
I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

author:Stir-fried entertainment
I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

Guys, there has been a hot entertainment news that has blown up the whole network recently! is about the couple Tony Leung and Carina Lau, who are known as the "fairy couple in the film industry", the reason why they have been "Dink" and infertile for 15 years has been exposed! The truth is so distressing!

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

Everyone knows that Tony Leung and Carina Lau can be said to be the best husband and wife models in the entertainment industry. After many years of dating, the two finally got married at an advanced age in 2008, when they were 55 and 44 years old. However, when they got married, they made it clear that they would "not have children" and decided to live a "Dink" life.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

This decision attracted countless criticisms and doubts at the time! After all, Tony Leung and Carina Lau are young and strong, and their conditions are excellent, so why don't they want children? It is widely believed that they are afraid that the burden of parenting is too heavy.

Time flies, 15 years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the marriage of Tony Leung and Carina Lau has always been regarded as a "model", and the relationship between the two is very good. However, recently, an internal source broke out an amazing "Dink" reason, and the truth turned out to be too distressing!

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

It turns out that the reason why Tony Leung resolutely does not have children is because he himself has suffered serious psychological trauma since he was a child! According to the revelations, Tony Leung was born in a very unfortunate family, his father was a gambler and drunkard, and borrowed money from restaurants to gamble all day long. The material conditions of the family are extremely poor, and the mother has to work all day to support the family.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

When Tony Leung was 5 years old, his father was finally found by a debt collector because of too many gambling debts, and he was severely injured by a beating. In order to repay the debt, Tony Leung's family could only flee overnight, lonely and displaced. After that, the parents divorced because of too many quarrels and intensified conflicts.

Since then, Tony Leung has lived with his mother and lived a life without money to eat. At a young age, he had to go to work to support his family, and the shadow of his childhood shrouded him throughout his childhood. These traumas made Tony Leung lose confidence and courage in his family, marriage, and having children.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

So when Carina Lau proposed to have a child, Tony Leung remembered those painful pasts, afraid that he would not be able to take good care of the child, and finally resolutely resisted childbirth. Carina Lau can't change this cruel reality, so she can only make compromises.

An insider revealed that Carina Lau cried bitterly in private. As the "goddess of frozen age", she originally hoped to have a child to inherit the lineage. But for the sake of this marriage, she had to give up the opportunity to have children.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

Whenever she thinks of her husband's pitiful experience, Carina Lau will cry and faint in the toilet, and she will be secretly sad in it alone. And whenever she sees other scenes of family harmony and a group of children, she can't stop crying. As the proud daughter of the sky, she never thought that her life would be so cruel.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

After hearing about it, some relatives also tried their best to persuade Tony Leung to have a child, but he had already made up his mind that no one could change it. It seems that this fairy couple is destined to be "Dink" like this, which is really a big regret in life!

What do you think about this matter? Welcome to discuss in the comment area! We feel sorry for the misfortune of Tony Leung and Carina Lau, and wish them happiness and health for the rest of their lives!

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

The reasons for Tony Leung's infertility mentioned above are suffocating, let us know more about the private life of their couple. Although it seems to be a "fairy couple", in fact, Tony Leung and Carina Lau's marriage is not smooth sailing.

According to acquaintances in the circle, Tony Leung's personality is too introverted and reticent, and sometimes he rarely even talks to his wife. Once at home, Carina Lau cooked a large table of good dishes and waited for her husband to come back, but Tony Leung didn't even praise him after eating.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

Carina Lau cried at the time, accusing Tony Leung of not knowing how to care and cherish himself at all. Tony Leung explained that he rarely communicated with people intimately since he was a child, so he really didn't do well enough. However, he really loves Carina Lau, but it is difficult to express it in words.

The two quarreled several times over this point, and the relationship fell to a freezing point for a while. After a fierce quarrel, Carina Lau angrily threatened to "divorce" and smashed a beloved mirror. Fortunately, the two reconciled in the end, but the marriage did have a crisis.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

But what's even more sad is that even Carina Lau's best friend can't stand it. At a girls' party, she scolded Tony Leung in front of other friends: "Are you too selfish?" Is it okay to spoil Jialing on the tip of your heart?"

Hearing this question, the female friends present nodded yes one after another. After this battle, Tony Leung finally realized the seriousness of the problem and began to take the initiative to change, trying to express his love to Carina Lau, and the relationship between the two slowly improved.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

However, Tony Leung's withdrawn personality seems to have brought a lot of trouble to the people around him. Some staff revealed that Tony Leung was notoriously "unclear" on the set, and he basically had zero communication with others. If he was disturbed, he would immediately stiffen his face, and the atmosphere suddenly became very awkward.

At one point there was even a very funny episode. Tony Leung was filming, and he suddenly wanted to go to the toilet in a hurry. But I couldn't find where the toilet was, so I walked around the set, and finally was helplessly dragged to the door of the toilet by the staff.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

From these little things, we can see that Tony Leung is indeed a "maverick" person. In life, he often walks in his own world, even if he has married a super beauty like Carina Lau as his wife, he is still stubborn. Maybe that's because of his personality.

But having said that, Tony Leung's achievements in his career are obvious to all. has been brilliant in the film industry for decades, and he has won a total of 9 actor awards, and is recognized as a powerful actor. Everywhere he went, he was highly praised by the director and the audience.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

What's more valuable is that Tony Leung has always adhered to an unparalleled spirit of perseverance in his career. Some producers admitted that Tony Leung may suddenly change an action or expression at any time during filming, because he feels that he has not fully obtained the "feeling" he wants.

Even if the director has said yes several times, he will still insist on reshooting until he is completely satisfied. This attitude of striving for perfection and never being satisfied with his work has made him an extraordinary achievement in acting. Perhaps this is a portrayal of Tony Leung's stubborn personality.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

From career to life, it can be said that Tony Leung is an extraordinary figure. His serious, eccentric, withdrawn and introverted personality has left a deep impression on hundreds of millions of fans. Although some people say that he is a bit of a "sissy", no one can deny his strength and achievements.

As for his private life with Carina Lau's "Dink", it may be a manifestation of this "different" philosophy of life. Anyway, Tony Leung and Carina Lau still seem to be in love now, and we, as outsiders, can only wish them happiness.

I never expected it! Tony Leung, who has been "Dink" all his life, has finally ushered in this ending

This is the whole process of Tony Leung's Dink life, interested friends can communicate and discuss! If there's anything else you'd like to know, just let it up and we'll talk about it later.

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