
On the fifth anniversary of the transverse flute, Xiao Zhan's version of Wei Wuxian detonated heated discussions on the Internet, and the red sleeves became a new trend!

author:Linlin said entertainment


The fifth anniversary of Xiao Zhan and Wei Wuxian

Xiao Zhan's role of Wei Wuxian in "Chen Qingling" has become a classic in the hearts of countless fans. This year, it coincides with the fifth anniversary of Xiao Zhan's portrayal of Wei Wuxian, and fans have celebrated this special occasion in various ways. From the transverse flute to the recitation of the Fu seal, fans imitated the classic scenes in the play to express their love for the characters and their recognition of Xiao Zhan's acting skills. Netizens shared their parody videos on social media,

On the fifth anniversary of the transverse flute, Xiao Zhan's version of Wei Wuxian detonated heated discussions on the Internet, and the red sleeves became a new trend!

Someone joked: "I play this flute, Wei Wuxian wants to take me as an apprentice when he hears it!" This kind of humorous comment not only added to the interest of the article, but also inspired more fans to participate in the celebration.

On the fifth anniversary of the transverse flute, Xiao Zhan's version of Wei Wuxian detonated heated discussions on the Internet, and the red sleeves became a new trend!

Wei Wuxian's character depth


The role of Wei Wuxian not only showed his complex character in "Chen Qing Ling", but also left a deep impression on the audience. From the red-sleeved gesture of leaning against the sill window to the dilemma of facing thousands of people and spurning by thousands of people, Wei Wuxian's image is full of drama and emotional tension.

On the fifth anniversary of the transverse flute, Xiao Zhan's version of Wei Wuxian detonated heated discussions on the Internet, and the red sleeves became a new trend!

Through his "dedication acting skills", Xiao Zhan perfectly integrates the inner world and external performance of this character, allowing the audience to feel the truth and three-dimensionality of the character.

On the fifth anniversary of the transverse flute, Xiao Zhan's version of Wei Wuxian detonated heated discussions on the Internet, and the red sleeves became a new trend!

Netizens were very emotional about this, and some people left a message: "Xiao Zhan's Wei Wuxian is really loved and hated, and he is completely trapped!" This emotional resonance not only shows the charm of the character, but also strengthens the reader's sense of identity with the character and the actor.

On the fifth anniversary of the transverse flute, Xiao Zhan's version of Wei Wuxian detonated heated discussions on the Internet, and the red sleeves became a new trend!

Controversial summary


The role of Wei Wuxian played by Xiao Zhan not only left a deep impression in "Chen Qing Ling", but also occupied an irreplaceable position in the hearts of fans. However, as the character has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it has also caused some controversy about the interpretation of the character and the performance of the actors.

On the fifth anniversary of the transverse flute, Xiao Zhan's version of Wei Wuxian detonated heated discussions on the Internet, and the red sleeves became a new trend!

Some viewers thought that Xiao Zhan's acting skills were so good that it was difficult to distinguish the character from the actor himself; While others in the audience see it as a sign of the actor's success. Netizens expressed different views in the comments,

On the fifth anniversary of the transverse flute, Xiao Zhan's version of Wei Wuxian detonated heated discussions on the Internet, and the red sleeves became a new trend!

Some people support Xiao Zhan's acting skills, and some people put forward their own opinions. This diversity of opinions not only increases the controversy of the article, but also stimulates readers to actively participate in the discussion in the comment area, forming a dynamic communication platform.

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