
70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

author:13 lectures on literature

On the bright stage of the entertainment industry, time is like a ruthless ruler, measuring the glory and decline of each star. Today, let's focus on three legends in the Chinese film industry: 70-year-old Jackie Chan, 61-year-old Jet Li, and 63-year-old Fei Xiang.

Jackie Chan, the name has long been equated with action comedy. From "Drunken Fist" to "Police Story" to "Rush Hour", he has conquered global audiences with his fighting spirit and unique comedy style.

Jet Li, from "Martial Arts Xiaosheng" to "Kung Fu Emperor", he brought Chinese kung fu to Hollywood, and works such as "Shaolin Temple" and "Huang Feihong" series are still talked about today.

And Fei Xiang, a talented man who sings and shadows, became popular all over the country with a song "Clouds of Hometown", and became an idol in the hearts of countless boys and girls in the 80s. However, the years are not forgiving.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

When we look at these three former superstars again, we can't help but find the traces that time has left on them. At a recent birthday celebration, 70-year-old Jackie Chan had gray hair and wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

The 61-year-old Jet Li is even more old, and in the photos that have been circulated recently, his face is haggard, and he is as heroic as he was back then. However, what is surprising is that the 63-year-old Fei Xiang seems to be swimming against the current, living younger and younger.

In recent public events, Fei Xiang's appearance is amazing. His hair is black and thick, his skin is smooth and delicate, and his gestures are still graceful, like stepping back in time.

The huge contrast between these three peers can't help but make people wonder: what makes them so different in their twilight years? Let's unravel this mystery and explore their respective life trajectories and maintenance methods.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

Looking back, it feels like yesterday. Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Fei Xiang, these three names used to be the shining pearls of the Chinese film industry, shining with incomparable light. Jackie Chan, the head of the "Family Class", defined action comedy in his own unique way.

From "Drunken Fist" to "Police Story" to "Rush Hour", Jackie Chan has forged classics with his blood and sweat. His desperate spirit made the audience laugh and sweat for him.

Jackie Chan once said: "I'm not Jackie Chan, I'm Jackie." This sincerity and fighting spirit have made him a superstar. At the peak of his career, Jackie Chan was able to set amazing box office records in almost every movie, becoming a well-deserved "box office guarantee".

Jet Li, from "martial arts student" to "Kung Fu Emperor", his growth process is like a wonderful martial arts novel. A young boy in "Shaolin Temple", a national hero in the "Once Upon a Time" series, and then an international action superstar in "Lethal Weapon 4", Jet Li has used his own efforts to push Chinese kung fu to the world stage.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

In the "Once Upon a Time" series of movies, Jet Li perfectly interprets the essence of Chinese kung fu, and his clean and neat movements and elegant temperament have created an image of a national hero that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Fei Xiang, this name was well-known in the 80s. In 1987, Fei Xiang became popular all over the country with a song "Hometown Clouds" and became the dream lover in the hearts of countless boys and girls.

His handsome appearance and gentle singing voice have captured the hearts of a generation. Not only that, Fei Xiang is also an excellent actor, and has created many popular roles in film and television dramas.

His singing and shadowing amphibious development shows a versatile side. In that era when there was no Internet and entertainment was relatively simple, these three superstars were like bright stars, illuminating the youth of countless audiences.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

Jackie Chan's action comedies let people experience the hardships and joys of life in laughter, Jet Li's kung fu movies let the audience appreciate the charm of Chinese martial arts, and Fei Xiang's singing soothed the hearts of many people.

They are not only actors or singers, but also cultural symbols of the era, carrying the memories and aspirations of a generation. Their success lies not only in their talent and hard work, but also in their ability to accurately grasp the pulse of the times and reflect the spiritual needs of the people of the time with their works.

That's why, even today, when people mention their names, there is still a warm current, as if they have returned to that passionate era. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the stars we love have also entered the year of sixties.

However, the years seem to favor everyone differently. 70-year-old Jackie Chan, who used to be a kung fu kid who walked on the wall at the peak of the moment, can not escape the erosion of the years.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

In the recent birthday celebration, Jackie Chan's appearance made people sigh. His hair had turned gray, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were becoming more pronounced. The kung fu superstar who used to laugh brightly is now a little more vicissitudes in his smile.

However, Jackie Chan's eyes are still bright, as if to say: Although I am old, my spirit is still young. In the birthday photos, we can clearly see the gray hair on Jackie Chan's sideburns and the wrinkles on his forehead.

His countenance, despite the vicissitudes of life, still maintains that trademark smile. Jackie Chan stood in front of the cake, surrounded by many friends, including Sammo Hung, Yuan Biao, etc. Although the years have left marks on his face, he still exudes a spirit of not admitting defeat.

The recent situation of the 61-year-old Jet Li is even more worrying. In a photo that has been circulated recently, Jet Li's appearance is almost unrecognizable. His hair is thinning and his face is haggard, which is similar to the heroic kung fu emperor of the year.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

Jet Li in the photo, his hair is gray and sparse, the wrinkles on his face are clearly visible, and his eyes are less sharp than before. This kung fu superstar, who once flew on the screen, now looks exhausted.

Some people say that it is a disease problem, while others say that it is natural aging after fading out of the film industry. It is reported that Jet Li has been plagued by thyroid problems for many years, which may be one of the reasons for his aging appearance.

In any case, it is really embarrassing to see the former idol look like this. However, when we turned our attention to the 63-year-old Fei Xiang, we found a surprise.

