
The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

author:13 lectures on literature

In the glorious history of Chinese sports, there is such a group of women, who have created their own legends with sweat and perseverance. Guo Jingjing, Zhang Yining, Fu Mingxia, Wang Nan, He Wenna and Wu Minxia, these six names once shone on the field, but now they interpret different life stories.

Wu Minxia, the diving queen who stepped into the national team at the age of 13 in 1998, has used her 18-year career to interpret what perseverance is. The light of seven Olympic medals illuminated her path to the International Swimming Hall of Fame.

At the Olympics and the World Championships, she left a glorious chapter of sweat and talent. Every time you take off, every turn is a transcendence of self and a dedication to the country.

Zhang Yining, known as the "Big Devil", is a female table tennis player who has been on the battlefield for 20 years and has won 19 world women's singles championships. The four Olympic gold medals are the best testimony of her winning for the Chinese national team.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

On the field, her eyes are firm and her movements are sharp, as if no opponent can shake her throne. Zhang Yining's legend has become a strong stroke in the history of Chinese table tennis.

Guo Jingjing, the elegant and tenacious diving princess, every leap of her is as perfect as a work of art. In the splash, she received countless praises and applause. He Wenna is the first female player in the mainland to win the gold medal on the trampoline in the Olympic arena, and she has become a "trampoline princess" with her stunning appearance, showing her style.

Fu Mingxia and Wang Nan are also leaders in their respective projects. Fu Mingxia has created countless brilliance in the field of diving, while Wang Nan has left his own legend in the table tennis world.

These shining moments formed their brilliant athletic careers and laid the foundation for their later lives. They are not only the pride of the country, but also the role models of countless athletes.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

On the field, they proved themselves with their strength; Off the field, their life stories are equally exciting. However, the gears of fate always turn inadvertently.

When these athletes take off their halo and step into ordinary life, love quietly comes, writing a new chapter in their lives. The encounter between Fu Mingxia and Liang Jinsong can be called a miracle that transcends age.

The 26-year-old age gap should have been a gap between the two, but it has become a bridge for them to know each other. This relationship has attracted widespread attention in society, but the two have always been sweet and affectionate, and there is no discordant voice because of the age difference.

Leung Kam-chung is not only a good man who loves his wife deeply, but also a successful political and business person, adding a legendary touch to this touching love story. The encounter between Wang Nan and Guo Bin is a different scenery.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

When Wang Nan was still an athlete, she met Guo Bin, who was eight years older than herself. This age gap did not become an obstacle, but made Wang Nan feel Guo Bin's extraordinary care and thoughtfulness.

Guo Bin's meticulousness in daily life melted Wang Nan's heart and made this famous table tennis player feel the warmth different from the arena. For He Wenna, the acquaintance with Liang Chao seems to be fate.

After retiring, she joined hands with the well-known producer and tied the knot. Liang Chao is an entrepreneur with a net worth of hundreds of millions, and his talent and career achievements have become the support of He Wenna's new life.

Zhang Yining's love story is equally striking. Through the introduction of gymnastics Olympic champion Ma Yanhong, she met Xu Wei, who was a full 20 years older than herself. Although some people have a lot of doubts about this marriage, Zhang Yining chose to marry Xu Wei without hesitation, showing her firmness in love.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

The love story of Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang is another kind of wonderful. As a giant in the business world, Huo Qigang has brought Guo Jingjing a different life experience. Wu Minxia also found her true love after retiring and opened a new chapter in her life with Zhang Xiaocheng.

In these seemingly impossible combinations, the power of love transcends the boundaries of age, identity, and background. It proves that when sincere feelings come, all external differences will become insignificant.

These athletes have found a new direction in their lives in love and opened a completely different chapter in their lives. When the glory on the sports field gradually faded, these female athletes ushered in another highlight moment in their lives - marrying into a wealthy family.

