
The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

author:Evening Breeze wants to say


Jia Ling's Hundred Flowers Award double nomination: The queen of the box office fights the film industry again

Jia Ling, this name is no longer just a simple label in the film industry, but a phenomenon. From "Hello, Li Huanying" to "Hot and Hot", Jia Ling has not only achieved great success at the box office, but also gained recognition for her artistic achievements.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

"Hello, Li Huanying" has a box office score of 5.413 billion, firmly occupying the third place in the box office in film history, and "Hot and Hot" is not to be outdone, becoming the box office champion of the Spring Festival stalls in 2024 with a score of 3.460 billion, ranking 14th in film history. Such an achievement is enough to make any director and actor proud.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Serial nominations: Jia Ling's film legend

Jia Ling's talent is not only reflected in the box office, but her directing and acting abilities have also been widely recognized by the industry. In the list of nominees for the 37th Hundred Flowers Awards, Jia Ling was once again nominated for Best Director and Best Actress for "Hot and Hot", which was her second nomination after the 36th "Hello, Li Huanying".

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Such continuous nominations are not only an affirmation of her personal ability, but also a recognition of the quality of her works. Netizens said: "Jia Ling is really a double guarantee of box office and word of mouth!" ”

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Hundred Flowers Award nominees: The stars shine

This year's list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is star-studded. Among the Best Director nominees, in addition to Jia Ling, there are also Wang Baoqiang, Wu Ershan, Zhang Yimou and Dong Runnian and other powerful directors.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Among the Best Actor nominations, the names of Wang Junkai, Zhu Yilong, Andy Lau, Zhang Yixing and Yi Yang Qianxi are prominently listed, and each of them is the hottest actor at the moment.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

In the Best Actress nominations, Ma Li, Wang Zhi, Jia Ling, Ni Ni and Yin Tao and others are equally fiercely competitive, and each of them has the potential to become the ultimate winner.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Netizens are hotly discussed: the highlights of the Hundred Flowers Award

As soon as the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award was announced, it sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens said: "This year's Hundred Flowers Award is really full of highlights, each nominee has his own fan group, and the voting will definitely be fierce at that time!" ”

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Some netizens ridiculed: "There is no Shen Teng in the Hundred Flowers Award, is it because he is too busy to participate?" Such humorous comments not only increase the interest of the article, but also make readers look forward to the final result of the Hundred Flowers Award.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Box office and word of mouth: Jia Ling's double challenge

Jia Ling's works have not only achieved great success at the box office, but also received extremely high praise in word-of-mouth. The two movies "Hello, Li Huanying" and "Hot and Hot" have received unanimous praise from the audience both in terms of plot and performance.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Such a double challenge not only tested Jia Ling's directing and acting skills, but also made her position in the film industry more stable. Netizens said: "Jia Ling's works can always make people laugh and cry, such movies are real masterpieces!" ”

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Jia Ling's career in the film industry: from comedy to art

Jia Ling's road to the film industry can be said to be a history of transformation from comedy to art. From the original comedian to the current director and actor, Jia Ling has proved the status and value of women in the film industry with her own efforts and talents.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

The two movies "Hello, Li Huanying" and "Hot and Hot" not only let the audience see her comedy talent, but also let the audience see her artistic pursuit. Netizens said: "Jia Ling's works can always make people feel her sincerity and hard work, such a movie is the real art!" ”

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

The future of the Hundred Flowers Award: Who will be the next legend?

As one of the most influential film awards in China, the Hundred Flowers Award attracts the attention of countless filmmakers and audiences every year. This year's list of nominees not only shows the highest level of the current film industry, but also indicates the direction of the future development of the film industry.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Who will be the next Jia Ling and who will be the next legend has become a hot topic among netizens. Some netizens said: "The selection of the Hundred Flowers Award is not only a summary of the past, but also an expectation for the future, and I hope that every nominee can continue to work hard to create more masterpieces!" ”

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Jia Ling's double nomination: The rise of the box office queen again


Jia Ling's consecutive double nominations are not only an affirmation of her personal ability, but also a recognition of the quality of her works. The two films "Hello, Li Huanying" and "Hot and Hot" have not only achieved great success at the box office, but also received high praise in word-of-mouth.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Such a double challenge not only tested Jia Ling's directing and acting skills, but also made her position in the film industry more stable. Netizens said: "Jia Ling's works can always make people feel her sincerity and hard work, such a movie is a real masterpiece!" ”

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

The suspense of the Hundred Flowers Award: Who will win in the end?

Although the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award has been announced, the final result is still full of suspense. Each nominee has their own strengths and weaknesses, and who will win in the end has become a hot topic among netizens.

The list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award is released: Jia Ling is double nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award!

Some netizens said: "Jia Ling's continuous nominations have proved her strength, but the other nominees should not be underestimated, and the final result is really difficult to predict!" Some netizens ridiculed: "The selection of the Hundred Flowers Award also depends on whose fan group is stronger?" Such a controversial topic not only increases the interactivity of the article, but also makes readers look forward to the final result of the Hundred Flowers Award.

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