
Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

author:Stir-fried entertainment
Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

The thrilling news exploded in the entertainment industry like rolling thunder

- "Actress Li Yuanyuan is not afraid of danger and does not hesitate to sacrifice her life to give birth to her beloved son!" When this thrilling news spread on the Internet, countless netizens fell through their eyes and talked about it for a while. This once smash hit star made such a shocking choice at the peak of his career?

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Why would she give her precious life to give birth to a new one? What's the story behind it? It turned out that Li Yuanyuan was born in an artistic family and had a great love for stage art since she was a child. She has been shuttling in the crew with her parents since she was a child, starting as a small actor, and slowly cultivating her enthusiasm and talent for acting.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

At the age of 16, she was desperately admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy, opening a new chapter in her pursuit of her dreams. During her time in school, Li Yuanyuan gradually honed her solid professional skills through hard training and hard study. She not only has excellent academic performance, but also is a "practical expert" who plays various roles.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Everyone is very envious of her ability to control different personalities with ease, from gentle and submissive to wild and uninhibited, from subtle and introverted to enthusiastic and unrestrained. Her classmates privately praised her as the "flower of the college". After graduation, Li Yuanyuan entered the film and television industry, and with her skillful acting skills and beautiful appearance, she became an instant hit, and the first TV series "Morning in Shanghai" starring swept the major awards.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Since then, she has started the peak of her career, starred in many popular works one after another, and won many awards such as "Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress". However, when her career was in full swing, Li Yuanyuan's love life was quite tortuous. She divorced her two husbands successively, failed many times in her marriage, and had given up the idea of reorganizing her family. Until one day, a low-key but successful businessman, Yang Cheng, came into her life.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Yang Cheng secretly promised Li Yuanyuan from the beginning, and pursued this female star who had passed her prime. Despite the age difference, Li Yuanyuan was still moved by Yang Cheng's sincere love. After a period of getting along and getting to know each other, the two finally got along heart-to-heart and entered the palace of marriage. After marriage, Yang Cheng took meticulous care of his wife. Outside of work, he always accompanies Li Yuanyuan and is considerate. Li Yuanyuan also enjoyed this kind of intimate care, and under Yang Cheng's care, she was full of vitality and spirits. And Yang Cheng's biggest wish is to hope that his wife can conceive a lovely child and continue the bloodline of the two.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Just when the two of them were about to have a child, a confusing sign appeared - Li Yuanyuan's physical condition began to deteriorate, but the doctor couldn't find out why. Until one day, the doctor dropped this bomb on them: Li Yuanyuan had advanced cervical cancer! This bad news undoubtedly plunged the loving couple into extreme despair. The doctor clearly told Li Yuanyuan that she must immediately have surgery to remove her uterus, and at the same time cooperate with radiotherapy and chemotherapy to have a glimmer of hope for survival.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

But this also means that she will never be able to have children of her own. This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for long-awaited couples! Faced with such a difficult choice, Li Yuanyuan was in a dilemma and was in great pain. Will she give up her child to survive, or will she sacrifice herself to have a child? It's a very heavy decision. Under the persuasion of her family, Li Yuanyuan finally made a choice that shocked everyone - she insisted on being pregnant for ten months and having surgery after giving birth to the child!

"Now that I'm pregnant, I'm going to take responsibility for this new life.

Li Yuanyuan said so. She felt that God gave her this child, which meant that she had given her hope of life, and she could not give up this hope because of her own selfishness. Despite the dissuasion of her family and the advice of the doctor, Li Yuanyuan's determination was firm. She chooses to use her life to nurture new life for the next generation! For the next nine months, Li Yuanyuan has been suffering greatly from cancer.

Her physical condition deteriorated, but she still persevered without hesitation. Yang Cheng always accompanies his wife, takes care of all her daily life, and encourages and supports his wife in his own way. Finally, on a midsummer morning, Li Yuanyuan experienced the most difficult battle in her life, and she used her last strength to give birth to a healthy and beautiful boy.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Looking at this newborn life, all the suffering seemed to be nothing, and Li Yuanyuan's eyes flashed with happiness. But the good times didn't last long, and Li Yuanyuan began to weaken after giving birth. The cancer cells were raging in her body as if they were going berserk, and her vitality was losing little by little.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Eventually, on an autumn day, two years after her son's birth, the once-energetic woman passed away, leaving her husband and two-year-old son forever. Li Yuanyuan's death was undoubtedly a huge blow, and Yang Cheng fell directly into grief and despair, and once considered suicide to break his heart. And the poor child, two years after birth, lost the nourishment of mother's love, and the future is worrying. Just when everyone was distressed by this cruel reality, Yang Cheng finally climbed out of the trough of his long life.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

As the pillar of the family, he knew that he had to take charge of the family and hold up a piece of the sky for his son's future. So Yang Cheng cheered up his spirit and began to take care of the housework and concentrate on taking care of his son. Every day, he would take his children to the cemetery to pay tribute to his wives and let them know the greatness of their mother.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

"Your mom is an amazing person, she gave her life to give you life."

Yang Cheng often told his son, "So you must cherish this life, and in the future, you must be brave, kind, and responsible like your mother." Under Yang Cheng's words and deeds, the child grew up slowly, and his admiration for his mother grew up day by day, and he regarded her as a model in life. He deeply understands the preciousness of life and understands that he is the salvation that his mother bought with his life.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Since he was a child, he has been looking forward to making a name for his mother in the future and repaying his mother's great dedication with his career and life. In this way, with the joint efforts of Yang Cheng and his son, a warm and harmonious small family was gradually rebuilt. Every year on Mother's Day, Yang Cheng will take his son to release peacocks in the park to commemorate this great mother.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Sometimes they invite friends and family to share food and wine and talk about the noble sentiments of their deceased benefactor. Time flies, years fly. In a blink of an eye, the child has grown into a knowledgeable and healthy young man under the education of his father. The mother's last wish will continue in the son's body, and her spirit will be immortalized through this new life. Life is passed on because of mother's love, and hope is eternal because of children.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

Looking at the thriving young life under the sun, we seem to have a glimpse of Li Yuanyuan's determination and courage to insist on giving birth to a child. Although she is white-haired, she uses her life to ignite another fire of life, so that the world does not lose warmth and hope. Faced with the heavy choice of life, she did not retreat, but stood up and sacrificed her precious life for her beloved son.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

This great maternal love transcends all worldly prejudices and right and wrong, and gives us strength and courage. Although her passing is sad, the ideas and spirit she conveyed with her life will always warm all living beings. Mother's love is such a great and pure force, even at the moment of life and death, it will persist desperately and will never be erased. And the new life conceived by the mother with her life will also turn into the light of hope and last forever.

Actor Li Yuanyuan was reluctant to treat cancer for the sake of giving birth to a son, and more than 20 years after his death, his son decided to make people cry

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