
The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

author:Goshawk Encyclopedia
The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

Copywriting|Goshawk Encyclopedia

Goshawk Encyclopedia


In this seemingly calm Pudong area of Shanghai, each brand new C919 large passenger aircraft has completed its production line and begins their verification test flights, a process that seems to have become a unique sight in the aviation world. However, what is more striking is that during the towing of the C919 for a test flight, people's eyes are always attracted by a scene on a lawn next to the contact road.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

The wreckage of a large airliner that burned down there is lying there for the first time, and people who see it for the first time may be confused, even slightly frightened – after all, the wreckage of a burned airliner is not what one would expect to see near an airport. However, as more people learned, they gradually realized the deep meaning of this.

Background to the event

According to relevant reports, the burned plane was an Ethiopian Airlines passenger plane, registered with ETARH, worth US$340 million (about 2.4 billion yuan), carrying important cross-border cargo on a flight mission from Pudong, Shanghai, via Addis Ababa and finally to São Paulo-Santiago.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

Back on July 22, 2020, a sudden fire interrupted the originally calm night sky at the parking stand 306 of Shanghai Pudong Airport. Just as the hatch closed and the plane was ready to sail to the runway, the crew was alarmed by smoke and open flames in the main cargo compartment and immediately issued a "MAYDAY" emergency signal.

At the moment of the fire, emergency response measures were quickly activated. After receiving the distress signal, the airport's firefighting team launched an emergency rescue without hesitation. Armed with firefighters, they rushed into the flames and smoke to rescue them.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

The Pudong Airport Fire Brigade and the Shanghai Fire and Rescue Corps joined forces to launch this fight against the fire. After nearly 3 hours of intense and orderly fighting, the fire was finally brought under control; After another hour of hard work, all potential fires were completely extinguished.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

The fire had a non-negligible impact on the operations of Pudong International Airport. The airport had to be closed for nearly two hours to ensure safety and the smooth operation of the rescue operation. During this period, 16 arriving flights had to be diverted to other airports, while 34 flights that were scheduled to depart were delayed.

Investigation and cause of the accident

Members of the joint investigation team invested a great deal of energy and time to uncover the true cause of the fire by collecting evidence from the scene, analyzing the fire residue, interviewing relevant personnel, and conducting in-depth research on relevant documents. The investigation results showed that the direct cause of the accident was that the owner of the cargo concealed the true nature of the goods during the consignment process and consigned the dangerous goods containing chlorine dioxide disinfection tablets as ordinary cargo. Since chlorine dioxide disinfection tablets are highly susceptible to chemical reactions that cause spontaneous combustion under certain conditions, the concealment of this critical information directly led to the disaster.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

The investigation of the accident not only revealed the cause of the incident, but also sparked a wide discussion about the safety management of air cargo consignment. The accident is a warning to the gaps in the handling of special and dangerous goods in the air cargo industry, particularly in the lax procedures for cargo declaration and inspection. In order to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents, strengthening the supervision of the consignment of dangerous goods has become a consensus among all parties.

In the aftermath of the accident, the relevant authorities reacted quickly and pushed for the revision of industry standards and regulations. The requirements for the declaration, packaging, transportation and other links of dangerous goods are more stringent, and the supervision and inspection of the cargo consignment process have been strengthened to ensure that each declaration is true and reliable. Airports and airlines have also increased their staff training in the identification and handling of dangerous goods to improve their ability to respond to emergencies.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

Follow-up processing and wreckage location

After the accident, the relevant authorities quickly carried out meticulous aftermath work, aiming to restore normal airport operations as soon as possible, and carry out necessary repairs and compensation for the affected passengers and airport facilities. Although the specific liability and compensation situation are not disclosed to the public, it is foreseeable that for such accidents, the relevant parties will properly handle them in accordance with laws, regulations and industry practices to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of all affected parties are reasonably protected.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

The disposal of the wreckage of the accident aircraft was also properly arranged, and all the wreckage was transferred to the COMAC Zhuqiao base. It is not only an important place for COMAC to develop and manufacture civil aircraft, but also because of its unique geographical location, it has become the only way for every C919 test flight. The presence of the wreckage is more of a reminder to test pilots that they should never ignore the importance of safety in the pursuit of their dream of flying.

For the aviation industry, the wreckage of every accident is a profound textbook. They not only record the details of the accident, but also serve as an important reference for improving aviation safety and designing safer aircraft in the future.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!


The follow-up treatment of this accident, whether it is the handling of the issue of responsibility and compensation, or the aftermath arrangement of the aircraft wreckage, all reflect the serious and responsible attitude of all relevant parties towards such accidents. Through these meticulous and thoughtful handling measures, it aims to provide a more solid foundation for the safe and healthy development of civil aviation, and also provide a safer and more reliable flight environment for the public.

The losses were very heavy - up to 2.4 billion yuan! A small lie caused the entire plane to crash!

The above content is based on the official data and materials, and my understanding is only a personal opinion.

The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive energy in society without vulgarity and other bad guidance.

If copyright or character infringement issues are involved, please contact the editor in time, and I will delete the content as soon as possible!

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