
Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

author:Jingyuan financial media

From the shore of the Haihe River to the bank of the Yellow River, from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis", from "assistance" to "cooperation", since the cooperation between the east and the west has been carried out, Tianjin Heping District and Jingyuan County have broken the limitations of space and written a new chapter in the relationship between Tianjin and Jingyuan. Heping District gives full play to the advantages of talents and technology, and makes up for the health shortcomings of Jingyuan County through measures such as temporary job assistance, expert free consultation, and technical training, so that the people can enjoy high-quality medical resources at their doorsteps.

Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

In June last year, Ma Jing, a member of the medical assistance team who came all the way from Heping District of Tianjin, came to Jingyuan County Maternal and Child Health Hospital to carry out medical assistance work. After arriving at the nursing department, she actively participated in the daily ward rounds, department learning, health lectures and other work in the hospital, and also took the lead in guiding the medical insurance DIP, which effectively improved the medical service level of the county maternal and child health hospital, and injected new technologies, new ideas and new momentum into the medical service.

Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

[Dang Yurui, head of the Infectious Diseases Department of Jingyuan County Maternal and Child Health Hospital] In a blink of an eye, Teacher Ma has been coming to our unit for a year, and I have benefited a lot from getting along with her every day in the past year. Ms. Ma is very serious and professional, she is one of the 100 elite nurses in Tianjin, and she trains us at least once a month, and each training has both theoretical and practical work experience, which has benefited us a lot. Every time I make a hospital infection complaint with her, she will also point out our shortcomings in time, so that we can pay more attention to the work of hospital infection and prevent the occurrence of hospital infection incidents.

Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

Li Xinghong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jingyuan County Maternal and Child Health Hospital: As a recipient unit, I am very grateful to the medical staff who are thousands of miles away for their help to our hospital, especially Vice President Ma Jing, who came to help us this year, has given us great help in our work for a year. She has done a lot of practical and much-needed assistance from the DIP payment of medical insurance and the innovative expansion of nursing work to the health science popularization of primary health centers, which has laid a certain foundation for the high-quality development of maternal and child health work in our hospital.

Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

During her work in the county maternal and child health hospital, what impressed Ma Jing was every time she went to the countryside for diagnosis and treatment. In her view, help is to change from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis", and every time she goes to the countryside, she not only teaches new ideas and advanced technologies to grassroots colleagues, but also helps local people master the basic knowledge and skills of emergency care. Through continuous "passing on and helping", we will cultivate a group of medical talents who "cannot be taken away" to provide better and more convenient medical services for the people of Jingyuan.

Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

Ma Jing, a member of the Tianjin Aid Jing Assistance Medical Team: The patients in the townships and towns are too far away to come to the county seat, and it takes more than an hour to drive, and if they really encounter an emergency, they can only go to the township health center or the village health center. Therefore, the task of our township medical personnel is very arduous, and they must be proficient in various skills, especially emergency rescue skills. Every time we go to the township health center, we must learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation if we have time, and if the time is tight, we will also do a brief promotion, because cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills must not only be learned by doctors and nurses, but also by all employees, and science popularization should be given to the people, this life-saving skill is really too important.

Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

The return date of aid is approaching, and when it comes to the year of aid to Jingjing, Ma Jing uses "time flies" to describe it. Here, she performed her duties for patients with heart and affection, showing the responsibility of a medical worker; Here, she and her colleagues work together to help each other, immersed in a harmonious working atmosphere. She has won the praise and trust of patients with her noble medical ethics and superb medical skills, and has also gained a large number of "fans". In Ma Jing's view, during her work in Jingyuan, she gained far more than she paid.

Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

Today is the day when I came to Jingyuan for one year, this year has made the word time fly concrete, and the scene when I first came is still vivid, and I am about to leave in a blink of an eye, and I am very reluctant in my heart. Jingyuan is my second hometown, the people here are simple and kind, whether in work or life, I really feel their enthusiasm for Tianjin Heping people. In particular, our colleagues in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital treat me like family, we live and learn together, exchange work experience and ideas with each other, and the main purpose is to provide better and more professional medical services for the people here, and constantly improve their medical happiness index and satisfaction. If I have the opportunity, I hope to come to Jingyuan again.

Ma Jing: "Medicine" road mountains and seas to build a healthy dream

The story of distant mountains and rivers is far away, brothers and sisters are close to each other, and the story of affectionate help continues. Tianjin Heping District and Jingyuan County will continue to sing the "song of cooperation" and go all out to write a new chapter in east-west cooperation with a deeper level, wider fields and better results.

Jingyuan County Financial Media Center reporter Yang Jingjing

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