
Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

author:13 lectures on literature

In an ordinary family in Changchun, Jilin Province, Xu Songzi fell to the ground. is different from the bold and pungent Northeast girl in people's impression, Xu Songzi was born with a unique delicate and gentle.

She is so good-looking that since she was a child, she often heard people around her say: "It's a pity that this kid is not an actor." Maybe it's because I've heard a lot, or maybe it's fate in the dark, the young Xu Songzi has a vague understanding and yearning for the profession of actor.

This little dream, like a seed, quietly took root in her heart. As she grew older, Xu Songzi's love for acting grew stronger. With this heartfelt enthusiasm, she was successfully admitted to the Changchun Repertory Theatre.

Here, Xu Songzi is like a fish in water, and her performance quickly won the love and recognition of the audience. Looking at the audience's warm applause and appreciative eyes, Xu Songzi felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

However, for Xu Songzi, who has bigger dreams, this is only the starting point of her artistic career. She is eager to stand on a bigger stage and to let her acting skills get more experience and improvement.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When he learned the news of the enrollment of the Central Academy of Drama, Xu Songzi did not hesitate to sign up. She knew that this could be an important opportunity to change the trajectory of her life.

When the admission letter was finally sent home, Xu Songzi's hands trembled with excitement. She carefully opened the envelope and looked at the admission information on it, tears of joy glistening in her eyes.

At this moment, she thought that she was about to start a pure learning journey to chase her acting dream. However, fate secretly has an unexpected surprise in store for her, and an encounter that will change her life is about to be staged.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

Xu Songzi stepped into the campus of the Central Academy of Drama with a vision for the future. However, the gears of fate have long since begun to turn. Here, she meets the person who changed her life - Gu Rong.

The scene of the first meeting between the two is like the plot in a movie, and the moment their eyes meet, Xu Songzi feels that his heart is skipping a beat. However, the concept of love in those days was far less open than it is now.

The two had to be cautious and low-key in getting along. They chose a special rendezvous spot – a small pavilion in Beihai Park. Xu Songzi still remembers that the sun was just right that day, she and Gu Rong sat on a bench, sharing a handful of walnuts, and laughter wafted in the air.

Faced with the teacher's inquiry, Xu Songzi wanted to cover it up, but Gu Rong directly admitted the relationship. This little episode not only did not hinder their relationship, but instead made the relationship between the two stronger.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

Soon after, their romance was no longer hidden, and many blessings were reaped. With graduation season upon us, the two have to take a break from their sweet romance and face the challenges of reality.

Xu Songzi quickly won the love of the audience with works such as "Furong Town" and "Old Dependent", and his career is thriving. However, Gu Rong's road to directing has been quite difficult, and he often worries about funds.

Watching his beloved rush for his career, Xu Songzi did not hesitate to lend a hand. Back then, Gu Rong had no funds for filming, and Xu Songzi took out all his savings without saying a word.

This move deeply touched Gu Rong and made the relationship between the two deeper. Soon after, Xu Songzi and Gu Rong entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. In the eyes of outsiders, they are a pair made in heaven, golden boys and girls, talented and beautiful.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

The happy smiles of the newlywed Yan'er filled the faces of the two, as if the future road would always be so bright. After marriage, Xu Songzi and Gu Rong are a pair of beautiful people in the eyes of outsiders.

They are not only partners in life, but also good partners in their careers. Director Gu Rong's works "Old Shop", "Red Dust" and "Red Swan" have all become highly praised masterpieces of that era, and Xu Songzi has become Gu Rong's "queen heroine".

On the surface, the couple's career and relationship are thriving. However, as time passed, the trivial and trivial aspects of life began to quietly erode this seemingly perfect marriage.

Xu Songzi still clearly remembers the scene when filming "Wild Snow". She didn't go home for months and threw herself into the role. When she finally returned home with her tired body, she was greeted by clothes all over the floor, garbage and dry dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

At that moment, she felt a chill in her heart. For this, a fierce quarrel broke out between the couple. Although years of affection temporarily triumphed over the trivialities of life, this dispute quietly appeared in their marriage like a rift.

With the improvement of Gu Rong's fame, his heart is getting higher and higher. At first, he approached Xu Songzi with a pleading tone to get money to support his filmmaking. However, over time, his attitude gradually changed.

He began to feel that he had made his wife popular, and it was natural for Xu Songzi to fund his work. This shift in mindset is also reflected in their working relationship.

On the set, Gu Rong's attitude towards Xu Songzi became more and more casual, sometimes even without regard for her face. Xu Songzi clearly remembered that sometimes she worked harder as a leading actor than a group performance, but Gu Rong turned a blind eye.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

Every time he thinks of that time, Xu Songzi's heart will be filled with bitterness. She once thought that as long as she put in sincerity and hard work, she could maintain this marriage. However, reality gave her a slap in the face.

Those moments of neglect and disrespect are like a knife, severing the feelings between them little by little. Xu Songzi began to realize that the gap between her and Gu Rong was getting bigger and bigger.

The self who once gave everything for her dreams seems to be slowly disappearing. She often stands in front of the mirror, looking at the slightly tired self inside, her eyes are full of confusion and unwillingness.

