
Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

author:Rose Tea Party

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Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Edit: Rose Tea Party

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

The conflict between Israel and Allah has never stopped, and the exchange of fire between the two sides has intensified in recent days.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Allah bombed Israel frantically, causing heavy casualties and causing chaos in Israel's position. The Israeli side reacted violently to this, even openly threatening to destroy Iran. With the resurgence of the Middle East storm, it is unlikely that there will be a ceasefire in the near future.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Iran has always been an important supporter of Allah, and the two are closely linked. Israel is well aware that attacking Lebanon alone will not be enough to resolve the confrontation with Allah once and for all.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Allah, with Iran's support in the rear, will eventually make a comeback, even if it is temporarily suppressed. That's why Israel is furious, gritting its teeth and trying to destroy Iran.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

The Middle East has always been the focus of the world, and its turmoil has never stopped. As a regional power, Israel plays a pivotal role in the Middle East. Israel's arrogant remarks against Iran are clearly intended to seize the initiative in the overall situation and create favorable conditions for it in this conflict.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Does Israel's abrupt and hegemonic attitude mean that a new round of large-scale military conflict is about to break out in the Middle East?

I'm afraid no one can say. History has proven time and again that Israel has never hesitated to use force and that it has always been dismissive of peace. As long as their interests are damaged or provoked, they may flee at any time and fight hard.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

It is true that Allah's indiscriminate bombing of Israel has indeed caused great trauma to the latter. The Israeli civilians who were killed, the cities that were reduced to rubble, the horrific scenes that made Israel feel like a great enemy.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Throughout history, however, Israel has never treated the Palestinian people well, and its military incursions into Lebanon have repeatedly resulted in numerous civilian casualties. On the other hand, it is not difficult to understand why Allah hates Israel so much and sees it as a thorn in its side.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

For hundreds of years, two peoples with opposing religious beliefs have been at odds with each other. The conflict between Israel and Allah has risen to a new level. Neither side is willing to back down easily, and violent confrontation has become an inevitable outcome.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

At the stake, Israel has opted for the most radical approach, which is to completely eradicate the Iranian regime. This is undoubtedly a kind of crazy behavior that gambles on the dignity of the family and the country. But who can demand that Israel be held in a bind manner? After repeated and indiscriminate bombardments by Allah, Israel has run out of patience. Once the tolerance level is breached, it will respond with an extraordinary response.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

The call to destroy Iran was a bombshell that sent shockwaves throughout the Middle East. The Iranian side immediately condemned it and demanded that Israel take responsibility for its remarks. The situation is imminent, and the two sides could go to full-scale war at any time.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

We can't help but ask, is the dawn of peace in the Middle East about to be extinguished again? How hard-won peace is in today's world! However, as long as there are antagonisms and conflicts between countries such as Israel and Iran, peace will not last forever. Regional security will be plagued by uncertainties.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

On the surface, Israel's public rhetoric of wanting to destroy Iran gives the impression of arrogance. But if Iran had suffered a similar attack, I am afraid that it would have responded in the same way. Because, when life and death are at stake, no country will easily show weakness.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

People would always prefer to believe in war rather than peace. As soon as you snap your fingers, the smoke of gunfire will rise everywhere, and the flames of war will burn in the Middle East. Neither Israel nor Iran wants to be peacemakers, but they have the flavor of becoming more and more courageous. All we can do is wait and see what happens.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

The clouds of war loomed over the Middle East again, this time triggered by Israel's open talk of destroying Iran. Such hubris is commonplace in the Middle East, but it is a different matter to put it into action.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Let us recall that the contradictions between Israel and the Arab countries have a long history. Since the beginning of the founding of the country in the early 40s of the last century, Israel has been engaged in many conflicts with its Arab neighbors in order to consolidate its position. The Six-Day War and the Lebanese War all witnessed the tragedy of this confrontation between religions and civilizations.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

To this day, the contradictions between the two sides have not diminished, but have intensified. Lebanese Allah, Iran's supporter in Lebanon, has frequently carried out attacks on Israel, resulting in heavy casualties.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

In the face of such a heavy blow, Israel's response can be said to be expected. However, it is undoubtedly foolish to curb Allah and eradicate the Iranian regime, the latter's biggest financier.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Although Iran is not a first-tier power, its military power is by no means negligent to Israel. More importantly, Iran is a Shiite Muslim country and has significant influence in the Middle East. If Israel does use force against it, it will be resolutely countered by the vast number of Shiite countries, and it will be Israel itself that will fall into the quagmire.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

From this point of view, the Israeli threat is nothing more than self-isolation from human civilization. As a regional power, it should make its due contribution to peace in the Middle East, not become the culprit that destroys it. We have reason to question whether what Israel is doing is an attempt to rekindle the flames of war.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

Thinking calmly, neither Israel nor Iran should act hastily under the impulse of passion, let alone talk about war. Once the flames of war are ignited, the Middle East will be plunged into a never-ending catastrophe.

Allah's heavy bombing has caused heavy losses, and Israel is angry: if there is no cease, Iran should be destroyed

As ancient civilizations, the two sides should respect each other and coexist peacefully, rather than keeping religious antagonism on the lips. In that case, the Middle East will only suffer further damage tomorrow, and its people will be dragged down and plunged into misery.

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