
After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

author:Sansara Geographies
The article is contributed by netizens, and the editor polishes it and publishes it for readers to review

When I first arrived in Luoyang, I was attracted by the unique temperament of the city. Walking on the quaint streets, breathing in the slightly humid air, it is as if you have traveled back to the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago. But Luoyang is not only an ancient city immersed in history, she is more like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes but is still full of vitality, watching the changes of the world with a wise eye.

My first impression of Luoyang was that it was a city full of contradictions and harmonious unity. She is both old and trendy, heavy and light, restrained and flamboyant. Just like an old grandmother in a cheongsam and stepping on high heels, elegance is full of vitality, and tradition hides fashion. This unique temperament makes me can't help but want to find out.

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

1. Why is Luoyang so different?

When I first arrived, I was stunned by the topography of Luoyang. This is a city on the plains, it is clearly a "mountain city" with ups and downs by the mountains and rivers. The urban area of Luoyang is surrounded by mountains, and the Luo River and the Yi River pass through the city, and the whole city seems to be a landscape painting outlined by the brush of nature.

I asked a local friend: "Why does the terrain of Luoyang look more undulating than Chongqing?" "

My friend laughed: "You're a layman, aren't you?" Although Luoyang has undulating terrain, it is still incomparable with the terrain of Chongqing. What makes Luoyang special is that it is a basin city surrounded by mountains and rivers. We Luoyang people often say, 'Eight directions of landscape, Zhou Luo is the middle'. You see, Luoyang is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces water on one side, and this terrain was known in ancient China as 'the land of abundance'. "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

Listening to my friend's words, I seem to understand why so many ancient dynasties built their capitals here. This kind of terrain is not only easy to defend and difficult to attack, but also a treasure of feng shui! It is no wonder that Luoyang can become the "ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties".

But I'm still a little puzzled: "Since the geographical location is so good, why does Luoyang seem to be inferior to cities like Zhengzhou and Xi'an in terms of economic development?" "

The friend sighed: "This is going to start with history." Luoyang used to be 'in the middle of the world', but with the changes of history, especially after the Qing Dynasty, the economic center moved eastward, and Luoyang's status gradually declined. Coupled with the layout of transportation lines such as railways in modern times, cities such as Zhengzhou have risen rapidly. However, Luoyang people are not discouraged, we are working hard to develop equipment manufacturing, new materials and other industries, I believe that the future will be better and better. "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

After listening to my friend's explanation, I couldn't help but be in awe of Luoyang. The fact that a city has survived thousands of years of rise and fall while still maintaining its unique charm and vitality is a remarkable achievement in itself.

2. Luoyang's cuisine: more than just water seats

Speaking of Luoyang, the first thing that many people think of may be the Luoyang water seat. As a veteran foodie, I certainly won't miss the opportunity to try this famous dish. Led by a friend, we came to a long-established restaurant.

As soon as I walked in, I was stunned by the full table of dishes. A friend said: "The authentic Luoyang water seat has 24 dishes, all of which are hot dishes. You see, every dish has a soup, which is where the name 'water mat' comes from. "

I was curious and asked, "Why do you make so many dishes?" And it's all hot dishes, won't it be cold after eating? "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

My friend smiled and explained, "You don't understand this, do you?" The essence of Luoyang water mat lies in 'one by one, gradually presented'. The 24 dishes are not served all at once, but are served one after the other in a specific order. After each meal, the next one will be delivered in time, ensuring that each dish is steaming. This way of eating allows diners to taste the unique flavor of each dish, and also enjoy the harmony and unity of the whole dish. "

After listening to my friend's introduction, I couldn't help but sigh: "What a meal this is, it's like enjoying a food art show!" "

However, when I actually started to taste it, I found that the taste of Luoyang water mat was not as amazing as I imagined. I asked my friend with some doubts: "I heard that Luoyang water mat is very famous, but I feel that the taste is not as strong as Sichuan and Cantonese cuisine?" "

My friend said disappreciatively, "That's why you don't know how to appreciate it." Luoyang water mat pays attention to 'clear but not light, thick but not greasy'. We pursue the original taste of the ingredients, not rely on seasonings to mask the flavor of the ingredients. If you taste it carefully, you can feel the deliciousness of each ingredient and the mellow soup of the soup. "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

When my friend said this, I tasted it again. Sure enough, when I slowed down and savored each bite, the deliciousness of the ingredients and the mellowness of the soup were truly memorable.

In addition to water seats, Luoyang also has many special snacks. For example, peony swallow vegetables, pulp noodles, spicy soup, etc. My friend took me to taste a time-honored Hu spicy soup, and the rich aroma and rich ingredients made me fall in love with this breakfast at once.

I asked curiously, "Why is it called 'Hu Spicy Soup'?" Is it related to ethnic minorities? "

My friend smiled and said, "Your guess is quite interesting." In fact, the "Hu" in "Hu Spicy Soup" does not refer to ethnic minorities, but describes this soup as "indiscriminate" with a lot of ingredients. As for 'spicy', it doesn't mean chili, but the spicy sensation brought by various spices. The history of this soup can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty, when Luoyang was an international metropolis, and ingredients and seasonings from all over the world gathered here, and the chefs put all kinds of ingredients together 'randomly', but they didn't expect to make such a delicious soup. "

After listening to my friend's explanation, I couldn't help but sigh: "It's amazing that a small bowl of Hu spicy soup can carry so many historical stories." "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

3. Luoyang's culture: heavy and light

Speaking of Luoyang's culture, we have to mention Luoyang's peony. Every April, Luoyang will hold a grand peony flower festival, attracting tourists from all over the country to come to watch.