However, even so, Xu Songzi still worked hard to maintain this marriage. She kept telling herself that maybe this was just a temporary difficulty, and that as long as they worked together, they would be able to regain their original sweetness.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

However, the burden of life and the pressure of career are like an invisible mountain, pressing on this once loving couple, making them gradually breathless. A fierce quarrel became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Xu Songzi was disheartened and decided to return to his hometown in the Northeast for the time being to calm down. She thought that, as before, Gu Rong would soon come to her and take the initiative to make peace. However, as the days passed, the phone never rang, and Gu Rong's figure never appeared.

Xu Songzi sat in the courtyard of his hometown, looking at the sky in the distance, with mixed feelings in his heart. She began to realize that maybe this time, everything really was different. When she finally mustered up the courage to return to Beijing, she found that her keys could no longer open the door.

At that moment, she felt the world spin around, as if the whole world was crumbling under her feet. In this way, Xu Songzi and Gu Rong began a 15-year separation life. In the past 15 years, Xu Songzi has experienced a low point in his life.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

Depression has been around the box, and it has even affected her basic ability as an actress - memory. For a while, she often stood in front of the mirror, trying to remember the lines, but always in vain.

The feeling of powerlessness almost consumed her. Xu Songzi often wonders, what has supported her through these long 15 years? Maybe it's the persistence of love, maybe it's the sense of responsibility for marriage, or it's just the stubbornness of not wanting to admit failure.

In any case, in the past 15 years, she has always maintained her loyalty to Gu Rong, as if she is still waiting for the man who once made her heart come back. However, time is the most unforgiving thing.

It takes away youth, passion, and the heart that once was. When Xu Songzi finally came out of this relationship, she found that she was no longer the young girl who could give everything for love.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

The 15-year separation is not only a kind of torment but also a kind of growth for Xu Songzi. She learned to be independent, she learned to be strong, and she learned how to maintain her dignity in the face of adversity.

Although she still has a desire for love in her heart, she has become more aware of the importance of self-worth. When Xu Songzi looked back on this time, there was both regret and relief in her eyes.

The 15 years of waiting may not have brought her a happy ending, but it made her grow into a more mature and strong woman. After a period of psychological adjustment, Xu Songzi was determined to regain his strength.

She is well aware that as an actress, she still has unfinished dreams and responsibilities. So, she began to actively take on the drama and strive to return to the screen. However, time is a double-edged sword. Years of silence have made Xu Songzi's resources and fame much worse than before.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

She took on many large and small roles, but she never failed to impress the audience. But instead of giving up, she worked harder to develop her acting skills and strive to excel in each role.

Finally, the opportunity came. In the TV series "Let's Get Married", the role of "Feng Lanzhi" played by Xu Songzi made her gain the love of the audience again, and she was affectionately called "National Hot Mom".

As she stood in the spotlight and received applause from the audience, tears of joy gleamed in her eyes. At this moment, she felt the joy of rebirth, as if she had returned to the feeling she had at the peak of her career.

Just when his career was back on track, Xu Songzi also made an important decision - to end this marriage that had lasted for 25 years. On a sunny afternoon, she and Gu Rong signed a divorce agreement peacefully.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

When the ink was not dried on the paper, Xu Songzi felt a sense of relief, as if the shackles of years had finally been untied. The decision was not made on the spur of the moment, but after a long period of deliberation.

15 years of separation has made Xu Songzi understand that some feelings, even if they are once hot, will become thin with the passage of time. Her choice to end her marriage at this time is not only a farewell to the past, but also an expectation for the future.

For Xu Songzi, divorce is not the end, but the beginning of a new life. She faces life with a more confident and calm attitude, and devotes all her energy to the acting career she loves.

This time, she is no longer anyone's wife, but Xu Songzi, who is completely independent. Today's Xu Songzi is 68 years old and still remains single. Looking back, she calmly faced her life choices.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

In an interview, Xu Songzi once admitted that he did not fulfill his duties as a good wife and failed to give birth to children to Gu Rong. However, this honesty did not affect her pace of moving forward.

Xu Songzi's eyes flashed with determination, and she said: "The failure of my marriage has taught me to love myself better. Now I can work and live freely.

Her words reveal a kind of calmness and indifference, as if after experiencing the ups and downs of life, she finally found inner peace. For Xu Songzi, working hard and living well, a person can live a full and happy life.

She is still active in the entertainment industry, interpreting different roles in her own way. There is no longer the confusion of the past in her eyes, but instead there is a kind of indifference after the vicissitudes of life.

Actor Xu Songzi and her husband have been separated for 15 years without scandals, why do they insist on divorce in their later years?

Xu Songzi's story is not only an actor's life trajectory, but also a process of women's self-awakening and growth. From an ignorant girl to a mature woman who has experienced vicissitudes, she interprets what it means to be strong and what it is to be independent in her own way.

Today's Xu Songzi is welcoming every day of life with a new attitude. Her experience teaches us that no matter how old we are, we have the right to pursue happiness. Her story also silently conveys an attitude towards life: even if you experience setbacks, you must be brave enough to live your life to the fullest.

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