Their husbands are all business leaders and political elites. Guo Jingjing's husband, Huo Qigang, as the vice president of Fok Yingdong Group, is at the helm of a huge business empire.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

His career covers a wide range of fields, and he has made every move steadily and powerfully. Huo Qigang not only has amazing achievements in his career, but also a leader in the shopping mall.

Not only is the field he involved in, but each of them shows a strong vitality. From the pinnacle of the business world to the heart of the family business, Fok Qigang's career map can be described as colorful.

Fu Mingxia's husband, Leung Kam-chung, not only served as the important position of Hong Kong's financial secretary, but also served as the chief executive officer of Nanfeng Group. His influence in both the political and business circles has added a lot of luster to this marriage.

Liang Jinsong has invested in many real estate projects, and his value can be said to be rising. His achievements in his career are not only eye-catching, but also bring infinite glory to Fu Mingxia and his family.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

Wang Nan's husband, Guo Bin, is a well-known real estate tycoon in Weihai, and his business scale is remarkable. In fact, in addition to being considerate in terms of feelings, Guo Bin's wealth is also considerable.

He is the most well-known real estate tycoon in Weihai, and the companies under his command are all the best. Guo Bin's company is full-fledged and has set a benchmark in Weihai's business community. He Wenna's husband Liang Chao, although low-key, is also an entrepreneur with a net worth of hundreds of millions.

As a well-known producer, Liang Chao has his own place in the film and television industry. His career achievements have provided a safe haven for the former "trampoline princess" to pursue her dreams with peace of mind.

Zhang Yining's husband, Xu Wei, is 20 years older than her, but he is also a successful entrepreneur. Wu Minxia's husband Zhang Xiaocheng also has his own achievements in the business world.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

These wealthy marriages not only bring glory and halo to the athletes, but also give them new social responsibilities. From defenders of national honor to guardians of family interests, their roles have changed, but their missions are equally significant.

On this new stage, they need to learn how to balance personal, family and social responsibilities to show a different wisdom and charisma than on the field. The palace of marriage has opened a new life journey for these former sports stars.

From the spotlight to the firewood, rice, oil and salt in ordinary life, this transformation requires great courage and wisdom. Zhang Yining's story is the most talked-about.

This former "big devil", after marriage, cooks and buys vegetables himself, just like a housewife. Some people believe that as a world champion and the wife of a wealthy family, she should live a life of luxury, instead of going to the market to buy groceries or busy with household chores.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

However, this remark not only failed to affect Zhang Yining, but instead caused dissatisfaction with her wealthy husband. In order to protect the family's reputation, Xu Wei arranged for a driver to pick her up for shopping and go out on a Rolls-Royce, trying to let his wife live a life commensurate with her status as a wealthy family.

But Zhang Yining firmly believes that becoming a world champion is not only a title, but also a symbol of spirit. She adheres to an independent attitude to life and is not swayed by the outside world.

Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang's married life is a different scene. After marriage, Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang's relationship has always been as sweet as honey, and they have become a model couple that people envy.

The lives of the two are full of enviable details. The trivial matters of their lives are full of warmth and romance, as if every moment is interpreting the true meaning of happiness. For He Wenna, a low-key life after marriage is her choice.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

He Wenna is mainly low-key after marriage, rarely shows up, and silently helps behind Liang Chao's career. She became the silent backing of Liang Chao's career, selfless dedication, and wrote the delicate movement of marriage with practical actions.

After Fu Mingxia married Liang Jinsong, she also showed a different side. Despite the huge age gap, the lives of the two are full of tacit understanding and understanding. Wang Nan continued to maintain her unique charm after marriage, finding a balance between family and personal development.

Wu Minxia's married life is even more colorful. After welcoming her daughter at the end of 2018, her life changed dramatically. She began to focus on her family and children while continuing to maintain her focus on the world of sports.

