
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

author:Lychee with iced rice balls

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Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

On this hot summer's day, a heartbreaking piece of news spread throughout the Chinese sports world. The tragic death of 17-year-old sports star Zhang Zhijie in an accident has brought great shock and sadness to countless people who follow him. The abrupt end of this young life not only makes people regret the infinite possibilities of his future, but also triggers in-depth thinking about the physical and mental health of teenagers.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Born into a single-parent family, Zhang Zhihui has shown extraordinary athletic talent since he was a child. With the support of his mother and his own efforts, he has achieved great results on the sports field and has also excelled in his studies.

Many are looking forward to him being able to bring glory to his country in the future. However, fate dealt a heavy blow to the family. After the bad news, Zhang Zhijie's mother was devastated and her physical condition deteriorated sharply, and she had to be hospitalized.

This tragedy not only makes people sad about the loss of a future star, but also arouses social concern about the mental health problems of teenagers. In today's society, teenagers face unprecedented pressures and challenges. Factors such as academic load, family expectations, and social pressures are intertwined and have a huge impact on their physical and mental health.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Experts point out that adolescents are in a critical period of physical and mental development and are easily influenced by external factors. The family environment, school atmosphere, social climate, etc., will have a profound impact on them. Especially for children like Zhang Ming who come from single-parent families, they often need to take on more responsibilities and face more pressure.

Psychologist Professor Li said, "Children from single-parent families are usually more precocious and sensible than their peers, but at the same time, they may also bear a greater psychological burden. They may worry too much about their family's financial situation or feel that they have to do better to make up for the family's 'shortcomings'. This long-term stress may cause them to neglect their emotional needs and even develop some psychological problems. “

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Zhang Zhijie's incident has sparked reflection on adolescent mental health education. At present, the education system in mainland China is still mainly oriented towards intellectual development and academic performance, and does not pay enough attention to students' mental health. Many schools have set up counseling rooms, but the rate of use is not high. On the one hand, it is because of the general lack of mental health awareness among students, and on the other hand, it is also related to social prejudice against psychological problems.

Sociologist Professor Wang said: "We need to raise the level of attention to mental health in the whole society. It is necessary not only to strengthen mental health education in schools, but also to popularize mental health knowledge to parents and the public through various channels. Only by eliminating prejudices and misconceptions about psychological problems can we truly help adolescents in need. “

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

In addition, the experts called on all sectors of society to pay attention to the special needs of children from single-parent families. These children often need more love and support. Communities, schools and social organizations can provide more care and help for children from single-parent families by carrying out various activities to help them build a healthy psychological state.

Zhang Zhijie's coach recalled: "He was a very good child, not only with outstanding athletic talent, but also very mature in his life. But sometimes I think he's too sensible, as if he's pushing himself too hard. We should give these children more understanding and support, so that they know that they don't have to be perfect in everything to relax themselves. “

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

This tragedy also makes people realize that even seemingly sunny and excellent children may hide a lot of unknown pressures and troubles in their hearts. Parents and educators need to learn to listen to their children and focus on their emotional needs, not just their grades and performance.

Ms. Zhang, a psychological counselor, suggested: "Parents should have more in-depth communication with their children, and not only focus on their academic performance or competition results. Learn to listen to your child's thoughts and understand their feelings. At the same time, children should also be encouraged to learn to express their emotions and not hide all the stress in their hearts. “

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

At this sad time, in addition to mourning for the deceased, we should also learn from this incident and create a healthier and kinder environment for the young people who are still growing. This requires the joint efforts of families, schools and society.

First and foremost, the family should be the first line of defense for the child's emotional support. Parents need to learn to communicate effectively with their children and create an open and inclusive family atmosphere where children feel unconditionally loved and supported.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Second, schools should strengthen mental health education and incorporate it into daily teaching. In addition to setting up professional psychological counseling institutions, teachers should also be trained in basic psychological counseling skills to detect and help students with psychological distress in a timely manner.

Finally, all sectors of society should work together to create a social environment that cares for the mental health of young people. Seminars, workshops and other forms can be held to raise public awareness of mental health. At the same time, the media should also play a positive role in guiding and reducing excessive attention and pressure on young people.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Zhang Zhijie's passing is a heavy lesson that reminds us that we must pay attention to the mental health of young people. Only by working together can we create a healthier and happier environment for the next generation. Let us work together to contribute to the healthy growth of young people, so that more young lives like Zhang Ming can bloom with the most beautiful brilliance.

What do you think about this? Comments are welcome.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized, lost his father when he was young, and the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears
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