
Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

author:Goshawk Encyclopedia
Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

Copywriting|Goshawk Encyclopedia

Goshawk Encyclopedia


For a long time, it was widely believed that China's domestic airliners must obtain airworthiness certification from the US FAA and EASA in Europe before they can be sold to the international market. But in fact, domestic aircraft have proved through practical actions that they can successfully operate international routes without European and American airworthiness certification.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

Domestic aircraft frequently go abroad to show their international strength

The domestic civil aircraft ARJ21 and C919 frequently flew to various parts of Asia for tour exhibitions and flight shows some time ago, attracting the attention of a large number of aviation industry insiders and the public. The ARJ21 also opened an international route from Nanchang to South Korea in early April, which not only demonstrates the technical strength of the ARJ21, but also shows the recognition of China's domestic aircraft by the international market.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

During the tour and air show, the ARJ21 and C919 demonstrated excellent performance and reliability, winning high praise from audiences and aviation experts. By showcasing both flight and operational performance, these two aircraft models demonstrate the innovation capabilities and technological progress of China's aviation manufacturing industry.

The international routes of domestic civil aircraft continue to expand

In fact, as early as October 2019, Chengdu Airlines successfully opened the first international route operated by ARJ21: Harbin to Vladivostok, Russia. This route not only opens up the air channel between China and Russia, but also marks the official entry of China's domestic civil aircraft on the international stage, demonstrating the reliable performance and operational capabilities of the ARJ21. The increase in the number of flights and the good feedback from passengers have laid a solid foundation for the international expansion of domestic civil aircraft.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

Subsequently, in July 2023, Indonesia Lingya Airlines announced the launch of a route from Jakarta, Indonesia to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, operated by ARJ21. The new route further expands the range of the ARJ21 and enhances its presence in the Asian market. The successful operation of this route is another test of the adaptability and stability of China's domestic civil aircraft in the tropics, and also provides a more economical and convenient aviation option for passengers in Southeast Asia.

The pace of internationalization of domestic aircraft is steady

Until some time ago, the two-type formation composed of C919 and ARJ21 flew out of the country many times to participate in international air shows and tour five countries around Southeast Asia, which attracted a lot of attention. Through these activities, it not only enhances the popularity of domestic aircraft in many countries and regions, but also further demonstrates the reliability and advanced technology of the model. Airlines and industry experts from various countries spoke highly of the performance and comfort of the two aircraft through close observation and test rides.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

The domestic civil aircraft has visited seven countries, including Russia, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia, plus South Korea, and the track has covered eight countries. These countries are not only emerging markets, but also important nodes in Asia's aviation industry. Through these voyages, domestic aircraft have gradually broken through the limitations of geography and market, and while expanding their market share, they have also accumulated valuable international flight experience.

At the air shows of various countries, the appearance of C919 and ARJ21 has attracted widespread attention. More and more international authoritative media and aviation industry insiders are reporting and evaluating domestic aircraft. A series of real flight data and good user feedback have promoted the further expansion of domestic aircraft in the international market. The steady pace of internationalization has helped to establish a broader sales and operation network.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

Participating in the tour of five countries around Southeast Asia shows the importance and strategic layout of China's aviation manufacturing industry to the Southeast Asian market. The aviation industry in this region is growing rapidly and the market potential is huge. Through the display flight and technical exchanges, the domestic aircraft has established good cooperative relations with airlines in many countries in Southeast Asia, signed a number of cooperation agreements, and created favorable conditions for further opening up the international market.

Airworthiness Certification: The Importance of Mutual Recognition Agreements

Of course, without European and American airworthiness certification, our domestic aircraft can be exported and flown out, but it does not mean that FAA and EASA certification are not important. Airworthiness certification is not only the key to opening the international market, but also the guarantee to enhance the international status of China's aviation manufacturing industry. Through the signing of mutual recognition agreements, CAAC certification of China's civil aviation has been recognized by more and more countries. In principle, these countries allow Chinese aircraft to be sold and operated, which facilitates the entry of domestic aircraft into these markets.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

Many countries have lowered the technical barriers to airworthiness certification through mutual recognition agreements, allowing Chinese aircraft to quickly enter these markets. Just like the MA60 aircraft has been widely used in many developing country markets due to its economy and high efficiency. This not only provides a cost-effective aviation solution for local airlines, but also accumulates valuable international operation experience for China's aviation industry. Through practical application in different countries and regions, MA60 has demonstrated excellent adaptability and reliability under different climatic and geographical conditions.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

Through the mutual recognition agreement, China can not only rapidly expand the international market, but also carry out in-depth cooperation with the aviation industry of other countries. Airlines from many countries and regions have signed procurement and cooperation agreements with Chinese enterprises, further promoting the internationalization of China's aviation industry. The opening of a large number of new routes not only expands the scope of operation of the MA60, but also facilitates economic and cultural exchanges between China and these countries.

Outlook for EASA certification of C919

COMAC plans to fully apply for European EASA certification for C919 in 2024. This move not only reflects the confidence and strength of China's aviation manufacturing industry, but also reveals an important step for domestic aircraft to enter the international market. In addition, in view of the background of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the EASA certification of C919 will usher in important opportunities and challenges. As an important country in the European aviation industry, France has a deep cooperative relationship with China in the aviation field, and the Sino-French cooperation will provide strong endorsement and support for domestic aircraft to obtain European airworthiness certification.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

EASA certification has always been known for its rigor and authority, and obtaining this certification not only means that the C919 has reached the international top level in terms of safety and reliability, but also paves the way for it to enter the European market. The promotion of Sino-French cooperation not only includes technical exchanges, but also covers multiple aspects such as policy support and market development. The deepening cooperation between China and France in the aviation field will not only contribute to the smooth progress of the C919 airworthiness certification work, but also lay the foundation for more aviation cooperation projects between the two sides in the future.


With COMAC's full commitment to the C919 airworthiness certification, a team of experts at home and abroad will work closely together to ensure that the technical indicators and safety standards meet the high requirements of EASA. Through a series of rigorous testing and certification procedures, the technical advantages of the C919 will be further verified and upgraded.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

Many industry insiders are optimistic about the prospects of the C919 in the European market. The smooth progress of EASA certification will add new competitiveness to the domestic aircraft to open up the European market. By continuously improving its own technical level, COMAC has built the C919 into an internationally competitive aircraft model and provided more high-quality choices for the global aviation market.

By continuously optimizing product design and improving service levels, C919 will not only meet the needs of the domestic aviation market, but also gradually enter the international market, providing global airlines with superior performance, safe and reliable aviation equipment. The outlook of C919 EASA certification is not only an important milestone for China's aviation manufacturing industry, but also an important chapter in the process of internationalization of Chinese brands.

Domestic aircraft C919 and ARJ21 flew abroad again, proving that the US and European airworthiness certificates are not cross-border licenses!

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