
A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

author:Talk about the ancients


"Auntie...... It's true...... Thank you...... You ......" Before the words fell, Wu Bing's eyes were full of affection.

At this time, she was lying alone on the hospital bed, looking desperate.

The only wish is to see my aunt for the last time.

Seeing this coquettish little girl leave in her arms like this, Wu's mother was even more dumbfounded, and she hurriedly helped Wu's mother in fright and called the police station to report the case.

The person concerned, Fan Xing, was stunned when he heard that his daughter had passed away.

I couldn't believe that this was the truth, and I always thought that it was the first time that Wu Bing had no time to save himself.

My uncle immediately noticed the problem.

Wu Bing was in the second grade at the age of seven, with excellent grades and a cute and well-behaved appearance.

It is simply the "class bully" in the teacher's mouth, and the "little sun" in the children's mouth.

Although the little guy has a small body, he has the sensibility of a mature adult, and his brain is not stupid, and he is very sensible.

Especially has a deep affection for his uncle.

She likes to talk to her uncle, and she knows a lot about Zhiwen through her mouth.

But ever since he learned that his five-year-old fiancée was married, Wu Bing's mood has not been quite right.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

Until half a year ago, Wu Bing was sick, she was only seven years old when she was diagnosed with leukemia, and the family members who were careful with their liver saw a large soft blanket in the child's room, their eyes instantly turned red, and tears of distress flowed down.

What kind of disease is this, and can it be cured?

The doctor said, "Let's take the child to the provincial hospital, where the medical equipment will be more advanced than that in the small county."

Leukemia is a very serious disease, and once the condition worsens, it will definitely threaten the life of the patient.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

After several twists and turns, Wu Bing finally went to that big hospital,

Although the medical conditions of large hospitals are very good, they are relatively more expensive, and there is a saying among the people: "If you are sick and have no money, you will have to be sick" This sentence is not wrong at all.

The Wu family spent a lot of savings and borrowed a lot of money to barely enough money for the operation.

can only be said to be "barely enough", and the parents of the little guy in life are just ordinary salarymen, and the cost is so high, it is simply prohibitive.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

Uncle Zhiwen is worried day and night, and he can only run a list outside, helping the Wu family earn a little living expenses, which can be regarded as "those who come do not refuse", as long as it is a project, he will take it, except for some friends who persuade them to spend a lot of money and can't cure a disease like Wu Bing, it is better to find a doctor on the spot to see a doctor, maybe it can't be treated in a big hospital, maybe a miracle will happen in a small clinic?

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

After listening to this, Zhiwen understood what they meant, and he didn't want to put more pressure on his younger brother, so he told them to go to a big hospital to try, but he didn't do it.

Zhiwen can only go home with his heartbroken younger siblings.

It wasn't until Fan Xing came to Wu's house to deliver money that when he heard this, he hurriedly followed and said, "Mom, let me come!"

The family asked, "What are you coming from?"

Who said that children don't care about things, and they don't see that they have any money, so they want you to do things"

Mother Wu is the person who knows Wu Bing's condition best, so her first reaction when she heard Zhiwen's words was: He won't go to the hospital for treatment because of money.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

So when she heard Fan Xing say: "I will guarantee the medical expenses this time", she did not refuse, but she still had a little moral consciousness and said to Fan Xing: "Nordson's matter, we still want to think about it first, and we can't drag such a big thing on your head at will."

But Fan Xing said: "Auntie, Wu Bing is more important to me, and I believe you will not be irresponsible."

Looking at this brother and sister on a blind date, Mother Wu nodded, and then thanked Fan Xing.

And Fan Xing was also the only person who was willing to help guarantee such a large amount of money at that time.

This was the last time Fan Xing came to Wu Bing.

Leaving only a piece of chocolate that fell from his pocket for Wu Bing, he hurried away.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

Wu Bing's illness has not shown signs of improvement, and she can no longer stand up and walk now, so she can only use a wheelchair to walk.

On this day, Wu Bing was lying on the hospital bed, and when she was about to leave, she looked out the window on the left, and the sun was just right.

She whispered, "Mom, open the window, I want to see outside."

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

Uncover the truth by accident

Seeing this, Wu's mother hugged her daughter excitedly and distressedly, and said, "Bingbing, wake up quickly, your mother is watching you here, you can't leave me."

But Wu Bing's eyes were full of sadness and reluctance: "Mom, don't be sad, I know that grandma will take care of you, you have to be good after I leave, I will always watch you from above."