I asked my friend, "Why are the peonies in Luoyang so famous?" Can't peonies be grown elsewhere? "

My friend proudly said: "Luoyang has been planting peonies for more than 1,500 years. The climate and soil here are particularly suitable for the growth of peonies. Moreover, the people of Luoyang have devoted countless efforts to the cultivation of peonies. Do you know? Now there are more than 1,100 peony varieties in Luoyang, accounting for more than 80% of the national peony varieties. "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

I was surprised and said, "I didn't expect that a small flower would have so much knowledge." "

The friend continued, "Of course. Peony is not only a flower, but also a culture. In traditional Chinese culture, peony symbolizes wealth and auspiciousness. The Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi has a poem: "Only the peony is true to the national color, and the capital moves when the flowers bloom." You see, even the poet was impressed by the charm of the peony. "

Hearing my friend say this, I suddenly understood why Luoyang people respect peonies so much. This is not only a flower, but also a spiritual symbol of Luoyang City!

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

In addition to peonies, Luoyang's cultural heritage is also reflected in many historical sites. Longmen Grottoes, White Horse Temple, Guanlin... Each relic carries a lot of history.

I said to my friend: "There are so many cultural relics and monuments in Luoyang, presumably the protection of cultural relics is very important, right?" "

The friend nodded solemnly: "That's right, the protection of cultural relics is indeed an important and arduous work. You see the Longmen Grottoes, which have gone through more than 1,500 years of wind and rain, and now we have to deal not only with natural erosion, but also with the damage that tourists can cause. In recent years, we have introduced high-tech means, such as 3D scanning and virtual reality, to both preserve artifacts and enhance the visitor experience. "

Hearing my friend say this, I couldn't help but sigh: "The combination of ancient civilization and modern technology is the right way to open cultural inheritance!" "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

Fourth, Luoyang people: the character of both rigidity and softness

During my few days in Luoyang, I met all kinds of Luoyang people. They gave me the impression that they had both the gentleness and elegance of the inhabitants of the ancient city, and the boldness and straightforwardness of the men of the Central Plains. This unique personality trait makes me very curious.

I asked a friend: "How can there be such a big contrast in the personality of Luoyang people?" "

My friend smiled and said, "This is the characteristic of our Luoyang people." You look at our history, there is not only the cultural prosperity of 'Luoyang paper expensive', but also the fierceness of 'Luoyang shovel'. We, Luoyang people, can not only recite poems, but also work in the field. This kind of character of combining rigidity and softness is exactly what we have honed in our long history. "

I said thoughtfully: "Hearing you say that, I think of an idiom, 'Heluo Yingcai'." Does it mean that Luoyang people are versatile? "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

The friend nodded approvingly: "That's right, your association is in place." 'Heluo Talent' does originate from Luoyang. In ancient times, talents from all over the country were gathered. In this environment, Luoyang people have naturally cultivated versatile traits. "

After listening to my friend's explanation, I couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder Luoyang people feel so different." This kind of character, which combines cultural heritage and the spirit of hard work, is indeed very attractive. "

The friend added: "However, the current Luoyang people are also keeping pace with the times. We are not only inheriting traditional culture, but also actively embracing the new era. If you look at our industrial structure, there are both traditional equipment manufacturing industry and emerging new material industry. We, Luoyang people, are interpreting the perfect fusion of ancient and modern in our own way. "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

5. Luoyang of the Future: A Symphony of Tradition and Modernity

On my last day in Luoyang, I climbed the mountain and looked down on the city. Under the reflection of the setting sun, the ancient city walls and modern high-rise buildings are contrasted, forming a unique picture of the city.

I couldn't help but sigh: "Luoyang is really a city full of charm." It has a deep historical heritage and is full of modern atmosphere. "

My friend proudly said, "Yes, this is what makes our Luoyang unique." We are not satisfied with just being a museum-like ancient city, but to innovate in inheritance and inheritance in innovation. "

After coming, I found some special places, and I hope that the locals will answer them

I asked curiously: "Then what do you think is the future development direction of Luoyang?" "

My friend thought for a while and said, "I think that the future development of Luoyang should be a symphony of tradition and modernity." We should make full use of historical and cultural resources to develop the cultural tourism industry. At the same time, we must also vigorously develop high-tech industries, such as new materials, intelligent manufacturing, etc. Our goal is to make Luoyang a city that is both culturally rich and full of modern vitality. "

After listening to my friend's words, I can't help but look forward to the future of Luoyang. This ancient capital, which has carried thousands of years of civilization, is embracing the new era in its own unique way. She neither rests on her laurels nor blindly follows the trend, but finds the perfect balance between tradition and modernity.

When I left Luoyang, a sentence kept echoing in my mind: "The river, rushing forward, but never forgetting yourself."