
Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

author:Linlin said entertainment


Huang Zitao's "starting a family" manifesto

Huang Zitao mentioned in the live broadcast that the age of 30 is a new beginning for him, which means that he has begun to think about starting a family. He affectionately said that fans are his important partners along the way, more precious than many friends who only know how to eat, drink and have fun.

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

This kind of emotional outpouring moved many fans to tears. Huang Zitao's words not only show his deep feelings for fans, but also reflect his expectations and plans for his future life.

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

Netizens reacted enthusiastically to this, and some expressed their support, thinking that Huang Zitao should have his own life; Some also joked, "It seems that Tao Tao really wants to settle down, I don't know what kind of person my sister-in-law will be in the future?" ”

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

The delicate relationship between an artist and a fan


Huang Zitao also mentioned in the live broadcast that he would invite fans to his wedding, a promise that surprised and moved fans. However, some voices pointed out that Huang Zitao seems to be a little contradictory when dealing with his personal life and fan relationships.

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

On the one hand, he wants to maintain personal privacy and not make official announcements; On the other hand, he wants fans to be involved in his life events. This contradictory way of dealing with it has confused some fans, and some fans have even begun to question his sincerity.

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

The comments of netizens are also varied, and some say, "Is Tao Tao playing psychological warfare?" While saying that he wants to keep it secret, he also says that he wants to invite fans, which is really confusing. ”

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

Huang Zitao's artistic ethics controversy


Huang Zitao's artistic ethics during the idol period has always been the focus of attention from the outside world. There is an opinion that after he became an artist, he didn't seem to maintain his image well, and even seemed a little irresponsible in some behaviors.

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

Especially in dealing with fan relations and private life, his approach has caused a lot of controversy. Some fans were disappointed by some of his actions, and some even chose to leave. The comments of netizens are also mixed,

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

Some said, "Is Huang Zitao destroying his future?" As a public figure, how can you be so disrespectful of image? Others said, "Everyone has their own way of life, Huang Zitao may have his reasons for doing this, and we should be more understanding and tolerant." ”

Huang Zitao's 30-year-old declaration: a family or a mystery?

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