U.S.-China relationship in the global political and economic landscape.

He claimed that in areas where China and the United States have deep differences, the United States will step up and lead the world in "different directions."

This means that the United States will play a more active role in global affairs, trying to steer the world in a direction that is in its interests.

At the same time, he stressed that the United States must act on "every project" in these different areas, including competition, dialogue, and cooperation.

This statement shows the complexity and multifaceted nature of the U.S. approach to U.S.-China relations.

[Blinken pointed out that there is a "mismatch" between the future vision of China and the United States]

Blinken's remarks show that the United States has unabashedly displayed hostility toward China.

Although the United States still uses the seemingly neutral term "competition" to describe the U.S.-China relationship, the actual approach is to further contain and suppress China.

This change in attitude has undoubtedly exacerbated the tension in Sino-US relations.

Blinken said in his heart that China does not do what the United States says at all, and the United States will come whatever it is afraid of

Blinken's statement sends a central message that the United States must confront China if it is to ensure its dominance in the international arena.

This viewpoint reveals the fundamental stand and attitude of the United States in handling Sino-US relations.

In fact, Blinken's key words such as China, the United States, vision, and conformity are closely related to the previous statements of the United States on China.

For many years, the US side has tried to change China through various means to make China more in line with its interests and values.

However, it is a pity that China did not act according to the wishes of the United States, but insisted on its own path of development.

This reality has made the US side feel disappointed and dissatisfied, and has also aggravated the tension in Sino-US relations.

Earlier this year, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan claimed that, according to internal US assessments, China is currently the only country that has both the will and the ability to reshape the international order and take action to achieve this goal.

This statement reveals China's rise and influence in global affairs.

However, Sullivan also acknowledged that years of attempts by the United States to change China's approach have failed.

China has become a force to be reckoned with, playing an increasingly important role in global affairs.

Therefore, the United States must re-examine its relationship with China and seek a more equal and mutually beneficial way of cooperation.

[U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan delivers his views]

However, Sullivan's remarks also show the helplessness and predicament of the US side in handling Sino-US relations.

They realize that it is no longer possible to change China through traditional means and methods, nor can it prevent China's rise in global affairs.

This reality has forced the US to re-examine its China policy and seek more effective and feasible strategies to deal with China's challenges.

Blinken said in his heart that China does not do what the United States says at all, and the United States will come whatever it is afraid of

U.S. Senator Mitt Romney said at a recent hearing of the Council on Foreign Relations that he was "disappointed" by China.

He claimed that they actually wanted China to somehow "align" with the United States to achieve more "modernization, liberalization, and democratization."

However, China has not chosen this path, but has insisted on its own development path.

This reality has left Romney disappointed and dissatisfied, and has further heightened tensions in U.S.-China relations.

Although the United States has been hostile to China for a long time, Sullivan and Romney have come out publicly about America's attempts to change China, which has surprised many people.

This also means that if the US sees its changes to China as "successful," they may have a very different attitude towards China.

However, the reality is cruel, and the efforts of the US side over the years have not changed China, but have instead made Sino-US relations more complicated.

[U.S. Senator Mitt Romney expresses disappointment]

Romney's remarks echoed Blinken's previous remarks and revealed deep differences and contradictions in the U.S.-China relationship.

If China's vision "aligns" with the American side or many other countries, the situation will be very different.

However, the reality is that there are no ifs, and the so-called changes made by the United States to China cannot succeed.

Realizing that its actions in this direction have failed, the United States has chosen to adjust its China policy and try to solve the problem in a tougher way.

Now, the United States has launched an all-out pressure on China. Politically, the United States is stepping up its efforts to enlist more allies to oppose China, especially in an attempt to undermine China's relations with Europe.

Blinken said in his heart that China does not do what the United States says at all, and the United States will come whatever it is afraid of

One of the latest arguments from the US side has been to forcibly link normal trade between China and Russia to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, accusing China's actions of "fueling" the security threats facing Europe.

This argument is undoubtedly an attempt to draw China into the maelstrom of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in order to undermine China's relations with Europe.

However, this approach not only lacks a factual and moral basis, but is also destined to be rejected by the international community.

[U.S. President Joe Biden interacts with key EU officials]

Economically, one of the major measures adopted by the United States is to further impose tariffs on China.

Instead of stopping Trump's trade war, the Biden administration has intensified it on the issue.

This shows that the two parties in the United States are highly unanimous on the issue of suppressing China.

At present, the Biden administration has announced tariffs on more Chinese products on top of the original Section 301 tariffs on China, covering a number of key areas. This move will undoubtedly further aggravate the economic and trade frictions and tensions between China and the United States.

However, China will not give in or compromise because of this, but will take more active and forceful measures to safeguard its interests and dignity.

Militarily, the United States has further strengthened its deployment against China.

In recent years, friction between the Chinese and US militaries at China's doorstep has frequently appeared in public reports, and the frequency has increased significantly.

And these are just the information that the outside world has learned, and it is clear that there are many more confrontations between China and the United States that are kept secret.

This reality reveals that military competition and tensions between China and the United States have escalated to a new level.

However, China will not be deterred or retreat from this, but will take more active and forceful measures to safeguard its national security and interests.

Blinken said in his heart that China does not do what the United States says at all, and the United States will come whatever it is afraid of

[Sino-US military confrontation]

All indications show that not only in dealing with Sino-US relations, but also in the entire foreign policy of the United States, has become more naked and confrontational.

This year, Blinken proposed the so-called "table menu theory", threatening that in the international system, if you are not at the table, you may be on the menu.

This sentence can also be interpreted as saying that if you do not go to the table with the United States, you may be swallowed by the United States. This argument undoubtedly reveals the logic of US hegemony and power in handling international relations.

However, this logic is not in line with the common interests and values of the international community, and is destined not to be recognized and supported by the international community.

However, the current attitude and approach of the US side just means that they know that the way they used to deal with China has long been ineffective.

This means that we are on the right track. China certainly has its own vision and the ability to make it happen, and it is now taking action on the ground.

China adheres to the path of peaceful development and is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind, and this vision and action have been widely recognized and supported by the international community.

It is their own business for the United States to want to "shape the future" more effectively.

However, if the US does not want to follow the right path to achieve its goals, but spends its days thinking about using crooked ways to hinder the development of others, it will only harm itself in the end.

History has proven that any attempt to defend one's own interests through power and hegemony is doomed to failure.

The United States should abandon the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game concept, and work with China and other countries to build a more just, reasonable and inclusive international order and jointly promote world peace and development. That is in line with the common interests and expectations of the international community.

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