These changes in married life show the resilience and growth of the athletes. They interpret their new roles in their own way, find a new balance in their family life, and show a different charm and intelligence from on the field.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

For these once powerful athletes, how to balance their personal career and family life after marriage has become a new challenge. Each of them is exploring the answer to this question in their own way.

He Wenna's choice is to silently support her husband's career. After marriage, she rarely showed up, silently helping behind Liang Chao's career. This choice shows the importance she attaches to her family, and also reflects her wisdom in the role reversal.

He Wenna became the silent backing of Liang Chao's career, selfless dedication, and wrote the delicate movement of marriage with practical actions. In contrast, Zhang Yining has chosen a more independent lifestyle.

She doesn't want to be defined by the label of "Mrs. Wealthy", but insists on being herself. Even in the face of doubts from the outside world, she still went her own way and insisted on cooking and buying vegetables herself. Zhang Yining firmly believes that the aura of a World Champion should not limit her sphere of life, and she has the right to pursue her own career and life.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

Wang Nan also found her own balance after marriage. She not only supports her husband Guo Bin's career, but also does not forget to develop her own interests. From an athlete to a wealthy wife, Wang Nan's role has changed dramatically, but she perfectly interprets this role with her elegant and calm attitude.

Guo Jingjing interprets the role of a wealthy wife in her own way. She is able to attend all kinds of social occasions with grace while taking care of all aspects of family life. Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang's love life has become the envy of many people, showing her calmness and confidence in her new role.

Fu Mingxia also showed a unique balance wisdom after marriage. Despite the large age gap with Liang Jinsong, she still maintains her independence and fully supports her husband's career.

After Wu Minxia became a mother, she paid more attention to family life. She devotes more energy to taking care of her children, while at the same time not forgetting her love for sports and continuing to follow the development of the sports world.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

For these female athletes, balancing career and family is not only a challenge, but also a manifestation of wisdom. In their own way, they interpret the diverse roles of women in the new era, showing their own value and charm.

In the process, they continue to grow and find their own place in life. From sports stars to wealthy wives, these female athletes have experienced a magnificent turn in their lives.

On this new stage, they shine in different ways. Wu Minxia's story is particularly moving. At the end of 2018, she welcomed her daughter and officially stepped into the role of motherhood.

From an Olympic champion to a mother, this transition has turned Wu's life upside down. She began to devote herself to the life of her family and children, while not forgetting her love for sports.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

As a legendary athlete with seven Olympic medals, Wu Minxia is now full of honors and has been inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame. Her story shows how athletes continue to shine after retirement.

The love story of Fu Mingxia and Liang Jinsong is another wonderful interpretation. Their marriage breaks the boundaries of age and proves the power of sincere feelings with practical actions.

Despite the age difference of 26 years, this couple has always exuded a sweet and loving light, and there is not a trace of discord because of the age difference. Guo Jingjing's performance after marriage is a model of a wealthy wife.

She is elegant and generous, but also relatable, which perfectly interprets this role. Her love life with Huo Qigang has become the envy of many people. After marriage, Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang's relationship has always been as sweet as honey, and they have become a model couple in the eyes of people.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

He Wenna chose a low-key lifestyle. After marriage, she rarely appeared in public and silently supported her husband Liang Chao's career. This transformation, in a way, is a process of inner growth and self-realization.

Zhang Yining interprets the new role in her own way. She insists on her own lifestyle and is not defined by the label of a wealthy wife. Even in the face of doubts, she still stood by her beliefs and showed a strong personal charisma.

Wang Nan also found his place after marriage. She not only supports her husband Guo Bin's career, but also does not forget to develop her own interests, showing the calmness and wisdom in her new role.

In the new stage of their lives, these athletes have shown a different charm from on the field. In their own way, they interpret happiness, success and the meaning of life.

The six female athletes who married the rich were originally legends of the national team, but they turned into the wives of wealthy families

From the glory on the stadium to the warmth of family life, their life story is undoubtedly a wonderful legend.

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