
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

author:Blueberry Tea Party

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The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Edit: Blueberry Tea Party

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

A rocket streaked across the night sky, reverberating through the streets of the Gaza Strip. It was one of 400 rockets fired by Hamas into Israel.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Israel counterattacked swiftly, with warplanes bombing Gaza day and night, and black smoke billowing up to cover the smoke-filled sky. At the same time, Allah rockets have been fired from the heart of Lebanon, adding fuel to the fighting.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

The situation in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out. Israel has tried its best to deal with the double attack of Hamas and Allah, but it has been blocked in urban warfare and war of attrition, and has been accused of being involved in a top-level conspiracy, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli forces.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

There is no doubt that Israel is worthy of being a military power in the Middle East. It has advanced weaponry and abundant military science and technology, and its three-dimensional combat capability of air and sea control and land control is unparalleled.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

However, in the face of paramilitaries like Hamas and Allah, sophisticated weapons are not the key to victory. The Gaza Strip is densely populated, and Hamas and Allah have long built a vast network of underground tunnels in the area, where rockets are hidden.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Rockets suddenly emerge from the ground, and it is difficult for the Israeli Air Force to effectively hit high-precision guided bombs. Hamas and Allah are trying to reverse their strategic disadvantage by holding their positions and attributing Israeli troops.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

It will not be easy for the Israeli Army to fight deep on the ground. Roads in downtown Gaza are narrow and the view is obstructed. Once the Israeli army penetrates deep, it will inevitably fall into a situation of being passively beaten.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Even the U.S. Army has suffered heavy losses in Iraq and Afghanistan, encountering urban guerrilla warfare that is difficult to distinguish between friend and foe, Israel knows that Hamas and Allah are not regular armies, and the front line may be everywhere at any time.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Once caught in the whirlpool of ground warfare, it is easy to get bogged down in a war of attrition. As a result, Israel tends to respond to these two groups in favor of precision-strike, "surgical" air strikes, in the hope that an economic blockade will destroy their foundations. However, this strategy has also been questioned and criticized by all sides.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

In several military strikes on the Gaza Strip, civilians have suffered heavy casualties, making it increasingly difficult to win the hearts and minds of the people. The international community calls on Israel to exercise restraint and refrain from indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

In fact, Israel's military operations are in a dilemma. If there is mercy on the part of his subordinates, it will be difficult to completely wipe out the armed forces of Hamas and Allah; Once the war is resolutely stopped, it will carry the moral burden of civilian casualties and lose international support.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

This has made Israel, which had the upper hand, appear to be stumbling in the confrontation with the paramilitary groups, and its actions have been blocked. Even more worrying is that Israel's economy has fallen into a downturn as the pandemic has raged over the past two years, and budget shortages have also affected military spending.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

GDP has been declining year after year, plummeting by 6.5% in 2021, unemployment has soared, and tourism revenue has plummeted by 62%. At one point, Israel was unable to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities due to a lack of budget. This will undoubtedly further weaken its influence in the Middle East. Moreover, Israel, which has been in political turmoil for a long time, has experienced frequent changes in the ruling party, and has once fallen into a political vacuum, and the dilemma in domestic politics has aggravated the situation of diplomatic weakness. This is bound to increase the arrogance of Iran, Syria and other adversaries, and the turmoil and unrest in the Middle East will intensify.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Militarily, Israel needs to assess the situation and weigh the pros and cons. Hamas and Allah, while not regular armies, are not entirely unfettered. After all, they need the support and cover of the population, so Israel cannot use indiscriminate force to kill innocents when attacking. Instead, it should carry out precision strikes based on a careful assessment of the nature of the target.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

This requires Israel to give full play to its advantages in information-based operations, increase its detection and early warning efforts, and target as much as possible the firepower positions, arsenals, and command systems of Hamas and Allah. Only a powerful strike at key targets can minimize civilian casualties, win international sympathy, and strategically reverse passivity.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Israel needs to play a more active role in the international arena and enlist the support and cooperation of more countries. By actively participating in international conferences and organizations, Israel can demonstrate to the world the threat posed by Hamas and Allah to security in the Middle East and globally, thereby garnering broader international support. At the same time, Israel can also strengthen cooperation with other countries in counter-terrorism and intelligence-sharing through bilateral or multilateral security cooperation agreements to jointly combat these terrorist organizations.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Israel should also strengthen its cooperation with its neighbours, especially those equally threatened by Hamas and Allah. By forging closer security ties, Israel and these countries can work together to stop terrorists from moving across borders and cut off their supply lines. At the same time, such cooperation can help these countries improve their security capabilities and reduce the influence of terrorist groups in the region.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Israel also needs to strengthen its protection measures for its own population and improve the level of security in the country. This includes strengthening security checks in public places, improving capacity to respond to terrorist attacks, and strengthening surveillance of cyberspace to prevent terrorist groups from recruiting members or spreading extremist ideas online. Through these measures, Israel can not only protect its own citizens from the threat of terrorist attacks, but also further weaken Hamas and Allah.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops
At the same time, Israel will also exert pressure through diplomatic negotiations on countries that commit crimes and support terrorism to change their ways. If the confrontation is ineffective, Israel may not be able to consider other non-military means, such as cyber attacks and economic blockades, to cut off the financial chain of terrorist forces at different levels.

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