
After Mach 31, I suddenly found that many countries are civilized and polite!

author:The old paste looks at the world

In today's world, the power of science and technology is undoubtedly an important factor in promoting national development and changes in international relations. Recently, China's Chang'e-6 probe successfully completed sampling from the far side of the moon and returned to Earth, with its re-entry capsule using a semi-ballistic jump reentry method that reached an astonishing Mach 31 speed during the re-entry. This achievement not only demonstrates China's technological strength in the field of aerospace, but also triggers a new understanding of the international community's scientific and technological strength.

After Mach 31, I suddenly found that many countries are civilized and polite!

Mach 31, that's an incredible speed. If this speed is translated into an experience in our daily lives, then it means that more than 10 kilometers can be traversed in a second. In other words, if you start from Beijing at Mach 31, you can reach Shanghai in just two minutes. Such a speed is unimaginable for any country, let alone interception or reaction.

After Mach 31, I suddenly found that many countries are civilized and polite!

The success of Chang'e-6 is not only a breakthrough in science and technology, but also a symbol of international status. In the face of this speed, many countries are beginning to reassess their relationship with China and realize the importance of cooperation with China. The speed of Mach 31 has become an invisible force, prompting countries around the world to respect and understand China more and learn to be civilized and polite.

The development of science and technology, especially high-tech achievements such as Chang'e-6, is not only a military deterrent, but also a bridge for peace and cooperation. The speed of Mach 31 has shown the world China's potential and determination in the field of science and technology, and also made the world realize that peaceful development is the common goal of the international community.

After Mach 31, I suddenly found that many countries are civilized and polite!

Behind the success of Chang'e-6 is the crystallization of the hard work and wisdom of countless craftsmen from major countries. They are unknown, but with their professional knowledge and skills, they have made great contributions to China's aerospace industry. It is the efforts of these craftsmen that have earned China respect and praise on the world stage.

With the success of Chang'e-6, China's position in the space sector has been further consolidated. In the future, China will continue to make more breakthroughs in the field of science and technology, not only in aerospace, but also in frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and biotechnology. The power of these technologies will continue to promote China's all-round development, and at the same time bring more opportunities and challenges to the world.

Mach 31 is not just a number, it represents the power of China's science and technology and China's rise on the international stage. The realization of this speed has shown the world China's determination and ability, and also made the world realize that respect and understanding are the cornerstones of international exchanges. With the continuous progress of science and technology, we have reason to believe that China will continue to work together with other countries in the world to create a better future with an open attitude.

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