
The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

author:Pupu Health

"Uncle Zhang, do you have a habit of taking a hot shower every night?" Doctor Liu Wenbin looked at the examination results in front of him, frowned, and asked.

Uncle Zhang, who is nearly 70 years old, is a retired teacher. As soon as summer arrived, he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and even almost didn't wake up at night a few times.

On weekdays, he has no bad habits, and his life is regular, but there is only one thing he has insisted on for decades - taking a hot bath every night before going to bed.

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

"Doctor, is this habit bad for me?" Uncle Zhang looked puzzled.

"Well, it's probably not that simple." Dr. Liu pulled out a table, pointed to the data and explained, "You see, your blood pressure is significantly higher at night, and this is probably related to your bathing habits. ”

Uncle Zhang was stunned for a moment, he never thought that the hot bath every night had something to do with his blood pressure.

"It's a good thing that taking a hot bath relaxes your muscles and soothes your body and mind." "But for the elderly, especially in the summer heat, taking a hot shower every night can pose some health problems. ”

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

Dr. Liu began to explain in detail, and Uncle Zhang pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"First of all, a hot bath causes blood vessels to dilate, which increases blood flow, increases the burden on the heart, and fluctuates blood pressure.

"Studies have shown that blood pressure fluctuations in the elderly after taking a hot bath are more likely to cause cardiovascular events.

Especially in high temperature environments, the heart needs to work harder to maintain body temperature balance, which increases the burden on the heart. ”

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

Uncle Zhang's mouth opened wide in surprise, "Then do I have to quit this habit?" ”

Dr. Liu smiled, "You don't have to quit, but you need to adjust." First of all, the bathing time should not be too long, and the water temperature should not be too high.

Secondly, pay attention to hydration before and after bathing to avoid blood pressure fluctuations caused by dehydration. ”

There is an Aunt Li, like you, who must take a hot shower every night. One day, she suddenly felt dizzy while taking a shower, and even fainted at one point.

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

The family rushed to the hospital, only to learn that it was caused by a sharp increase in blood pressure. This incident made her realize that she needed to change her habit of taking a hot shower every night. ”

Uncle Zhang was dumbfounded when he heard this, he didn't expect such an ordinary habit to have such a big risk.

"And how do I take a shower?" Uncle Zhang asked eagerly.

Dr. Liu patiently replied, "There are two things to keep in mind when taking a bath: first, keep the water temperature below 38°C and the time within 15 minutes.

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

Second, don't rub your body too hard when bathing, and avoid standing up or sitting down suddenly, which can reduce the risk of blood pressure fluctuations. ”

Dr. Lau went on to explain, "Another key point is the choice of bath time.

It is best for older people to take a shower an hour after dinner to avoid blood pressure fluctuations caused by bathing just after eating.

After dinner, the blood is more concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract, and bathing causes blood to redistribute, increasing the burden on the heart. ”

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

"How about taking a shower during the day?" Uncle Zhang asked.

"It's also a good idea to take a shower during the day." Dr. Liu nodded and said, "But be careful, avoid taking a hot shower immediately after going out in hot weather." It is best to rest in the shade first to allow the body temperature to cool down before taking a bath. ”

Uncle Zhang nodded, feeling that he had learned a lot of new knowledge today. Suddenly, a question came to him, "Does that mean that elderly people shouldn't take hot baths?" ”

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

Dr. Liu smiled and shook his head, "It's not that you don't wash it, but you have to pay attention to the ways and means." The right way to bathe will not only help us stay clean, but it will also promote sleep and relaxation. ”

In order to make Uncle Zhang understand more intuitively, Dr. Liu talked about another statistic, "According to a survey of 1,000 elderly people, 70% of the elderly take hot baths every night.

However, nearly half of them reported uncomfortable symptoms such as chest tightness and palpitations. After adjusting the bathing habits, these symptoms improved significantly. ”

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

After hearing this, Uncle Zhang's heart suddenly brightened, "It seems that I will pay more attention to taking a bath in the future." ”

Dr. Liu nodded and added, "In addition, you should make preparations before taking a bath every night, such as relaxing, listening to soft music, drying your body in time after bathing, and wearing warm clothes to avoid catching a cold." ”

Uncle Zhang smiled, "It seems that there is so much knowledge in bathing!" ”

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

Dr. Liu said solemnly, "Yes, especially the elderly, need to pay more attention to these details of life. After all, health is our most important asset. ”

Uncle Zhang left the hospital happily, and he decided to adjust his bathing habits from today. Every night before taking a bath, he will check the water temperature, control the time, and drink a glass of warm water after bathing to replenish water.

He found that not only did he feel more comfortable doing so, but he also slept much more comfortably at night.

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

However, Uncle Zhang's story does not end there. One day, he met an old friend, Uncle Wang, at a community event.

Uncle Wang is also an elderly person who is keen to take a hot bath every night, but he always feels more tired after taking a bath, and even has dizziness.

Uncle Zhang told Uncle Wang everything he learned from Dr. Liu.

"Brother Wang, you have to pay attention, you can't take a bath every night!" Uncle Zhang said seriously.

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

After hearing this, Uncle Wang also began to reflect on his bathing habits, and at the suggestion of Uncle Zhang, he made adjustments. Soon after, he noticed that his discomfort had eased as well.

They passed on the bathing knowledge they learned from Dr. Liu to more elderly friends. Everyone praised them gratefully, and the elderly people in the community who bathed began to pay attention to the temperature and time of the water, and their health improved significantly.

For the elderly, in addition to bath time and water temperature, are there any other daily habits that need to be taken special care to ensure that blood pressure is stable?

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

There are many habits that the elderly need to pay attention to in their daily life to ensure that their blood pressure is stable:

Diet control: The elderly should try to avoid high-salt and high-fat foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, and keep a light diet.

Regular exercise: Moderate exercise can help maintain cardiovascular health, but the elderly should choose an exercise method that suits them, such as walking, tai chi, etc., and avoid excessive strenuous exercise.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Tobacco and alcohol can have a negative impact on blood pressure, so older people should try to quit smoking and drink alcohol in moderation.

Maintain peace of mind: Mood swings can lead to unstable blood pressure, and older people should learn to relax, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and avoid excessive tension and stress.

The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

Insist on regular check-ups: The elderly should have regular health check-ups, especially blood pressure monitoring, and should be detected and treated early.

Get enough sleep: Good sleep quality is essential for blood pressure control, and older adults should make sure they get enough sleep each day to avoid staying up late.

Through these small details of daily life, seniors can better control their blood pressure and maintain good health.

Hope it helps, thanks!

References:[1]Zhang Zhuobo. Gansu Education,2011,(18):48.)
The elderly should pay attention to taking hot baths! Reminder: To keep your blood pressure stable, keep "two things" in mind when taking a shower

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