In this short life, she only had two wishes, one was to live, and the other was to meet Zhiwen.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

And now she can't fulfill either of these wishes.

Wu Bing said again: "Mom, you help me sit up, I seem to be a little out of breath."

When Mother Wu helped Wu Bing sit on the bed, she felt that her breathing was decreasing little by little.

Gradually, her body remained motionless and she could no longer breathe.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

Mother Wu looked at her deceased daughter, like five thunderbolts, sitting on the ground, and her heart poured out.

Hearing the sound of footsteps from the corner, Mother Wu just wiped her tears and stood up in a daze, but the moment she turned around, her tears couldn't stop flowing.

The person who came over was Fan Xing.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

She watched Wu's mother scold: "Seeing how the child gets sick is your family's problem, it is all the medicine that Wu Bing's mother gave the child to hold back, and she also cheated you out of money!"

Our children's affairs, there is no such old hole card as you!"

Faced with a person who doesn't care about the feelings of others, Wu's mother has no extra words and energy to continue arguing with him.

The most important thing for her now is to call the police immediately, and everything must be investigated clearly.

can't let some uninformed people fall for Fan Xing in vain.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

Fan Xing's attitude was obviously a little too blunt, even the police were helpless, and in the end they could only patiently persuade the Wu family, they were not looking for trouble, and they couldn't make a small disturbance about a matter without evidence.

This is where the confidence of the Wu family lies, Fan Li obviously renovated Wu Bing's room a month before the incident, could it be that the child died just because of the decoration of a room?

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

Later, the doctor and the police began to inspect his room, and sure enough, on the ceiling of Wu Bing's room, there was a layer of freshly brushed white paint, and this paint is the cause of cancer in today's society.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

After some inspection, Fan Xing was furious.

grabbed Wu Bing's mother again and said, "If you come out for me, I don't believe that it is such a coincidence, just painting a room, just because of this child, he died?"

It won't make you feel better!"

Just grabbed Wu's mother's hair and dragged her for a while.

Father Wu hurriedly came over to pull the two of them apart, and Fan Xing still said confidently, "What are you asking me to do?"

Tell me honestly, I won't let such a vulnerable child go!"

Father Wu endured it and didn't hit her, just patted his wife's shoulder to reassure her not to be too sad.

A 5-year-old niece died of leukemia, and his uncle looked through the photos before his death and accidentally discovered the true cause of death

The life and death of the child must be returned.

A five-year-old is an angel, but why is there a record of her death?

This is because there is a problem in the relationship between her parents, Fan Xing has always been bad to Wu Bing, she thinks that Wu Bing is the child born by Fan Li in order to persecute her, and she does not cherish her as her own daughter at all.

This kind of situation did not hide from Wu's mother's eyes, and it could be seen that Fan Xing's attitude towards Wu Bing was very annoying.

Later, a month after the accident, Wu Bing passed away, and the video on Wu Bing's road attracted a lot of onlookers because of a car accident, so the events during this time attracted the attention of others.

But after watching the video, people still thought that it was Wu Bing's mother who killed her daughter, and Fan Xing wanted to create the illusion of "alibi" for Wu Bing's mother, so he parked the car in a sparsely populated place outside the county, but there was a teacher's road here, and it was the exposure of this road that made Fan Xing's murder countdown flawed.

Later, because Wu's father told her that the conflict between Fan Xing and Wu Bing's mother during this time, no one could tell whether Fan Xing killed Wu Bing or Wu Bing's mother killed her daughter.

This also made so many contradictions in their family.

After the police said this, Wu's father said: "No matter who it is, you can't let Wu Bing leave like this without knowing it."

As the so-called life and death of children cannot be ignored.

Now all the evidence points to Fan Xing.

Their family members could only let the police take Fan Xing away.

Various evidence confirms that Fan Xing is Wu Bing's real murderer.

But when confronted by the police, she said, "I'm not going to kill a little girl!"

Finally, seeing Fan Xing's dynamics, Wu Bing's body was not killed by her, but when she braked urgently, Fan Xing was afraid of being seen by others, so he hit Wu Bing's head to the teeth, Wu Bing was hit at the beginning, but such a place is prone to heavy bleeding, and then she hit Wu Bing's forehead again, and finally Wu Bing's mother called "Mom" to be detected.

And Fan Xing was also synonymous with criminal responsibility because of her willful behavior and killing Wu Bing.


Even if there are some contradictions, in the end, you can tolerate a little bit, and the harmonious family is the home that each of us wants to return to the most, and it is also the place where each of us can rest assured.

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