
Can Shi Potian break through the King Kong Demon Circle? His strength may far surpass Zhang Wuji

author:Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng

Jin Yong's pen has a protagonist whose combat effectiveness is very controversial, and that is Shi Potian. Some people think that Shi Potian has already come into contact with the level of cultivating immortals, and his martial arts are extraordinary, and some people think that Shi Potian's martial arts are at the level of Zhang Wuji, or even lower. How high is the level of Shi Potian's martial arts? Can he break the Vajra Demon Circle alone?

Can Shi Potian break through the King Kong Demon Circle? His strength may far surpass Zhang Wuji

If you want to know if Shi Potian can break the King Kong Demon Circle, you have to compare him with Zhang Wuji. Shi Potian's internal strength has three leaps, and Zhang Wuji's internal strength also has three leaps.

Before Zhang Wuji went to the top of the light, the Jiuyang Divine Skill on his body could not rebound from time to time, and the strongest person who rebounded was Emei Jingxuan. Jing Xuan slapped Zhang Wuji on the chest with a palm, and was shocked by the Jiuyang Divine Skill Protector, and his arm was broken.

The same was true when Shi Potian first practiced Yan Yan Gong, although his internal strength was strong, he was not immune to the attacks of some small jams. Changle helped Zhanfei slap Shi Potian in the chest, and his arm was also broken.

Can Shi Potian break through the King Kong Demon Circle? His strength may far surpass Zhang Wuji

During this period, the internal forces of Shi Potian and Zhang Wuji should belong to the same level.

Shi Potian's second great increase in skill was that he practiced the Arhat Demon Suppression Divine Skill, and his internal strength was like an abyss and a sea. The Arhat Demon Divine Skill is the first subtle internal skill in Shaolin, and it is not lost to the Jiuyang Divine Skill when practiced to the peak realm. At this time, Shi Potian was only a small achievement of the Arhat Demon Suppression. Therefore, the internal force is worse than when Zhang Wuji came out of the Qiankun air bag.

The third time Shi Potian's strength increased greatly was after drinking Zhang San and Li Si's poisonous wine, but this time it was relatively long, and the medicinal power was stored in Shi Potian's body for a long time and was not absorbed. It wasn't until I went to Xia Ke Island that I didn't finish absorbing it, and after drinking Laba porridge and practicing the Taixuan Sutra Divine Skill, I stimulated all the medicinal effects together. The new skill is too powerful, so that Shi Potian looks like a mad demon, exhausting the dragon and the wood island master.

Can Shi Potian break through the King Kong Demon Circle? His strength may far surpass Zhang Wuji

At this stage, Shi Potian's Arhat Demon Suppression Divine Skill has been completed, plus the addition of Taixuanjing Divine Skill and the addition of medicine, Shi Potian's internal strength should have surpassed Zhang Wuji, who has practiced the Great Shift.

In terms of moves and actual combat, Shi Potian's martial arts talent is very high, he learns any martial arts very quickly, and his martial arts are considered to be practiced by himself, and he has fought with most of the famous masters on the rivers and lakes, and no one can hurt him.

Before you go to Xia Ke Island, you can be immune to Bai Zizi's attacks. Bai Zizi had an adventure when he was young, and his internal strength far surpassed that of his peers, but Shi Potian couldn't break his defense when he stood up.

Can Shi Potian break through the King Kong Demon Circle? His strength may far surpass Zhang Wuji

After practicing the Taixuan Sutra Divine Skill, Shi Potian has reached the realm of moving his heart at will and doing whatever he wants, which is a realm that Zhang Sanfeng only has, so Shi Potian should be able to break the circle of King Kong and subdue demons.

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