The years seem to treat Fei Xiang very favorably, not only did he not show the old state of his peers, but he lived younger and younger. At a recent public event, Fei Xiang's appearance was amazing.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

His hair is dark and thick, his skin is smooth and delicate, and he still has a graceful demeanor in his gestures. Fei Xiang was dressed in a black suit, smiling, and his whole person exuded a mature charm.

His facial contours are still clear, with no visible wrinkles and sagging. Fei Xiang, who once sang "A Fire in Winter", can still ignite the enthusiasm of the audience.

In the event, Fei Xiang's performance was confident and calm, and he couldn't tell that he was already in his sixties. Time, this double-edged sword, has carved different marks on the faces of these three superstars.

It tells us that time is merciless, but the attitude of life can determine how we face the baptism of time. Jackie Chan's tenacity, Jet Li's vicissitudes, Fei Xiang's elegance, each state is a portrayal of life, which is worth pondering.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

When people reach middle age, everyone is faced with different life choices. Our three protagonists are no exception, and their choices reveal very different trajectories in their lives. Jackie Chan, the ever-passionate action superstar, chose to continue to fight.

Even if he is over the age of six, he is still active on the big screen, interpreting "old and strong" in his own way. Jackie Chan once said: "I don't want to be an old man, I want to be an energetic old man."

This perseverance and love have made him a great success in his career. According to reports, Jackie Chan's worth has reached billions, becoming one of the most valuable stars in the entertainment industry.

Jackie Chan still insisted on completing most of the action scenes on his own, although it put a lot of burden on his body. In an interview, Jackie Chan confessed: "My body is scarred, but I still love my career."

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

This fighting spirit has allowed Jackie Chan to maintain a unique position in the film industry, and every work has attracted much attention. In contrast, Jet Li chose to fade out of the film industry and devote more energy to public welfare.

He set up his own public welfare foundation dedicated to helping people in need. Jet Li once said: "What I am doing now is more meaningful than making movies." Although this choice gradually faded him out of the public eye, it also allowed him to find a new direction in life.

Jet Li's choice is not unrelated to his health condition. Due to overwork and some diseases in his early years, Jet Li's physical condition has not been ideal.

"Health is more important than anything else, and I'm more focused on quality of life than just working hard," he said publicly. Fei Xiang's options are more diverse.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

He not only maintained his activity in the music and film and television circles, but also expanded his career territory. Fei Xiang is now a member of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and also serves as the host of several variety shows.

In a recent interview, Fei Xiang said: "I like to try different things, which keeps me young in mind. Fei Xiang's diversified development shows his love for life and spirit of exploration.

He not only exerts his influence in the literary and artistic circles, but also tries to interact with the audience as a host and maintain a connection with the times. This attitude of constantly learning and trying new things is perhaps one of the secrets of his youthfulness.

The different choices of the three superstars show the many possibilities of life. Whether it's continuing to work hard in familiar territory or forging a new path in life, it's important to maintain a love of life and a spirit of exploration.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

Their stories tell us that there is no fixed pattern in life, the key is to find the path that suits you and work hard for it. In the face of the erosion of time, everyone has their own way of coping.

Our three protagonists also have different maintenance secrets. It is reported that Fei Xiang has always maintained the habit of being drunk and gold-obsessed, paying attention to healthy diet and insisting on moderate exercise.

His skin is also well maintained, and he often haunts high-end beauty salons. Fei Xiang once said that he likes to use a face mask, believing that it can maintain the elasticity and luster of the skin well.

In addition, he also pays attention to mental adjustment and maintains a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. Jackie Chan's maintenance method can be said to be "work instead of maintenance". He believes that constant work and exercise can keep the body active.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

Although this method has brought some negative effects, it has also allowed Jackie Chan to maintain strong energy and enthusiasm for work. Jackie Chan also pays attention to his diet, trying to avoid greasy foods and maintaining a balanced diet.

In contrast, Jet Li's maintenance road seems to be more bumpy. Due to overwork and some diseases in his early years, Jet Li's physical condition has not been ideal.

He once said in public: "Health is more important than anything else, and I am now more concerned about the quality of life than blindly working hard." "Jet Li's maintenance method is more about recuperating the body.

He began to pay attention to TCM health preservation, trying various health methods to improve his health. Jet Li also chose to fade out of the film industry, reduce work pressure, and devote more to public welfare, and this lifestyle change is also a way for him to maintain.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

The three celebrities have different ways of taking care of themselves, but they all reflect one thing in common: maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset is the best weapon against the erosion of age.

As Fei Xiang said: "Age is just a number, the key is how you see yourself." This positive and optimistic attitude may be the real "secret of immortality". Time flies, and the years are like songs.

Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Fei Xiang, the three superstars in the Chinese film industry, interpret the meaning of life in their own ways. Jackie Chan is still active in the film industry at the age of 70, although he has gray hair, he still maintains the spirit of not admitting defeat.

As he says, "As long as I can move, I'll keep shooting." This perseverance has made him a huge success in his career, worth billions.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

61-year-old Jet Li chose to fade out of the film industry and devote his energy to public welfare. Despite his poor health, he found a new direction in life. Jet Li's choice tells us: "The meaning of life is not only to achieve oneself, but also to help others."

"The stories of these three stars tell us that age is not the only factor that determines a person's status. What matters is how we cherish the present moment and how we maintain our love of life and spirit of exploration.

Whether you continue to work hard, devote yourself to public welfare, or try something new, the key is to find a life path that suits you. Time is like a knife, but we still have a choice to face it.

Let's pay tribute to these three superstars, and wish everyone can find their own wonderful life in the long river of time.

70-year-old Jackie Chan and 61-year-old Jet Li are old, how can Fei Xiang, who is the same age, live younger and younger

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